Group Production Director

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Group Production Director

Reporting to the CEO and as part of Kyocera Unimerco’s management team you are P/L responsible for the factory in Sunds and also responsible for development and digitalisation of all four productions sites in the group.

The factory has long and proud traditions and 150 employees who are all skilled and salaried employees – mainly in production but also in warehousing and production related logistics. Ten middle managers will be your direct reports. One of your main tasks is to further optimise the factory. You must proactively, measurably and in a structured approach initiate and implement ongoing change processes, ensuring an always competitive factory that can meet customer requirements for innovative solutions, the right cost levels, flexibility, fast delivery and high quality.

Through hands-on management you ensure a successful and highly efficient daily operation and a positive and committed collaboration widely in the value chain with overall focus on customer satisfaction and operational excellence. You will also participate in the optimisation of logistics and procurement and the cooperation between these and the production.

The level of ambition is high, and the goal is to continuously create the market's best and most innovative tooling products/solutions. This also means that you - concurrently with the daily operation - work with process, competence and performance development in the production. You set the direction for the factory in Sunds and the three international production sites in the group regarding production excellence, investments in machinery, digitalisation and realisation of group production synergies. The three international production sites are located in USA, England, and Lithuania.

You are a visionary and ambitious leader with management experience from an international production company with products of a certain technological complexity. You have successfully created significant changes and worked with operational excellence including productivity, automation and digitalisation in a structured approach. You thrive when being part of a goal and result-oriented management team, which makes decisions fast and dynamically and operate with a strong decision and improvement mandate. If you have experience from the metal industry, this is an advantage. You have a higher education e.g. as production engineer, and you speak and write Danish and English at negotiation level. You live max a 1-hour drive from Sunds.

As a person, it is natural for you to take the lead, and you are able to set direction and pursue an ambitious agenda. You are proactive and outgoing, possess a great overview and a well-developed ability to see things in the abstract, while possessing a professional competence and curiosity to engage in detailed discussions. You are a visible and engaging leader and your management style rests on transparency and on creating team spirit and ownership. You have strong communication skills and you execute efficiently and energetically.

As Group Production Director you will lead the processes lifting the production and supply chain area of the group to the next level and doing so, you develop even stronger competences regarding production, supply chain and leadership.

The recruitment is made in cooperation with the recruitment agency Hansen Toft. If you have any questions, please call Senior Research Consultant Marianne Fink Stidsen on tel. +45 2931 2465.

Please note that we only need your cv if you want to apply. Your approach is handled with confidentiality.

We look forward to receiving you CV.

You can apply by opening this LINK

Kyocera Unimerco is situated in Sunds at Herning and was established in 1964 under the name Unimerco. The company develops and produces metal tooling solutions for several industries and is known for its strong technological competences. In 2011, Unimerco was sold to the global Kyocera group.

In 2013, Kyocera Unimerco became the European headquarter for the entire Kyocera industrial tooling division. Kyocera Unimerco is represented in 17 countries, has 700 employees and production sites in Denmark, the UK, USA and Lithuania. After several years of growth Kyocera Unimerco had a turnover of DKK 1.2 billion in the recent financial year.

Information og data

Denne ledige stilling har jobtypen "Bygningsarbejder", og befinder sig i kategorien "Industri, håndværk og teknik".

Arbejdsstedet er beliggende i Sunds.

Jobbet er oprettet på vores service den 3.9.2020, men kan have været deaktiveret og genaktiveret igen.

Dagligt opdateret: Dette job opdateres dagligt ud fra jobudbyderens hjemmeside via vores søgemaskineteknologi og er aktivt lige nu.
  • Bygningsarbejder
  • Sunds

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