Global Head of Safety & Security – DanChurchAid (HQ based)
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The Global Head of Safety and Security will be based in Denmark and be overall responsible for DCA’s Safety and Security framework. The primary goal is to provide specialized, coordinated, and focused safety management support to DCA with an aim to reduce the risks posed to DCA staff and programmes. Though the position is based at DCA’s HQ in Copenhagen the job will entail frequent travel to DCA Country Offices. You will report directly to the International Director and be part of the International Department and be working closely with the Programme Director and the Head of Humanitarian Response and Mine Action. DCA is a multi-mandated organization with country offices, staff and programmes in 19 countries. Programmes and project activities are diverse and includes humanitarian action, longer term development, and resilience building activities, as well as humanitarian mine action, including demining.
It is crucial that you thrive with organizing, structuring, and documenting procedures and processes, and that you can build and maintain relations with both internal and relevant global stakeholders.
Key tasks and responsibilities:
Strategy and operational:
- Proactively inform DCA’s global safety and security framework and objectives
- Produce an annual global work-plan in support of the global strategic priorities. The work-plan should inform and consolidate input from country programmes.
- Making key indicators, standards, mechanisms, and tools available for monitoring and accountability purposes
- Make available the technical advice and support to individual DCA operations which enable them to formulate and meet their targets and objectives
- Responsibility for the global DCA Safety and Security budget
- Be a permanent member of Crisis Management Team
- Ensure that the DCA gender policy is foremost in the implementation of security procedures and protocols.
- Support the implementation of PSEA policies, where staff safety and security are concerned.
Training, learning and concept development
- Provide technical support and sparring to the DCA network of Safety and Security personnel
- Plan and co-ordinate training events and learning initiatives across the organization
- Take lead in relation to innovation and concept development
- Engage and sometimes take the lead in relevant networks such as the ACT Alliance
Reporting and production of data
- Coordinate the country safety and security threat analysis for potential Country Office implementation in new areas of operations.
- Develop, maintain, and approve KPIs relevant to Safety in individual country programmes
- Produce relevant key data and figures to International department
- Enhance and Maintain a global Safety Level System (SLS).
Make sure that DCA has updated and relevant knowledge about debates and developments in Safety thematic fora and be part of strategic alliances including the ACT alliance.
The Global Head of Security and Safety will refer to the International Director and have one Global Safety and Security Manager referring him/her.
Key Competencies
The successful candidate will have 10-15 years of documented experience with developing and implementing effective and contextualized procedures and systems. You should:
- No less than three years field experience in volatile contexts and conflict-affected environments, preferable with an INGO
- Minimum bachelor’s degree level education in a related field
- Strong analytical as well as writing skills and the ability to provide conflict analysis
- Must have the ability to communicate safety and security issues and concerns in a credible, consultative, and professional manner, that engages support and empowers strong decision making.
- Must have an ‘enabling’ and solutions-driven outlook and excellent interpersonal and teamwork skills
- Well-versed in data collection/management
- Vast experience with delivering safety-related trainings to both national and international staff members including the ability to train and convey information to non-safety personnel
- Proven ability to prioritize tasks and meet deadlines
- Fluent in English - fluency or knowledge of French and/or Arabic is a strong advantage
- Strong initiative and self-motivated, with a strong commitment to humanitarian principles
- Have the ability to manage a busy workday with conflicting deadlines, and have an organised, structured approach
DCA offers:
- Contract starting as soon as possible
- Good colleagues in a rewarding and empowering workplace
- Salary based on DanChurchAid´s collective agreement - an attractive pension and insurance scheme will apply
- Work time is 37 hours per week including lunch break
- An interesting and challenging experience addressing humanitarian needs
Contact and Application
If you have questions regarding this position, please send them to Jonas Nøddekær, International Director, [email protected]
Please upload your motivated application and CV no later than 19 October, 2020. Only shortlisted candidates will be contacted. Applications received by email will not be considered. We anticipate having interviews in the last week of October.
Interested and qualified candidates, regardless of race, age, gender, religion, or ethnicity are encouraged to apply. Please read the minimum qualifications of this position carefully. If you do not meet the minimum requirements for this position, please save your time and ours and refrain from applying.
Please also note that DCA cannot offer housing, schooling or relocation, and adherence to legal and formal conditions to live and work in Denmark are a requirement and the responsibility of the candidate, hence only candidates with a valid work permit for Denmark will be considered.
DCA conducts an anti-terror check as part of the recruitment process. It is a prerequisite that you can pass this check and maintain this status throughout your employment with us.
Everyone applying for a job with DCA must be ready to comply with our Staff Policy on Prevention of Sexual Exploitation, Abuse and Harassment and our Child Safeguarding Policy.
Information og data
Denne ledige stilling har jobtypen "Afdelingsleder", og befinder sig i kategorien "Ledelse og personale".
Arbejdsstedet er beliggende i København
Jobbet er oprettet på vores service den 5.10.2020, men kan have været deaktiveret og genaktiveret igen.
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