Architect for Health – Health and Public sector

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Job Description

Accenture is a leading global professional services company, providing a broad range of services in strategy and consulting, interactive, technology and operations, with digital capabilities across all these services. We combine unmatched experience and specialized capabilities across more than 40 industries — powered by the world’s largest network of Advanced Technology and Intelligent Operations centers. With 513,000 people serving clients in more than 120 countries, Accenture brings continuous innovation to help clients improve their performance and create lasting value across their enterprises. Visit us at

Your Job
To accelerate Health and Public sector growth in Denmark, we are seeking an Architect who can support our Health clients (the five regions and the central health agencies) to proactively optimize their existing systems and building new innovative solutions.

The Architect helps our Health clients with designing and building solid solutions in close cooperation with all involved parties incl. client personnel, Accenture colleagues, and our partner eco-system which includes companies like EPIC, Microsoft, SAP, Oracle, SalesForce, AWS plus several others. The work includes:

  • Work closely with architects, lead-developers and other stakeholders at selected Health clients to design new or improved solutions based upon client needs
  • Utilize Accenture’s industry solution within Health, offerings, and services in general and tailor these to the IT-setup, technology etc. at specific clients
  • Drive the solution and system design via client interactions
  • Support the development of the solutions incl. help ensuring the quality hereof
  • Help manage a successful transition of the developed solution to the operation team
  • Help grow the Technology practice in Denmark within HPS

What we are looking for?

We are recruiting a successful IT professional with a passion for the Health and Public sector industry. You have a solid understanding of the challenges and possibilities within health and for one or more leading technologies. You are fully accustomed to drive a client focused architecture and design process to create solutions fulfilling client needs with high quality. You use your experience and personal profile to take up a proactive role on the targeted clients collaborate seamlessly with your colleagues focusing on value creation and origination incl. with the ecosystem. Now you want to take the next step in your career to make a bigger impact leading the largest undertakings with your client(s).



Your background

  • Experience in developing solid and future proof technical solutions within health
  • Demonstrate an ability for independent thinking and an entrepreneurial mindset
  • 5+ years of experience in, and thereby understanding of architecture and health solutions
  • Ability to continuously deliver value on specific projects at our clients
  • Articulation of technology needs in relation to specific IT solutions while demonstrating understanding of specific client needs
  • You have an Academic degree, preferably at master’s level and ideally with a technical background

Personal profile

  • You are ambitious, proactive and want to grow your career by creating great results directly with your clients
  • You are a fast learner that appreciates, that the world of technology is rapidly evolving, and you must be able to keep pace
  • You set the bar high for quality of your own work and that of your teams’
  • You are an effective communicator, both verbally and written, in Danish (must be mastered) and English

Our offer
Accenture is an incredible place to work - and keep learning. By joining us, you’ll become part of a global company with a world-class brand and reputation. Besides the work we do for our clients, we’re proud of our vibrant, diverse workplace culture: we believe in openness and honesty, fairness and equality, common sense, and realism. We want to get to know the real you and help you explore and grow - whatever it is you're great at. So, you will always have lots of learning opportunities (formal and informal) to improve your role-specific skills and expertise.

Equal is greater than - Accenture welcomes and encourages applications from diverse backgrounds related to gender, age, ethnicity, culture, race, religion and belief, disability, nationality, sexual orientation, and gender identity. Inclusion and diversity are fundamental to our culture and core values, providing an environment where everyone brings distinct experience, talent, and culture to their work. We invite you to be part of this diversity!

If you would like to be considered for employment opportunities with Accenture and need special assistance due to a disability or accommodation for a disability, please send an email to Accenture Recruitment Denmark [email protected]

Information og data

Denne ledige stilling har jobtypen "Arkitekt", og befinder sig i kategorien "Industri, håndværk og teknik".

Arbejdsstedet er beliggende i København

Jobbet er oprettet på vores service den 10.9.2021, men kan have været deaktiveret og genaktiveret igen.

Dagligt opdateret: Dette job opdateres dagligt ud fra jobudbyderens hjemmeside via vores søgemaskineteknologi og er aktivt lige nu.
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  • København

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Hvis du er på udkig efter et job i København, er det vigtigt, at du sætter dig grundigt ind i, hvordan jobmarkedet fungerer, og hvor i byen du vil arbejde og bo. Vi har samlet en guide med alle relevante oplysninger om København, så du kan få et samlet overblik. Læs mere om København i denne guide: København: Byen der byder på både drømmejob og spændende udfordringer