Project Manager Offshore Wind, Service
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In Renewable Service we have a lot of interesting opportunities in the pipeline for short- and long-term operation. Thus, we are looking for a Project Manager, who not only can manage and execute service projects to our clients but also is motivated by making a real difference in meeting the world’s growing energy demand.
“The Project Managers have an important role towards the clients, service lead and the technicians, and must therefore act as an ambassador and motivator on company policies, values, cross-divisional co-operation, methods and guidelines.” - Director of Service Wind, Mads Iversholt.
Your tasks & responsibilities
As Project Manager, you will be responsible for one of more of our project in the Renewable Service team. The projects are typically either long term service contracts for our clients in Germany, United Kingdom, or Denmark, or it could be repair/modifications tasks on offshore wind units, in particular offshore substations, and balance of plant assets.
As Project Manager you will be responsible for leading projects in all phases, from early Tender to Planning & Structure, and Execution and Completion, and along the way you collaborate with your project team. You will have technical and commercial responsibility for our deliveries, why a technical background supplied with additional commercial education or experience from similar task is an advantage.
You will be the primary contact towards the clients, and you will be responsible delivering according to contracts and Semco Maritime standards. It makes it key that you thrive in a leading project position, where you through sharp project plans, team companionship, and ownership on the projects ensure efficiency and progress regardless of the project phase.
Your tasks will include but are not limited to:
- Contact to clients and service leads
- Lead on both quotations and execution
- Clarification of scopes/Jobs
- Preparation of Jobs including Risk Assessment
- After Sales & search for new opportunities
You will be based onshore on one of our offices in Denmark. For technical surveys, inspections, and preparation your work location may be offshore for shorter periods as well as you shall expect frequent travel to other Semco Maritime locations for working with team colleagues. Around 25 travel days per year should be expected. As a general rule, the job requires office attendance, but remote workdays can naturally be arranged in cases of special need.
Your profile & qualifications
To succeed in this position, you can lead large service projects with an eye for matching client needs and solutions. To us it means that have a structured and solution-oriented approach as well as you are proactive and eager to get details on point. Furthermore, you are innovative, adaptable, and collaborating, and you enjoy having responsibility.
You will be a part of a team that prioritizes safety culture and a nice and flexible working environment. We are sociable, helpful, and open to input as well as we are dedicated, executory, and work forward in a structured manner with respect for the agility that is a natural part of our core task. We want the same from you.
Besides a minimum of 5 years of relevant experience as Project Manager – preferably from the offshore industry - we imagine that you have:
- Higher technical education
- Fluent in English language is a requirement. Danish and/or German is an advantage.
- Excellent communication skills
- Ability to plan own assignments and deliver on time
- A structured and flexible approach and great interpersonal skills
Welcome to Semco Maritime
At Semco Maritime, we create change. For people. For projects. And for the global energy sector. With us, you will join a community of over 2,400 of the most dedicated thinkers and doers in the energy industry who are driving real change and making their own personal mark on the global energy landscape.
While everyone knows why the energy transition is vital, we are concerned with the journey. How to get there. By providing the answers needed to make change real. Because we believe that global energy ambitions can only be realized through hard work and clever pragmatic solutions. This is what we do. This is what we invite you to participate in.
So yes, working for us will change the energy sector – and may well change you too.
Care to join the movement?
Change. With us.
Information og data
Denne ledige stilling har jobtypen "Forretningsudvikler", og befinder sig i kategorien "Kommunikation, marketing, salg".
Arbejdsstedet er beliggende i Aalborg
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Statistik over udbudte jobs som forretningsudviklere i Aalborg
Herunder ser du udviklingen i udbudte forretningsudvikler i Aalborg over tid. Bemærk at jobs der ikke har en bestemt geografi ikke er medtaget i tabellen. I den første kolonne ser du datoen. I den næste kolonne ser du det samlede antal forretningsudviklere i Aalborg.
Se flere statistikker her:
Statistik over udbudte forretningsudviklere i Aalborg over tid
Dato | Alle jobs som forretningsudviklere |
3. marts 2025 | 16 |
2. marts 2025 | 16 |
1. marts 2025 | 16 |
28. februar 2025 | 16 |
27. februar 2025 | 16 |
26. februar 2025 | 16 |
25. februar 2025 | 15 |
24. februar 2025 | 14 |
23. februar 2025 | 15 |
22. februar 2025 | 17 |
21. februar 2025 | 18 |
20. februar 2025 | 17 |
19. februar 2025 | 14 |
18. februar 2025 | 14 |
17. februar 2025 | 15 |
16. februar 2025 | 15 |
15. februar 2025 | 15 |
14. februar 2025 | 15 |
13. februar 2025 | 15 |
12. februar 2025 | 15 |
11. februar 2025 | 14 |
10. februar 2025 | 13 |
9. februar 2025 | 14 |
8. februar 2025 | 14 |
7. februar 2025 | 14 |
6. februar 2025 | 14 |
5. februar 2025 | 14 |
4. februar 2025 | 14 |
3. februar 2025 | 13 |
2. februar 2025 | 12 |
1. februar 2025 | 12 |
Værd at vide når du søger job som forretningsudvikler i Aalborg
Aalborgs erhvervsliv byder på en spændende blanding af tradition og innovation, hvilket afspejles i de største beskæftigelsessektorer. Mens byens maritime historie stadig spiller en vigtig rolle, er der sket en markant udvikling inden for andre områder. Lad os tage et kig på de største arbejdspladser i "Nordens Paris":
Aalborg byder på en række smarte transportløsninger, der gør det nemt og bekvemt at komme rundt i byen og omegnen, uanset om du er til bus, tog, cykel, bil eller alternative former for mobilitet.
At flytte til et nyt sted på grund af et job kræver forberedelse, og Aalborg er ingen undtagelse.
Bydele i Aalborg
Aalborg består af en række unikke kvarterer, hver med sin egen charme og atmosfære. Din boligvalg kan i den grad påvirke din jobjagt, så lad os dykke ned i de forskellige bydele og se, hvordan de kan understøtte dine karrieredrømme:
Centrum: Aalborgs pulserende hjerte med butikker, caféer, restauranter og kulturinstitutioner. Her finder du store virksomheder inden for service, handel, finans og administration. Boligpriserne er højere, men netværksmulighederne er mange.
Øgadekvarteret: Et kreativt og trendy område med små butikker, barer og spillesteder. Tiltrækker unge, kreative erhverv og iværksættere. Lejlighederne er ofte mindre, men stemningen er energisk.
Vestbyen: Boligkvarter med god plads til familier og pendlerafstand til erhvervsområderne i Nørresundby. Her finder du virksomheder inden for industri, logistik og transport. Roligt miljø med gode grønne områder.
Østerbro: Et hyggeligt og historisk kvarter med smukke villaer og lejligheder. Her bor mange akademikere og ansatte på Aalborg Universitet. God balance mellem byliv og ro.
Nørresundby: Aalborgs industrielle nabo med store virksomheder inden for energi, teknologi og vindmølleproduktion. Lavere boligpriser end Aalborg centrum, men god infrastruktur.
Sydbyen: Et upcoming område med renoverede industrilokaler og nye boligbyggerier. Tiltrækker innovative virksomheder og kreative iværksættere. Flot udsigt mod Limfjorden og god adgang til motorvej.
Mere information om Aalborg
Hvis du er på udkig efter et job i Aalborg, er det vigtigt, at du sætter dig grundigt ind i, hvordan jobmarkedet fungerer, og hvor i byen du vil arbejde og bo. Vi har samlet en guide med alle relevante oplysninger om Aalborg, så du kan få et samlet overblik. Læs mere om Aalborg i denne guide: Din guide til jobjagt i Aalborg: "Nordens Paris" venter på dig!