Assistant professor in Border Region Studies

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The Department of Political Science and Public Management, University of Southern Denmark invites applications for a 4-year assistant professorship at the Centre for Border Region Studies in Sønderborg.

We are looking for talented and dynamic individuals, with the ambition of establishing themselves as leading scholars in their field of research. Starting date is planned for January 1, 2023, or as soon as possible thereafter.

The Centre for Border Region Studies (CBRS) is part of the Department of Political Science and Public Management under the Faculty of Business and Social Sciences. Currently, the department employs around 125 people and attracts 2,500 students in it's various full-time bachelor and master programmes as well as part-time professional master programmes. For a detailed description of the department's profile and activities and more information about its strategy, please visit the department's website.

Since 2016, the interdisciplinary Centre for Border Region Studies (CBRS) exists as a cooperation between the Department of Political Science and Public Management and the Department of History. CBRS is the only research centre in border studies in Denmark. It is linked to a wide international network. The aim of the centre is to promote comparative aspects of European border regions in research, teaching, and dissemination.

Continuing a long tradition, the region's past and especially contemporary history and transitions are prominent research fields. The centre is firmly anchored in the Schleswig border region and located at the campus in Sønderborg, where the assistant professor is expected to be present. The centre is responsible for teaching an English-language European Studies bachelor programme, in Political Science in Sønderborg. For a detailed description of the research and activities of the Centre for Border Region Studies, please visit the CBRS website.

We are now looking for candidates who can support the department in realizing it's strategic objectives by contributing to our existing research strengths in European and Border Studies. The successful candidate should have an open mind and interest towards a border region in transition that makes it possible to produce original ideas through high-quality and pioneering research within areas of relevance to the Centre for Border Region Studies. The successful applicant will engage in effective knowledge exchange through our high-quality study programmes and through genuine engagement with societal actors and the wider public. The candidate will be tasked with a range of obligations at the centre and at the Department of Political Science and Public Management, including:

  • Conduct and publish research at a high international level in areas of relevance
  • Conduct relevant teaching and supervision within the department's entire portfolio of study programmes, particularly the bachelor in European Studies
  • Apply for relevant individual/collective external research funding to develop the research environment in line with the strategic goals of the department and the Centre for Border Region Studies
  • Engage in knowledge exchange activities with the wider society

For applicants to qualify for the position, the following criteria must be met (please consult the Scholarly Qualification Matrix):

  • Delineate a research profile aligned with the Centre for Border Region Studies section focused on the Danish-German border region
  • Document a substantial publication record at an internationally recognized level
  • Document the ability to form and develop professional networks
  • Document experience with various teaching and supervision formats as well as good teaching results
  • Document the ability to develop and implement new pedagogical or didactical techniques
  • Have experience with and genuine interest in outreach or knowledge-sharing activities and/or cooperation with external partner

In alignment with the new ministerial classification of academic ranks and titles, research and teaching competencies will be given equal weight in the assessment of any candidate. It is additionally important to us that applicants have good interpersonal skills and are dedicated to take part in the everyday academic and social environment at the department. Such engagement can be documented by, for example, past engagement in social and professional activities.

Within a three-year period, non-Danish applicants are expected to master Danish at a level which enables them to correct Danish exam papers and read administrative documents. Within a five-year period, non-Danish applicants must be able to document Danish language skills at the B2 level of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages.

The department believes in fostering a stimulating and inspiring environment for both faculty members and students. The department's ambition is therefore to recruit, develop, and retain talented scholars committed to both academic excellence and departmental development. Furthermore, the department wishes our staff to be gender balanced and reflect the diversity of society and, thus, welcomes applications from all qualified candidates regardless of personal background.

For further information, please contact the Head of Section, Steen Bo Frandsen, [email protected].

Application, salary, etc.

Appointment to the position requires a PhD or equivalent and will be in accordance with the salary agreement between the Ministry of Finance and the Danish Confederation of Professional Associations.

An application must include:

  • A detailed CV
  • A letter of motivation
  • A detailed research plan (max 3 pages) for the next 4 years that describes the applicant's:
    • Potential to advance the field (both empirically and theoretically)
    • Relationship to the aim and goals of the Centre for Border Region Studies
    • Planned national and international collaborations
    • Potential to obtain external funding

  • Certificates/Diplomas (Master and PhD degree)
  • A complete list of publications, indicating which publications are most relevant for the position
  • Up to 3 of the most relevant publications. Please upload a pdf for each publication, if the publication has been co-authored, co-author statements must be a part of this pdf and must include information like in this example. The statement is just for your inspiration.

Furthermore, applicants are requested to submit a teaching portfolio as documentation for teaching experience, and if relevant, supervision qualifications. Formal application instructions and guide for teaching portfolio may be found here.

All non-Danish documents must be translated into English.

Assessment of applications will be done under existing Appointment Order for universities.
Applications will be assessed by an assessment committee. The committee may request additional information, and if so, it is the responsibility of the applicant to provide the necessary material. The committee reserves the right to arrive at a decision solely based on the material submitted.

Applications that are incomplete with regard to the above requirements will not be assessed by the committee.

Shortlisting and tests may be used in the assessment process. When the assessment committee has submitted its report, the applicant will receive the part of the evaluation that concerns him/her. The assessment report will subsequently be forwarded to the Head of Department who will assemble an appointment committee. The appointment committee will manage and complete a series of job interviews with especially promising applicants. On the basis of the applications, the written assessments, the job interviews, and a deliberation within the appointments committee, the Head of Department determines which candidate(s) will be offered the position.

The University wishes our staff to reflect the diversity of society and thus welcomes applications from all qualified candidates regardless of personal background. As part of the overall assessment of the applicant’s qualifications, an interview may be applied.

Applications must be submitted electronically using the link "Apply online". Uploaded files must be in Adobe PDF (unlocked) or Word format.

Read the guideline for the applicants

Each field can only contain a single file of max. 10 Mb.

Information og data

Denne ledige stilling har jobtypen "Akademisk medarbejder", og befinder sig i kategorien "Økonomi og jura".

Arbejdsstedet er beliggende i Sønderborg.

Jobbet er oprettet på vores service den 24.8.2022, men kan have været deaktiveret og genaktiveret igen.

Dagligt opdateret: Dette job opdateres dagligt ud fra jobudbyderens hjemmeside via vores søgemaskineteknologi og er aktivt lige nu.
  • Akademisk medarbejder
  • Sønderborg
  • Lørdag den 15. oktober 2022
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Statistik over udbudte jobs som akademiske medarbejdere i Sønderborg

Herunder ser du udviklingen i udbudte akademisk medarbejder i Sønderborg over tid. Bemærk at jobs der ikke har en bestemt geografi ikke er medtaget i tabellen. I den første kolonne ser du datoen. I den næste kolonne ser du det samlede antal akademiske medarbejdere.

Se flere statistikker her:
Statistik over udbudte akademiske medarbejdere i Sønderborg over tid

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