
Resource Manager to Workforce Logiq in Copenhagen

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København V

Are you passionate about sourcing, recruitment, and people management? Do you master the art of stakeholder management and perceive yourself as a good communicator? Do you like to take responsibility and ownership and have a central role by being the link between customers, managers, and suppliers? And do you want to be a part of an exciting worldwide company? Then we have a unique opportunity for you!

Workforce Logiq is a global workforce management company founded in 1999. The company helps organizations acquire the talent they need to grow. The company's objective is to transform the way companies "win the talent" they're seeking. This entails combining data- and human-driven intelligence to simplify workforce management for HR and procurement departments, and managed service provider (MSP), vendor management system (VMS), and recruitment process outsourcing (RPO) are the core solutions it offers. In Denmark Workforce Logiq is collaborating with Danfoss and Ørsted, among others and helps them with their staffing needs.

Visit Workforce Logiq's website:

You enjoy working with workforce management and making sure that company administration is performed in a process-compliant manner and delivered with consistent quality. You put an effort in working closely with your team, customers, managers, and suppliers and giving them all a superior experience.

Furthermore, your main responsibility will be:

  • all aspects of the day-to-day operations related to client services
  • to contribute to the development of both customer processes as well as internal processes to improve standards and ways of working and WFQ efficiency
  • to work directly with hiring managers and/or other relevant customer contact to facilitate staff augmentation needs and all related transactions
  • owning and operating operational meetings with dedicated hiring managers and other relevant stakeholders
  • preparing job descriptions and requisitions, reviewing resumes, conducting phone screening, submitting candidates to hiring managers for their review, coordinating interviews with candidates, suppliers and hiring managers
  • bill rate negotiations and evaluation of candidates
  • supplier’s relations, setting-up new suppliers, informing suppliers about standards, processes and ways of working. Daily contact with strategic suppliers on the specific market to ensure a steady flow and pipeline

You are good at communicating with people and provide excellent customer service. You have a pleasant attitude, provides knowledgeable and resourceful resources, and take things a step further to exceed than just meet expectations.

Furthermore, your main professional skills we expect from you are:

  • a sourcing, procurement, and contracts manager background
  • experience with sourching and recruitment
  • knowledge of people and stakeholder management
  • experience with shortlist making to hiring managers and booking of interviews
  • to deliver on time
  • professional Danish and English language skills – both verbal and written. Preferable you have a good understanding of the Nordic languages. Swedish and Finnish skills would be an advantage

We are looking for a mature and independent person with strong communication skills. Someone who can support multiple customers in a complex operational environment. You need to have the ability to learn and resolve problems in daily operations.

Furthermore, your main personal skills we expect from you are the ability to:

  • take ownership and responsibility
  • structure and prioritize work efficiently and have attention to details
  • cope with a high pace environment and to manage stress and peaks in workload
  • fully understand the business and be the expert guide within the client specific area
  • be comfortable with change
  • be a team player and flexible

You work location will be in Copenhagen and in Gentofte, and you will work in close collaboration with the Danish Workforce Management Team. You will also have the opportunity to work remote one day a week.

We look forward to hearing from you

Apply now by using the “Apply” -button, preferably as quickly as possible. Workforce Logiq is cooperating with Adecco in this recruitment process. If you have any questions, please contact Research Consultant Daniel Herlev Moldavsky – E: [email protected]

Information og data

Denne ledige stilling har jobtypen "Afdelingsleder", og befinder sig i kategorien "Ledelse og personale".

Arbejdsstedet er beliggende i København V.

Jobbet er oprettet på vores service den 22.12.2021, men kan have været deaktiveret og genaktiveret igen.

Dagligt opdateret: Dette job opdateres dagligt ud fra jobudbyderens hjemmeside via vores søgemaskineteknologi og er aktivt lige nu.
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