SAP Basis Architect
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We are looking for an experienced SAP Basis Architect with leadership attitude to join our NNIT office in Copenhagen (Soeborg).
You will be a part of a team with other experienced SAP Basis consultants and architects focusing on supporting our national and international SAP customers – with a wide range of the latest SAP system components – including SAP S/4 Hana conversions and hyperscale Cloud migrations.
NNIT is a fast-growing IT company with ambitious goals and has one of the largest SAP Basis teams in Denmark and with us you get to work with what you do best within SAP. The environment is characterized by high SAP Basis professionalism and you will find that your knowledge is utilized and developed in dialogue with other specialists.
As a department with integrated teams, we are known for delivering excellence through reliability, high level of professionalism and honesty.
Your responsibilities as SAP Basis Architect
As SAP Basis Architect you will primarily be responsible for the strategic infrastructure architecture, produce high-level design and promote standards that represent the established enterprise architectural goals. You will be an important coordinating link between customer expectations, vendors, projects and NNIT delivery stakeholders.
You will lead, address and influence the development of the architectural direction and strategy to provide higher business value for NNIT, own service area and customers
You will work dedicated to acquire deep technical knowledge of our customer's solution and utilize your technology skills to ensure the optimum quality and continued development of our customer's SAP environment.
In your daily work you will work in a dynamic and international environment and you will be handling a portfolio of tasks that will give you ample opportunity for professional growth.
Our customers hold very complex SAP landscapes. As SAP Basis Architect you will act as ambassador of our customers within NNIT. This means that you have a coordinating role across the SAP delivery in general, giving you a wide contact to many skilled specialists throughout NNIT.
As point of contact to the customers, you will use your confidence and good communications skills with people in all areas of the organisations whether it is with the customer or within NNIT.
Working for the best result and optimal solution - even when you have to fight for it – you handle problems in a structured approach and understand the importance of quality.
You will be given tasks that are challenging and demand proactivity and a responsible and senior way of working.
As colleagues in NNIT we like you to focus on knowledge sharing and collaboration, as we have a strong team where everybody is expected to contribute. Moreover, we believe in success for both the company and the individual when we work as one, close to our customers and their business.
You will join our SAP Basis team
In our global NNIT SAP Basis department we are more than 90 dedicated specialists located in Denmark, China and the Czech Republic. We are in charge of the entire operation and technical part of our customers' SAP systems. We service more than 500 SAP systems and perform technical consulting on 100 large and small projects alongside.
The team works closely together with our IT Operations Services division in Denmark, responsible for everything from infrastructure and applications to complete orchestration and support of our customers’ IT solutions. Our work processes are based on best practice and our procedures follow ITIL standards (IT Infrastructure Library).
Our SAP Basis customers continuously push us to be leading edge on the use of new SAP technologies – and we like it. To mention one of the things we are proud of would be that NNIT SAP Basis is the first IT Service Provider in Denmark to run a commercial GxP version of SAP Hana.
Your qualifications and experience
Your experience with SAP architecture and infrastructure makes you a versatile and skilled SAP Basis Architect who ensures stable SAP solutions and high customer satisfaction ratings.
You have proven senior experience in SAP Basis – preferably you have deep knowledge within complex infrastructure – and define and promote enterprise architecture standards and strategies.
You will provide technical expertise on SAP architecture and making recommendations to improve performance and provide technical leadership on upgrades and maintenance planning for SAP applications. Advocate and enforce applicable standards, policies, procedures, and best practices in the implementation and/or maintenance of SAP NetWeaver and its various components.
You are specialised in one or more specific SAP Basis areas e.g. SAP PO, Enterprise Portal or similar. Experience in implementing technical solutions in customer environments and possess strong knowledge and expertise to support, understand and fulfilment of customer requirements
The focus on quality is an integrated part of our company history and DNA – and as we work according to best practices and ITIL standards you should be familiar with working with such structured approach and appreciate the importance of quality assurance.
We work in integrated teams across regions, hence it is essential that you are able to act in an international environment, most importantly you should be fluent in English language. We trust that you have passion for providing high quality and timely service to our customers and safeguard the optimal performance and stability of their SAP systems – so they can run their business. And that you live by the fundamental value that we care and provide for our customers’ business as “One NNIT Team”.
Information og data
Denne ledige stilling har jobtypen "Arkitekt", og befinder sig i kategorien "Industri, håndværk og teknik".
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Mere information om København
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