AI and IoT Offering Lead

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As the AI and IoT Lead, you will be responsible for the overall performance and growth of our AI & IOT work across the Nordics. You are passionate about delivering value to our clients with AI and IoT solutions and collaborate to define, implement and drive our "Go To Market" strategy. In this crucial role, you get to focus on driving the offering every day, serving as the "face" of the offering internally and externally, support offering sales, and regional relationships with offering alliance partners.

You will work closely with the Regional Executives, Business Developers and the Nordic Data & AI Solution Area team to implement a strategy for offering identification, investments and opportunity pursuits. Your role is focused on driving the offering internally and externally in the Nordics. You support offering sales and delivery, manage offering-related capability and capacity, and own regional interlock with offering alliance partners, Microsoft and Accenture.

Solution Areas formulate and set the direction on what we want to be known for in the market; they are the areas on which our clients most frequently seek our guidance during their digital transformation. Within our Solution Areas, we have core Offerings, which are the solutions we deliver to our clients. By specializing in and formalizing these select Offerings, we can deepen our relationships with our clients across their entire business, expanding into new areas, helping us to grow our market share and the clients’ positive business outcomes. The direct channel focuses specifically on building Microsoft go-to-market and pre-sales alignment. In summary, this role is all about that!

Day-to-day you will work with:

Innovation & Offering strategy:

· Define Offering strategy for assigned region; align to Portfolio strategy to ensure positive organizational results as determined by Portfolio Lead

· Identify opportunities to grow market presence. Effective at recruiting talent, influencing virtual teams, and developing leaders

· Interlock with European and Global CoE on offering/asset development

Market development:

· Drive offerings in the market - share assets and knowledge. Provide offering education to enable account teams to position with clients

· Develop Regional offering strategy with Microsoft and Accenture to effectively position offering (and sub-offerings) and win clients (Direct and Indirect)


· Work with account teams to drive offering sales in targeted accounts. Engage with the Operation Team, and Regional Capability Leads to assign the right resources

· Lead solution planning and design efforts across teams and workstreams to shape client’s solution vision and deliver value

· Support business development through all stages of the DEEPR deal pursuit process


· Become a direct partner to clients, particularly at the executive level, ensuring client satisfaction through engagement value; gather feedback and experience

· Enable and ensure lighthouse success stories throughout project offerings

· Engage in delivery solutions. Support delivery mobilization, delivery success, delivery of offering to clients. Collaborate with delivery leads to surface delivery issues and estimate EAC outcomes for offering


· Partner with Regional Capability Leads to determine priorities for staff positioning on client projects and business development activities, balancing supply vs. demand timing and optimal GDN participation

· Support decisions on investments to help grow the offering

Key Role Skill & Capability Requirements:

· Capabilities within IoT (predictive maintenance, Digital Twins, connected things), Conversational AI (Virtual assistant, intelligent contact centers), and Data science across Industries (retail, health, FSI, manufacturing, resources, products)

· Experience in growing and leading a profitable technology services business. Successful at assessing and managing the opportunity and risk associated with complex, large-scale consulting projects

· Ability to guide and direct leadership teams in the development, production, and promotion of solution offerings. Experience working with offshore teams to facilitate project work

· Client-oriented attitude and excellent interpersonal skills. Demonstrated ability to be effective in a virtual organization

· Demonstrated understanding of delivery methodologies in software engineering, cloud and Data & AI. Experience turning around projects with significant delivery issues. Good at communicating and presenting complex information to technical and non-technical stakeholders, both verbally and in written form

Preferred Education Background:

You likely possess a Master's degree in Computer Science, Engineering, MIS, or a related field. An equivalent combination of education and experience will also suffice.

Preferred Years of Work Experience:

· 10+ years of experience working with Data & AI solutions, preferably with IoT or AI experience

· 3+ years of Management and/or business development experience

Why Avanade? Because there’s literally no place like this:

· Opportunity to work for Microsoft’s global alliance partner of the year (16 years in a row), with exceptional development and training

· Avanade University – real-time access to technical and skilled resources globally

· Dedicated career advisor to encourage your progressio

· Engaged and helpful coworkers genuinely interested in you

· People who thrive here are motivated, interested in learning and genuinely have a desire to be the best at what they do. If that sounds like you, you sound good to us

· We support flexible working arrangements

· Travel as needed

Information og data

Denne ledige stilling har jobtypen "Data Manager", og befinder sig i kategorien "Informationsteknologi".

Arbejdsstedet er beliggende i København

Jobbet er oprettet på vores service den 28.9.2021, men kan have været deaktiveret og genaktiveret igen.

Dagligt opdateret: Dette job opdateres dagligt ud fra jobudbyderens hjemmeside via vores søgemaskineteknologi og er aktivt lige nu.
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  • København

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Mere information om København

Hvis du er på udkig efter et job i København, er det vigtigt, at du sætter dig grundigt ind i, hvordan jobmarkedet fungerer, og hvor i byen du vil arbejde og bo. Vi har samlet en guide med alle relevante oplysninger om København, så du kan få et samlet overblik. Læs mere om København i denne guide: København: Byen der byder på både drømmejob og spændende udfordringer