Statistical Specialist

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Are you a highly experienced statistician looking for an opportunity to use your statistical knowledge and quality mindset to bring clinical projects to registration and market? Are you ready to work with our broad and expanding pipeline? Do you thrive in an inclusive, engaging, and global environment? Then, this is your chance to join our Biostatistics organisation. Apply today and join us for a life-changing career. The position You will be part of one of our key development projects in Novo Nordisk where we are exploring a new compound, CagriSema, for the treatment of obesity and diabetes and potentially also other indications. You will take active part in the scientific and strategic discussions related to the initiation of new clinical trials within the CagriSema project. You will be responsible for protocol development including trial design, endpoints, estimands and sample size. Furthermore, you will be responsible for writing and clearly communicating the statistical analysis plan for the clinical trials and assisting the implementation of the statistical programming. Following trial completion, you will be responsible for interpreting and presenting the results. You will contribute to the overall statistical strategy and the development of statistical standards within the CagriSema project e.g., missing data and imputation methods. You will also take part in the development of submission documents and be involved in interactions with regulatory authorities. You will not be directly involved in the clinical trial conduct but rather oversee the project while mentoring less experienced colleagues and ensuring progress on a portfolio level. Within Biostatistics you will be working closely with the international project statistician who has the overall scientific responsibility for our deliverables. In your daily work, you will collaborate with e.g., medical specialists, clinical pharmacology, pharmacometrics, market access, health technology assessment etc. It is therefore important that you clearly communicate statistical concepts and ideas to all our stakeholders. Qualifications The ideal candidate should have:
  • Strong background in mathematics and statistics corresponding to PhD.
  • +5 years of experience e.g., from the pharmaceutical industry
  • It will be a strong advantage if you have:
  • Experience with cross-functional collaborations
  • About the department Your Biostatistics colleagues in the CagriSema project are located in Aalborg, Søborg, Bangalore and Mumbai hence we value flexibility, cultural diversity and virtual meetings.   In general, our Biostatistics organisation is 300 people strong where the majority is located in Denmark and India, and with smaller teams in China, Japan, Spain, UK and US. Primarily we perform our statistical work in-house, thus we offer a wide variety of statistical tasks and challenges and provide a large scientific community. We always strive for an inspiring working environment with focus on collaboration and opportunities for personal growth and development. We ensure a positive and informal atmosphere in our daily work and a good work-life-balance. Working at Novo Nordisk Novo Nordisk is its people. We know that life is anything but linear and balancing what is important at different stages of your career is never easy. That’s why we make room for diverse life situations, always putting people first. Working at Novo Nordisk includes, among other things, pension, six annual weeks of paid vacation and days off in connection with children sickness. Contact For further information, please contact Signe Olrik (+45 3075 2661). Deadline 03 May 2024. We will be evaluating and interviewing candidates on an ongoing basis so don’t hesitate to apply today. You do not need to attach a cover letter to your application, but please include a few lines about your motivation in your resume or CV. To ensure an efficient and fair recruitment process, please refrain from adding a photo in your CV. By submitting your application for this position, you acknowledge and agree that your CV and application materials may be accessible and viewed by relevant managers within our organization for the purpose of evaluating your candidacy. We commit to an inclusive recruitment process and equality of opportunity for all our job applicants. At Novo Nordisk we recognize that it is no longer good enough to aspire to be the best company in the world. We need to aspire to be the best company for the world and we know that this is only possible with talented employees with diverse perspectives, backgrounds and cultures. We are therefore committed to creating an inclusive culture that celebrates the diversity of our employees, the patients we serve and communities we operate in. Together, we’re life changing.

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    Denne ledige stilling har jobtypen "Forretningsudvikler", og befinder sig i kategorien "Kommunikation, marketing, salg".

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    Statistik over udbudte forretningsudviklere i Aalborg over tid

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    Drømmer du om at bo og arbejde i en pulserende by med charme og historie? Så kigger du måske mod Aalborg, også kendt som "Nordens Paris". Med et blomstrende erhvervsliv, en levende kulturscene og en fantastisk beliggenhed ved Limfjorden, er Aalborg et attraktivt sted for jobjagten.

    Aalborgs erhvervsliv byder på en spændende blanding af tradition og innovation, hvilket afspejles i de største beskæftigelsessektorer. Mens byens maritime historie stadig spiller en vigtig rolle, er der sket en markant udvikling inden for andre områder. Lad os tage et kig på de største arbejdspladser i "Nordens Paris":

    Aalborg byder på en række smarte transportløsninger, der gør det nemt og bekvemt at komme rundt i byen og omegnen, uanset om du er til bus, tog, cykel, bil eller alternative former for mobilitet.

    At flytte til et nyt sted på grund af et job kræver forberedelse, og Aalborg er ingen undtagelse.

    Bydele i Aalborg 

    Aalborg består af en række unikke kvarterer, hver med sin egen charme og atmosfære. Din boligvalg kan i den grad påvirke din jobjagt, så lad os dykke ned i de forskellige bydele og se, hvordan de kan understøtte dine karrieredrømme:

    Centrum: Aalborgs pulserende hjerte med butikker, caféer, restauranter og kulturinstitutioner. Her finder du store virksomheder inden for service, handel, finans og administration. Boligpriserne er højere, men netværksmulighederne er mange.

    Øgadekvarteret: Et kreativt og trendy område med små butikker, barer og spillesteder. Tiltrækker unge, kreative erhverv og iværksættere. Lejlighederne er ofte mindre, men stemningen er energisk.

    Vestbyen: Boligkvarter med god plads til familier og pendlerafstand til erhvervsområderne i Nørresundby. Her finder du virksomheder inden for industri, logistik og transport. Roligt miljø med gode grønne områder.

    Østerbro: Et hyggeligt og historisk kvarter med smukke villaer og lejligheder. Her bor mange akademikere og ansatte på Aalborg Universitet. God balance mellem byliv og ro.

    Nørresundby: Aalborgs industrielle nabo med store virksomheder inden for energi, teknologi og vindmølleproduktion. Lavere boligpriser end Aalborg centrum, men god infrastruktur.

    Sydbyen: Et upcoming område med renoverede industrilokaler og nye boligbyggerier. Tiltrækker innovative virksomheder og kreative iværksættere. Flot udsigt mod Limfjorden og god adgang til motorvej.

    Mere information om Aalborg 

    Hvis du er på udkig efter et job i Aalborg, er det vigtigt, at du sætter dig grundigt ind i, hvordan jobmarkedet fungerer, og hvor i byen du vil arbejde og bo. Vi har samlet en guide med alle relevante oplysninger om Aalborg, så du kan få et samlet overblik. Læs mere om Aalborg i denne guide: Din guide til jobjagt i Aalborg: "Nordens Paris" venter på dig!