Experienced Power System Stability Analyst with focus on Energy Island Design

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Experienced Power System Stability Analyst with focus on Energy Island Design

The Danish power system is undergoing significant technical changes. The green power system of the future will be significantly more complex and behave in a very different way compared to today. Energy production is taken over by technologies such as wind and solar, and in addition to this, an ever-increasing number of HVDC-based inter-connectors are established. Most recently, as part of the green transition, it has been decided that Denmark will realise two energy islands. Energinet is the Danish system operator in facilitating the green transition and we must ensure that the power system can be operated in a stable manner, today and in the future.

Directly linked to the green transition
As Power System Stability Analyst in the Department Grid Analysis, you will contribute directly to the foundation of the Danish green transition. You will play an important role in the organisation, where you will be responsible for management of system stability. You will ensure that your analyses are placed in the right context and communicated so they can be used directly as design specifications for power system planning, project design and system operation.

Your key responsibilities are:

  • Undertake power system stability assessment using various analytical tools including phasor-based and electromagnetic transient tools
  • Conduct grid integration studies and participate in grid connection groups with customers for HVDC, solar, wind, data centres and PtX-plant projects
  • Specifying, performance verification and implementation of a range of different types of simulation models
  • Contribute to the electrical system design of Denmark’s future energy islands
  • Participation in HVDC projects including the specification of functional requirements for control and protection
  • Contribute to the continuous development of our stability assessment tools and methodologies ranging from off-line desktop approaches to future real-time methods for Energinet’s control centre
  • Provide coaching and training to others.

You can look forward to an exciting job with great responsibility, variety, and complexity. You will work closely with 15 highly specialized colleagues, and you will be at the centre of the decision-making to ensure the stability of the future green power system.

Power system stability analyst
You hold a master’s degree within Power System or Power Electronic engineering, combined with 4-5 years of work experience either from the wind or solar industry or a TSO. You are specialized in simulation-based analysis and have experience within modelling of power electronic interfaced plants. You have well-developed competencies within the use of DIgSILENT PowerFactory and PSCAD and programming skills, e.g., using Python.

It is important that you like to work with advanced theory and are equipped with solid analytical skills and a well-developed critical sense. You work systematically, take responsibility, have personal impact, and can work independently. You are good at collaborating with different professional groups and at communicating complex issues in a clear and easy-to-understand language. You speak and write English fluently and preferably also Danish.

Application and Contact
Send your application with CV and other relevant appendices via the link. We are conducting interviews continuously, so we encourage you to apply as soon as possible. If you have any questions about the job, you are welcome to contact Head of department, Christian Flytkjær, on telephone 0045 30 67 46 88. You can read more about our company at www.Energinet.dk.

The postion requires that you can obtain and maintain security clearance with the Danish Security and Intelligence Service. You can read more about this here.

Energinet Systemansvars kerneopgaver er at indpasse vedvarende energi, sikre lige adgang til nettene, udvikle markedsdesign, overvåge og balancere transmissionsnettet og at varetage forsyningssikkerheden i Danmark.. Vi er et datterselskab i Energinet-koncernen, som varetager samfundets interesser, når Danmark skal forsynes med el og gas, og energisystemet omstilles til grøn energi. Vores kultur hænger tæt sammen med vores samfundsansvar, og vi arbejder aktivt med FN’s verdensmål omkring bæredygtig energi, klimaindsats, partnerskaber for handling samt industri, innovation og infrastruktur. Ved at vise vejen for grøn omstilling kan vi være med til at løse den globale klimaudfordring. Nye løsninger kræver, at vi evner at se problemstillinger fra mange vinkler, og derfor er mangfoldighed et nøgleord i vores kultur. Vi bestræber os på at lytte, involvere og dele vores viden. Med afsæt i værdierne mod og tillid lægger vi vægt på hele tiden at udvikle os som organisation og som mennesker.

Se film om Energinet.

Information og data

Denne ledige stilling har jobtypen "Elektriker", og befinder sig i kategorien "Industri, håndværk og teknik".

Arbejdsstedet er beliggende i Fredericia.

Jobbet er oprettet på vores service den 7.10.2021, men kan have været deaktiveret og genaktiveret igen.

Dagligt opdateret: Dette job opdateres dagligt ud fra jobudbyderens hjemmeside via vores søgemaskineteknologi og er aktivt lige nu.
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