Head of National Finance Unit for Major Danish Humanitarian Organisation

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DanChurchAid is looking for a professional and development-oriented manager for our National Finance Unit at our Danish headquarters in Copenhagen.

As the head of our National Finance Unit, you will oversee daily operations and development and be in charge of consolidated accounting and budgeting, including reporting and controlling of primarily Danish entities, but also international country offices. You and your team are responsible for preparing budgets and monthly accounts as well as annual accounting and audit material. The team is also responsible for the total insurance portfolio and reports to our business units.

We have a range of interesting and demanding development tasks ahead, among others streamlining and optimizing reports and analyses supporting primarily our Danish business units. The financial management of the entire organisation also needs to be further developed. Finally, we need to develop and optimize administrative procedures and the use of our financial systems. You will take the lead in this and make sure that both operations and development tasks are handled safely and with high professional standards.

You will be the leader of our National Finance Unit consisting of 9 employees. The team supports primarily our headquarters in Copenhagen, but also our 17 country offices in Africa, Asia, and the Middle East in cooperation with our International Finance Unit. The job is versatile, and you get the chance to set you own imprint on job content and tasks. You should have an overview of team tasks and priorities, but also be ready to give a hand with day-to-day tasks. Contributing to high professional standards and a good work environment as well as coordination and cooperation across the organisation is also part of the job. As head of the National Finance Unit, you are responsible to the Director of Finance.

DanChurchAid works to help the poorest of the world, and you will play an important role in supporting this work.

Tasks and responsibilities
You will be responsible for the entire Danish financial function, including accounts and budgets. You will help set an agenda and a team that makes the optimal use of resources, and you make sure that financial systems and reports support our business and organisation. Furthermore, you have the following tasks and responsibilities:
  • Management and development of National Finance Unit staff, and support to and sparring with managers at headquarters and country offices.
  • Development of administrative procedures, reporting and analyses to our business units, and optimization of economic systems such as ERP, scanning, archive, workflow, etc.
  • Securing stable and safe operations of the economic function, and development of systems, processes, and procedures.

Together with the head of International Finance Unit, you will help secure that our processes and procedures meet the requirement for both efficiency and control, responsible cooperation, and documentation in connection with audits of the annual accounts, etc. There will also be ad hoc tasks on a day-to-day basis, among other things due to the demands of our many institutional donors.

Qualifications and experience
Your financial and technical toolkit must be in place, and you should be experienced in both accounting and budgeting, and in the use and optimization of financial systems, reports, and economic analyses. You have a solid understanding of the role as business partner for management and organisation, and the ability to communicate economic analyses and results. Furthermore, you should have the following qualifications:
  • Relevant degree at master level, e.g. “cand. merc” or similar, and a minimum of 5 years of experience as head of a financial unit.
  • Great drive and motivation for development and optimization. Service-minded and good at relating and cooperating across a complex organisation.
  • Fluent written and spoken English. Experience from an international business or organisation will be a major asset.

You must cover a wide field and have an eye for detail while keeping the holistic and strategic overview. You must be an experienced leader capable of inspiring and motivating your employees. DanChurchAid works continuously to be an interesting and attractive workplace with highly qualified staff ready to face future challenges.

Terms and conditions
You become part of a dynamic international organisation with high professional standards and strong values. Employment conditions and salary based on DanChurchAid’s collective agreement with relevant organisation. We offer a good pension scheme, lunch scheme and a good workplace at the heart of Copenhagen and close to public transport.

Work time is 37 hours per week, and you must expect to travel around 2-4 weeks per year. You are expected to take part in our leadership training programme.

We may not match the salary of the private sector but can offer a highly meaningful and interesting job.

Contact and application
If you have questions regarding this position, you are welcome to contact Finance Director Peter Greisen at 22 76 60 06, or email [email protected] Only applications through our online recruitment system will be considered. Please upload your motivated application and CV no later than 1 June 2021. The job advert also exist in a Danish version, but they are both for the same job.

We anticipate having first interviews Tuesday, 15 June 2021 and second interviews Tuesday, 22 June 2021. Expected start date Monday, 16 August 2021.

The position in based in DCAs HQ in Copenhagen, and only applicants with the ability to live and work in Copenhagen without financial support or visa support from DCA will be considered.

All qualified and interested candidates irrespective of age, gender, race, religion or ethnic affiliation are encouraged to apply for the vacancy. DCA conducts an anti-terror check as part of the recruitment process. It is a prerequisite that you can pass this check and maintain this status throughout your employment with us. Everyone applying for a job with DCA must be ready to comply with our Staff Policy on Prevention of Sexual Exploitation, Abuse and Harassment and our Child Safeguarding policy.

Information og data

Denne ledige stilling har jobtypen "Afdelingsleder", og befinder sig i kategorien "Ledelse og personale".

Arbejdsstedet er beliggende i København

Jobbet er oprettet på vores service den 10.5.2021, men kan have været deaktiveret og genaktiveret igen.

Dagligt opdateret: Dette job opdateres dagligt ud fra jobudbyderens hjemmeside via vores søgemaskineteknologi og er aktivt lige nu.
  • Afdelingsleder
  • København
  • Tirsdag den 01. juni 2021

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