Office Assistant (Student job)

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Studiejob - København

📍Copenhagen 📆 As soon as possible👩🏽‍💻 On-site 📚 Our Recruitment ProcessOur Recruitment ProcessAt Precis, we are a group of friendly experts in media buying, analytics & marketing science, creative and technology with a joint mission to help great companies thrive in the digital landscape.Are you a highly organized multitasker with a flair for creating a smooth and enjoyable workplace experience? We’re looking for a part-time Office Assistant to join our Copenhagen office and play a key role in ensuring our office operations and events run seamlessly.part-timeOffice AssistantAt [xxxxx], we value creativity, collaboration, and an inspiring workplace environment. This role is perfect for someone who thrives on keeping things running smoothly while bringing positive energy to the team.We are committed to building an inclusive and fair workplace that attracts talent and advances its people, regardless of their background, experiences or perspectives. We believe that a diverse set of minds will continue to contribute to our innovative culture and our ability to reinvent ourselves constantly.WHAT YOU WILL BE DOINGWHAT YOU WILL BE DOINGAs an Office Assistant, you’ll be the go-to person for ensuring that the Copenhagen office remains a well-functioning, inviting, and fun place to work. Your responsibilities will include:Event Coordination:Event Coordination:Organize and assist with office events, including:
  • Seasonal gatherings like the Summer and Christmas parties.

  • Team activities include the DHL Run, Black Week initiatives, and yoga sessions.

  • Monthly Friday Bars, from planning to execution.

  • Seasonal gatherings like the Summer and Christmas parties.

    Seasonal gatherings like the Summer and Christmas parties.Team activities include the DHL Run, Black Week initiatives, and yoga sessions.

    Team activities include the DHL Run, Black Week initiatives, and yoga sessions.Monthly Friday Bars, from planning to execution.

    Monthly Friday Bars, from planning to execution.Office Maintenance:Office Maintenance:
  • Manage relationships with service providers, including the landlord and the cleaning company, ensuring high standards are maintained.

  • Keep the office visually appealing by organizing desks, cables, and furniture, while managing clutter and ad hoc improvements.

  • Handle office-related logistics, such as coordinating lunch orders with Meyers and overseeing mobile phone setups.

  • Manage relationships with service providers, including the landlord and the cleaning company, ensuring high standards are maintained.

    Manage relationships with service providers, including the landlord and the cleaning company, ensuring high standards are maintained.Keep the office visually appealing by organizing desks, cables, and furniture, while managing clutter and ad hoc improvements.

    Keep the office visually appealing by organizing desks, cables, and furniture, while managing clutter and ad hoc improvements.Handle office-related logistics, such as coordinating lunch orders with Meyers and overseeing mobile phone setups.

    Handle office-related logistics, such as coordinating lunch orders with Meyers and overseeing mobile phone setups.Administrative Support:Administrative Support:
  • Assist with travel and hotel bookings for employees.

  • Support conferences and festivals, including participant registration, catering, and administration.

  • Provide general office support and contribute to improving workflows and office experiences.

  • Assist with travel and hotel bookings for employees.

    Assist with travel and hotel bookings for employees.Support conferences and festivals, including participant registration, catering, and administration.

    Support conferences and festivals, including participant registration, catering, and administration.Provide general office support and contribute to improving workflows and office experiences.

    Provide general office support and contribute to improving workflows and office experiences.WHAT WE ARE LOOKING FORWHAT WE ARE LOOKING FOR
  • A proactive, service-minded attitude with excellent organizational skills.

  • Strong attention to detail and the ability to manage multiple tasks at once.

  • A collaborative mindset and enthusiasm for creating a positive workplace experience.

  • A proactive, service-minded attitude with excellent organizational skills.

    A proactive, service-minded attitude with excellent organizational skills.Strong attention to detail and the ability to manage multiple tasks at once.

    Strong attention to detail and the ability to manage multiple tasks at once.A collaborative mindset and enthusiasm for creating a positive workplace experience.

    A collaborative mindset and enthusiasm for creating a positive workplace experience.
    • Excellent written and verbal communication in English. Written and spoken Danish is beneficial but not a requirement.

    • Keen to take on any task with a hands-on approach.

    • Friendly and professional in communication with colleagues, clients, and vendors.

    • Prior experience within administration and/or an assistant role would be beneficial, but not a requirement.

  • Excellent written and verbal communication in English. Written and spoken Danish is beneficial but not a requirement.

  • Keen to take on any task with a hands-on approach.

  • Friendly and professional in communication with colleagues, clients, and vendors.

  • Prior experience within administration and/or an assistant role would be beneficial, but not a requirement.

  • Excellent written and verbal communication in English. Written and spoken Danish is beneficial but not a requirement.

    Excellent written and verbal communication in English. Written and spoken Danish is beneficial but not a requirement.Keen to take on any task with a hands-on approach.

    Keen to take on any task with a hands-on approach.Friendly and professional in communication with colleagues, clients, and vendors.

    Friendly and professional in communication with colleagues, clients, and vendors.Prior experience within administration and/or an assistant role would be beneficial, but not a requirement.

    Prior experience within administration and/or an assistant role would be beneficial, but not a requirement.WHAT WE OFFER
    You can read our full offering in our handbook.WHAT WE OFFERYou can read our full offering in ourhandbook.handbook
  • An intense learning environment where you will be able to grow and develop your skills and passions alongside some of the brightest minds in the industry.

  • A culture that is built on collaboration, trust and innovation. We value having fun together – that’s why we also have regular afterworks, team events and a yearly festival.

  • Transparent salary setting, the salary for this position is 11,000 DKK/month.

  • Our different offices also offer different perks such as massage, health care contributions, free book orders, healthy snacks & great coffee, EAP programs and your choice of PC or Mac.

  • A diverse environment with a high focus on inclusion and belonging. We speak over 27 native languages around Precis and our internal inclusion score is 4.3 out of 5.

  • An intense learning environment where you will be able to grow and develop your skills and passions alongside some of the brightest minds in the industry.

    An intense learning environment where you will be able to grow and develop your skills and passions alongside some of the brightest minds in the industry.A culture that is built on collaboration, trust and innovation. We value having fun together – that’s why we also have regular afterworks, team events and a yearly festival.

    A culture that is built on collaboration, trust and innovation. We value having fun together – that’s why we also have regular afterworks, team events and a yearly festival.Transparent salary setting, the salary for this position is 11,000 DKK/month.

    Transparent salary setting, the salary for this position is 11,000 DKK/month.Our different offices also offer different perks such as massage, health care contributions, free book orders, healthy snacks & great coffee, EAP programs and your choice of PC or Mac.

    Our different offices also offer different perks such as massage, health care contributions, free book orders, healthy snacks & great coffee, EAP programs and your choice of PC or Mac.A diverse environment with a high focus on inclusion and belonging. We speak over 27 native languages around Precis and our internal inclusion score is 4.3 out of 5.

    A diverse environment with a high focus on inclusion and belonging. We speak over 27 native languages around Precis and our internal inclusion score is 4.3 out of 5.* We update all candidates on their application by email. If you don’t receive an email from us, please check your spam folder. Apply Apply Apply Next step
  • Application
  • Interview
  • Case interview
  • Your first day!
  • ApplicationApplicationInterviewCase interviewYour first day!

    Information og data

    Denne ledige stilling har jobtypen "Administrativ medarbejder", og befinder sig i kategorien "Kontor, handel og service".

    Arbejdsstedet er beliggende i København

    Jobbet er oprettet på vores service den 7.1.2025, men kan have været deaktiveret og genaktiveret igen.

    Dagligt opdateret: Dette job opdateres dagligt ud fra jobudbyderens hjemmeside via vores søgemaskineteknologi og er aktivt lige nu.
    • Administrativ medarbejder
    • København

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    Se flere statistikker her:
    Statistik over udbudte administrative medarbejdere i København over tid

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    1. februar 2025 90
    31. januar 2025 87
    30. januar 2025 88
    29. januar 2025 86
    28. januar 2025 81
    27. januar 2025 80
    26. januar 2025 82
    25. januar 2025 81
    24. januar 2025 83
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    22. januar 2025 83
    21. januar 2025 84
    20. januar 2025 83
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    13. januar 2025 78
    12. januar 2025 92

    Værd at vide når du søger job som administrativ medarbejder i København

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    Mere information om København

    Hvis du er på udkig efter et job i København, er det vigtigt, at du sætter dig grundigt ind i, hvordan jobmarkedet fungerer, og hvor i byen du vil arbejde og bo. Vi har samlet en guide med alle relevante oplysninger om København, så du kan få et samlet overblik. Læs mere om København i denne guide: København: Byen der byder på både drømmejob og spændende udfordringer