Postdoc within contextual modeling of hearing aid user preferences
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The Augmented Hearing Group at Eriksholm Research Centre and Cognitive Systems Group at DTU Compute are looking for a candidate for a fully funded three-year Postdoc on the topic of “Modeling the preferences of hearing aid users by combining context data with natural language understanding” to start in the mid-2019.
The Postdoc opportunity is funded through the industrial Postdoc program of the Innovation Foundation of Denmark, and therefore limited to candidates who received their PhD within the last 5 years. Furthermore, the candidate has not been employed more than 6 months in a private sector company within the healthcare industry. The Postdoc will be a full-time employee of Augmented Hearing Group at Eriksholm Research Centre which is part of Oticon and associated as a Postdoc with the Cognitive Systems Group at DTU Compute, The Technical University of Denmark.
The scope
The introduction of internet connected hearing aids constitutes a paradigm shift as traditional signal processing can now be complemented with AI neural network models implemented on a smartphone. This facilitates learning the audiological preferences of hearing-impaired users in real life listening scenarios. Combining sound environment data with natural language understanding AI, hearing aids can be transformed into digital voice assistants, which through user dialogues are able to learn the optimal hearing aid settings dependent on the context. Based on research collaboration with Cognitive Systems Group, DTU Compute, the aim is to apply AI to not only enhance user experience by personalizing each hearing aid, but also radically improve treatment of patients by learning audiological insights from securely shared healthcare data crowdsourced from large amounts of users.
To be eligible
You hold a PhD in acoustic engineering, natural language understanding, machine learning, or cognitive science with experience in computational modeling of user preferences, internet of things data, or auditory perception using high level machine learning methods.
To be successful in completing this project you should preferably have good knowledge of Python programming using high level AI deep learning frameworks such as Keras/TensorFlow.
You are good at communication complex topics in an easy understandable way, and you are fluent in writing and speaking English, as our corporate language is English.
Your application must include
NB: Candidates may apply prior to obtaining their PhD degree but cannot begin before having received it. All interested candidates irrespective of age, gender, race, disability, religion or ethnic background are encouraged to apply.
Application and contact
Please send your application and CV online only and no later than July 31, 2019. To learn more about this opportunity please contact Senior Scientist Michael Kai Petersen ([email protected]), Augmented Hearing at Eriksholm Research Centre.
About Augmented Hearing and DTU Cognitive Systems Group
Augmented Hearing is a research group at Eriksholm Research Centre focusing on solving audiological challenges with data and our latest research has demonstrated how speech data enables the separation of individual voices and how hearing aid data reveals behavioral patterns in the use of hearing aids. Eriksholm’s research has a strong international track record in applied science. We closely collaborate with leading universities around the world for finding the best solutions for the hearing healthcare of the future. Our efforts aim at implementing clinical audiology solutions supported by electronic processes and communication. We focus on the needs of people with hearing impairment and their clinicians. Our research does not only generate publications and patents, but also transforms the clinical practice and the operations of large health care providers. Eriksholm Research Centre is part of Oticon, a world leader in hearing care and one of the companies in the Demant group, which has more than 14.000 employees across the world and revenues of DKK 14 billion.
DTU Compute’s Section for Cognitive Systems is a lively and research-oriented group of scientists and support staff, sharing an interest in information processing in man and computer, with a particular focus on the signals they exchange - audio, imagery, behavior - and the opportunities these signals offer for modeling and engineering of cognitive systems. The section has a strong track record in research related to AI, Machine Learning, and sound.
The Postdoc opportunity is funded through the industrial Postdoc program of the Innovation Foundation of Denmark, and therefore limited to candidates who received their PhD within the last 5 years. Furthermore, the candidate has not been employed more than 6 months in a private sector company within the healthcare industry. The Postdoc will be a full-time employee of Augmented Hearing Group at Eriksholm Research Centre which is part of Oticon and associated as a Postdoc with the Cognitive Systems Group at DTU Compute, The Technical University of Denmark.
The scope
The introduction of internet connected hearing aids constitutes a paradigm shift as traditional signal processing can now be complemented with AI neural network models implemented on a smartphone. This facilitates learning the audiological preferences of hearing-impaired users in real life listening scenarios. Combining sound environment data with natural language understanding AI, hearing aids can be transformed into digital voice assistants, which through user dialogues are able to learn the optimal hearing aid settings dependent on the context. Based on research collaboration with Cognitive Systems Group, DTU Compute, the aim is to apply AI to not only enhance user experience by personalizing each hearing aid, but also radically improve treatment of patients by learning audiological insights from securely shared healthcare data crowdsourced from large amounts of users.
To be eligible
You hold a PhD in acoustic engineering, natural language understanding, machine learning, or cognitive science with experience in computational modeling of user preferences, internet of things data, or auditory perception using high level machine learning methods.
To be successful in completing this project you should preferably have good knowledge of Python programming using high level AI deep learning frameworks such as Keras/TensorFlow.
You are good at communication complex topics in an easy understandable way, and you are fluent in writing and speaking English, as our corporate language is English.
Your application must include
- Cover letter
- A complete CV including descriptions of relevant courses, projects and publications
- Two contact references from university supervisor or private sector company managers; we will not contact them without your prior acceptance
- Copy of PhD, MSc, BSc diplomas
NB: Candidates may apply prior to obtaining their PhD degree but cannot begin before having received it. All interested candidates irrespective of age, gender, race, disability, religion or ethnic background are encouraged to apply.
Application and contact
Please send your application and CV online only and no later than July 31, 2019. To learn more about this opportunity please contact Senior Scientist Michael Kai Petersen ([email protected]), Augmented Hearing at Eriksholm Research Centre.
About Augmented Hearing and DTU Cognitive Systems Group
Augmented Hearing is a research group at Eriksholm Research Centre focusing on solving audiological challenges with data and our latest research has demonstrated how speech data enables the separation of individual voices and how hearing aid data reveals behavioral patterns in the use of hearing aids. Eriksholm’s research has a strong international track record in applied science. We closely collaborate with leading universities around the world for finding the best solutions for the hearing healthcare of the future. Our efforts aim at implementing clinical audiology solutions supported by electronic processes and communication. We focus on the needs of people with hearing impairment and their clinicians. Our research does not only generate publications and patents, but also transforms the clinical practice and the operations of large health care providers. Eriksholm Research Centre is part of Oticon, a world leader in hearing care and one of the companies in the Demant group, which has more than 14.000 employees across the world and revenues of DKK 14 billion.
DTU Compute’s Section for Cognitive Systems is a lively and research-oriented group of scientists and support staff, sharing an interest in information processing in man and computer, with a particular focus on the signals they exchange - audio, imagery, behavior - and the opportunities these signals offer for modeling and engineering of cognitive systems. The section has a strong track record in research related to AI, Machine Learning, and sound.
Information og data
Denne ledige stilling har jobtypen "Akademisk medarbejder", og befinder sig i kategorien "Økonomi og jura".
Arbejdsstedet er beliggende i Snekkersten.
Jobbet er oprettet på vores service den 27.5.2019, men kan have været deaktiveret og genaktiveret igen.
Dagligt opdateret: Dette job opdateres dagligt ud fra jobudbyderens hjemmeside via vores søgemaskineteknologi og er aktivt lige nu.
- Akademisk medarbejder
- Snekkersten
- Onsdag den 31. juli 2019
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