Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts Schools in Copenhagen is looking for an assistant pro...

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At KADK, we have worked since 2016 with the United Nations' Sustainable Development Goals, and we wish to educate graduates who can become change agents in this field. We are therefore intensifying the focus on sustainability in the Master's degree programme Fashion, Clothing & Textiles, and we seek a strong visionary and professional profile who will contribute to developing the subject field and teach tomorrow's front runners in the fashion industry's green transformation. With artistic research, process and method as well as the application of the most recent knowledge and state-of-the-art technology as your starting point and focus, you will be expected to add topical professional and artistic weight to the subject field, and to supplement our networks and collaboration – both nationally and internationally.

The right candidate holds an education as designer corresponding to Master's level, has a strong design-related background, ideally with experience from the fashion industry, in combination with an artistic profile within fashion and textiles. You have built a clear track record in relation to sustainability and transformation of the field. This may have been expressed in the form of rethought formats and systems, development of materials, innovative production forms or similar. You are assertive and preoccupied with creating positive changes and a sustainable agenda for the fashion and textile industry, and you achieve this based on the most recent knowledge, preferably through dialogue and inclusion of collaborative partners and networks – both locally and internationally. You have experience with teaching design students and can communicate and bring your knowledge into play, including by involving students actively in the development of projects and artistic research. You have a keen interest in education and how design contributes to solutions to some of society's great challenges, and you have the capability – or the ambition – to head the transformation of the Master's programme and to develop new teaching formats.

Institute of Architecture and Design
The Institute of Architecture and Design is a cross-disciplinary educational and research environment. Taking its starting point in a Danish tradition for working with design in a spatial and architectural context, the institute has an ambition to set a new agenda in the development of business and competence areas for architects and designers. Sustainability and social awareness have a key place as socially relevant guiding concepts for teaching and research at the institute, whose subject fields are related to production, consumption, market and society, where it is necessary to accept responsibility and take a stand on resources and social issues.

The institute consists of two Bachelor's programmes, four Master's programmes, and a professional Bachelor's programme. These form the framework for the professional research and development environments that cut across design and architecture. At the institute, teaching and research focus on architecture, strategic design and entrepreneurship, spatial and interior design, and furniture, textile and clothing design. Furthermore, the Craft – Glass and Ceramics programme at KADK, Bornholm, and the School of Architecture's IT and drawing teaching also form part of the institute.

The position's content
The position as an assistant professor will consist in artistic research, teaching and administrative work.

Your main task will be to communicate knowledge and experience from the subject field's practice, including by:

  • Participating in the development of the Master's programme Fashion, Clothing & Textiles in close collaboration with the study programme manager and other teachers within the programme
  • Organising and managing study planning, including coordination with the institute's other programmes and cross-disciplinary teaching
  • Teaching and providing guidance within sustainable fashion and textiles, including industrial production methods, processes, and communication tools
  • Conducting research within the position's focus area in collaboration with relevant external institutions, companies and networks, nationally and internationally, as well as with the other research and development fields at the institute and across KADK as a whole
  • Demonstrating visionary and productive teamwork in the planning of future research and development projects, including active participation in applications for external funding and fundraising for the institute's activities
  • Providing guidance in methods for research as well as concept and ideas development
  • Providing guidance in analogue and digital sketching techniques, as well as 2D and 3D model development
  • Participating in subject-related evaluations and assessments
  • Supervising, teaching, and examining within the Bachelor's programme Product+ and the Master's programme Fashion, Clothing & Textiles
  • Participating in the institute's continual development and operation.

Administrative tasks related to teaching planning and development must be expected.

Your artistic research will focus on the development of new sustainable practice in the fashion and textile industry.

Your teaching focus will be based on artistic research, and, in particular, on sustainable transformation in the fashion and textile industry, both at Master's and Bachelor's levels.

Qualification requirements
You have a relevant education at Master's degree level as a minimum and documented results from artistic research at a high international level. You are also able to document that you have further or innovatively developed the subject area and/or have achieved a significant design career at a high level. We expect you to have contributed significantly to the development of new sustainable practice in the interplay between technology, art and design, and that you have disseminated this at a high level. Documentation for artistic research works for assessment (or works that have already been peer-reviewed) should accompany the application.

You can also document:

  • Up-to-date, current experience with relevant fashion and clothing industry practice, including professional insight and general knowledge about the design profession and sustainability.
  • At least three years' professional design-related experience as well as participation in creating/producing and current design-related activity.

It will be an added advantage if you can document pedagogical experience from a higher education, preferably from design-related teaching, although this is not a requirement for applying for the position.

As KADK focuses on research and teaching collaboration both internally and externally in relation to business, public institutions and other higher education establishments, it will be an advantage if you have documented experience in the development, financing and completion of externally funded research projects and/or development projects and projects affiliated with business collaboration.

Positive importance will also be attached to your having documented experience with teaching at both Bachelor's and Master's levels and with planning and developing teaching. Not least that you can demonstrate an interest in providing active research support to teaching at the institute in collaboration with the other teachers. In the overall assessment for the appointment to this position, particular importance will be attached to qualified efforts and new developments within the teaching area. Importance will also be attached to:

  • Good and developing communicative skills
  • Good interpersonal skills, i.e. the ability to form part of education-related collaborations
  • Experience with the application of new technology in relation to the clothing subject field
  • Innovative thinking in relation to job opportunities for tomorrow's designers
  • Fluent written and spoken English.

What we offer
We offer a creative, dedicated, developing and visionary educational and research environment. We value good collegial collaboration with room for mutual inspiration and professional discussion.

As an assistant professor, you will be offered supervision as well as possibilities of educational upgrading with a view to a final written assessment of your teaching qualifications.

Salary and terms of employment
The position is a fixed term, full-time position that will expire without further notice after three years. The distribution between artistic research and teaching will initially be 50/50. The distribution between the different tasks may vary according to KADK’s requirements, and you may be asked to undertake other official tasks.

Employment and remuneration will be in accordance with the agreement in force between the Ministry of Finance and a number of organisations under the Danish Confederation of Professional Associations (AC) for academics in public service. It will be possible to negotiate qualification supplements depending on your competences and experience.

Employment will also be in accordance with the applicable job structure for artistic and scientific staff at the Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts Schools of Architecture, Design and Conservation, Aarhus School of Architecture and Design School Kolding – Executive Order no. 92 of 24 August 2015.

Applications should be forwarded in PDF format, and as appendices for the application, applicants should forward a CV, educational diplomas, and documentation for compliance with the abovementioned qualification requirements. Further to this, you should add descriptions of and documentation for your artistic research work along with a complete list of the works you have produced and examples of the works you wish to emphasise (however, max. seven works). Finally, please enclose material that can shed light on your teaching qualifications. Any former assistant professor assessment(s) should also be enclosed.

The application with appertaining appendices should be forwarded electronically via the button 'Søg stillingen' (Apply for position) below, to reach KADK no later than 14 June 2020.

Applications and application material received after the application deadline will not be included in the assessment.

Please note that the position is being advertised and will be filled in accordance with the Danish Ministry of Higher Education and Science's 'Executive Order of 12 April 2019 on the employment of artistic and scientific staff at the higher artistic educational institutions within the Ministry of Higher Education and Science's area'.

After the expiry of the application deadline, the head of the institute, taking advise from the employment committee, will select the applicants that are to be assessed. The selection will be based on a complete assessment of which applicants comply best with the criteria in the job advertisement based on the forwarded application material. In your application with appendices, you should therefore ensure that you document your compliance with the qualification requirements described in the job advertisement.

All applicants will then be notified of whether their application has been forwarded for assessment, and the selected applicants will be informed of the composition of the committee. Subsequently, an expert assessment committee will assess the selected candidates in relation to the specific position. Applicants will receive an assessment with the possibility of a consultation of parties.

Further information
Information about qualification requirements, the application process and the e-recruitment system can be obtained by contacting HR Officer Ellen Kruse Jacobsen by email to [email protected], or by tel. +45 4170 1539.

Information about the academic content of the position can be obtained by contacting Head of Institute Irene Lønne by email to [email protected], or by tel. +45 4170 1754.

Applications are invited from anyone interested, regardless of age, gender, nationality, race, religion or ethnicity.

Kilde: Dansk Mode & Textil

Information og data

Denne ledige stilling har jobtypen "Akademisk medarbejder", og befinder sig i kategorien "Økonomi og jura".

Arbejdsstedet er beliggende i København

Jobbet er oprettet på vores service den 27.5.2020, men kan have været deaktiveret og genaktiveret igen.

Dagligt opdateret: Dette job opdateres dagligt ud fra jobudbyderens hjemmeside via vores søgemaskineteknologi og er aktivt lige nu.
  • Akademisk medarbejder
  • København
  • Søndag den 14. juni 2020

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