Consultancy Literacy research

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Hele Danmark

analysinglessons learned, good practices, and suggesting models and ideas for ways forward

Oxfam is working in many fragile and conflict affected countries to deliver timely and effective humanitarian aid to help people affected by crisis and conflicts as well as addressing development challenges.
Conflicts and crisis have in many countries disrupted education, livelihoods and increased dependency on humanitarian aid and illiteracy have become especially high for girls and women. Hence, in many protracted crises, it is increasingly necessary for humanitarian response to include programing aiming at increasing peoples and particularly women’s livelihood, resilience, voice and dignified lives.

On a general note, access to equitable and good quality public education is one of the most powerful and transformative tools in the fight against inequality and as a gender-responsive investment. Those without basic literacy and numeracy skills are automatically last in the que in close to every matter. Focusing on girl’s and women’s access to learning opportunities supports an integrated approach and links closely to Oxfam’s existing expertise and strategic interest in gender justice, feminist principles, community engagement and local leadership. Girls’ and women’s safety and social, economic and political empowerment are often constrained by strong patriarchal structures in fragile contexts. Identifying strategic entry points for working on gender norms and masculinity, inclusion and power sharing are often challenging. Schools and learning spaces can provide a strategic platform for addressing issues considered highly sensitive in crises-affected areas as it is a space where girls, young women and mothers already engage and where their participation is accepted. It is also most often a common space for both boys, girls, women and men.

Literacy activities have a strong focus on the most vulnerable and on women often with no or minimal education. Existing literature and evidence point at literacy as an enabler for poor women (and men) to engage in more productive livelihoods, protection, and peace, and to take on increasingly active roles in transforming the lives of their families, and their communities. Likewise research clearly shows that educated mothers are far better at ensuring the next generation a healthy, protected and educated life.
Beyond its conventional concept as a set of reading, writing and counting skills, literacy (here including numeracy) is now understood as the ability to identify, understand, interpret, create, communicate and compute using printed and written materials associated with diverse contexts. Literacy involves a continuum of learning in enabling individuals to achieve their goals, develop their knowledge and potential and participate fully in community and society. (UNESCO. 2005. Aspects of Literacy Assessment: Topics and issues from the UNESCO Expert Meeting, 10–12 June 2003. In an Oxfam context it means that literacy covers a broad understanding of learning skills important for people to manage daily life especially life skills (social, practical and communication skills) but also included practical/technical skills, cognitive skills, financial skills etc. The “multiplier effect” of literacy empowers people, enables them to participate fully in society and contributes to improve livelihoods.

Empowerment can be understood as “the process of becoming stronger and more confident, especially in controlling one's life and claiming one's rights” (Oxford Dictionary). Empowerment can be understood very differently depending on the starting point of people and communities and will in the context of literacy learning be related to women empowerment and gender equality, and economic, political, cultural, societal empowerment. When we talk about empowering people and communities, we understand the degree of autonomy and self-determination in people and in communities in order to enable them to represent their interests in a responsible and self-determined way, acting on their own authority.

Objective of the research
During the past 5 years Oxfam has supported different literacy activities in e.g. South Sudan, Uganda, Sierra Leone, Chad and Mozambique. This includes literacy for food, stand-alone literacy training, gender related literacy training and activities linked to cash grants, income generating activities and skills development. Through this consultancy, we want to collect more information from countries where Oxfam has worked/works with literacy to see how we could draw good practices and learnings from the existing documentation and whether literacy has contributed as an enabler for empowerment, livelihoods and increased resilience of youth and women. We want to use it as guidance for how future programming/work with literacy can be designed and implemented in an integrated manner in Oxfam.
The overall objective of the literacy research is to better understand Oxfam literacy (using the broad definition of literacy above) experiences and global best practices, to learn from the impact of literacy learning and how it contributes most effectively as an enabler for youth, and women’s and men’s empowerment included improved livelihoods, agency, gender justice and protection.
The objective of the literacy research is to draw experiences and learn from selected Oxfam literacy projects, and based on lessons learned and best practices suggest opportunities for how literacy can add value as enabler for participants in an integrated approach in Oxfam humanitarian response e.g. as part of livelihood, protection, gender justice or WASH/Public Health Promotion (community engagement and empowerment) projects. The focus should particularly be on how young and adult women can gain from literacy programming.
Our Theory of Change is that if literacy (the broad definition of literacy) for women and youth is implemented with livelihoods and protection, community engagement and empowerment activities then greater collective outcomes can be achieved.

Key issues to be addressed in the literacy research
  1. to explore how Oxfam has worked on literacy activities as empowerment for youth and women (affected by conflict), both stand-alone learning and learning integrated into responses improving e.g. livelihoods, protection, gender justice, WASH/community engagement and empowerment;
  2. to collect information, and document outcomes and learnings from implementation of literacy programmes, including where linked to other programme activities e.g. skills development, youth activities, livelihoods, community engagement in selected Oxfam programmes within the last 5 years;
  3. to discuss and analyse lessons learned and good practices;
  4. to recommend, based on the analysis and findings, models and future ways of working for integrating literacy most effectively in livelihoods, gender justice, protection and WASH/community engagement in humanitarian response activities as enabler for youth’s and women’s empowerment and agency.

The research must address the questions below:
  • How flexible and effective have literacy projects been in reaching out to those most in need, included people with impairments?
  • Were life skills an integrated part of literacy training? If yes, which components of life skills was included and how was it perceived by the participants?
  • Did literacy activities/projects have a specific focus on gender justice?
  • Did Oxfam through the literacy projects link to or intent to link to skills development, livelihoods, IGA/saving groups, gender justice, WASH/ community engagement and empowerment, youth engagement etc.? Did Oxfam support or intend to support groups of learners e.g. PTAs, VSG’s, farmers groups with the literacy courses? How was integration of literacy learning with other activities perceived by participants and organisers, and what was the challenges and successes?
  • Did literacy activities/projects start as a mean of empowerment of youth and women or did it start as livelihood/WASH/Protection activities/projects with literacy needs defined by the participants later?
  • Did the literacy courses have longer term effect on youth and women’s income generation? And were any impact assessment of the literacy programmes carried out?
  • Were specific learning methodologies used e.g. REFLECT, GALS or other methodologies?
  • Which safeguarding and accountability measures were taken to ensure a safe and secure environment for participants?
  • What role has partners been playing in literacy and numeracy programming? Has Oxfam been part of strategic alliances or platforms?
  • Was there any link between programming with policy/advocacy on literacy learning projects?

Key Outputs and Obligations
The consultant is expected to undertake the following tasks and deliver according to the timeline specified in paragraph 5:
  1. Agreement with Oxfam IBIS on number of countries to be included and contact persons in countries;
  2. Desk study including:

  • Review lessons learned and best practices based on relevant documents from Oxfam IBIS and Oxfam Country Office (CO) staff
  • Key informant interviews (online) with Oxfam CO staff (in the selected countries), Oxfam IBIS staff and other relevant Oxfam staff (e.g. GHT team leaders for protection, livelihoods and WASH/PHP)

  1. Produce a draft report to be shared with Oxfam IBIS and Oxfam key informants, and incorporate relevant feedback into the final evaluation
  2. Final evaluation report of max 20 pages (excluding annexes).

Timeframe and deliverables
The research should take place in July and August 2020 (to be finalised by 20th August)
Desk study (including key informant interviews) 3 days
Analysis and Report 4 days
Total research 7 days

A research report intended for internal and external use, to inform programming and Oxfam strategies, and written in a clear and concise language, shall be delivered. The length should be approximately 10,000 words equal to 20 pages, including executive summary, research methodology, analysis and recommendations.

Qualification Requirements
  • Advanced university degree in one or more of following areas: International Development, Education, Social Science or other relevant discipline;
  • Excellent technical expertise from literacy and life skills programming; practical field experience and/or theoretical experience;
  • Knowledge of community involvement in programming and planning;
  • Knowledge of education in emergency programming and youth programming;
  • Field experience from work in humanitarian responses;
  • Demonstration of previous involvement in evaluations and/or research.

Signing Oxfam’s safeguarding and anti-corruption policy and professional silence and guiding principles will be required.

How to apply
Please submit your application via the ‘send application’ button and include your motivation letter and CV together with a brief proposal/inception note on how to accomplish the consultancy including budget in USD/EUR and availability, and a least one example of previous relevant work.

Application deadline: 15 July 2020, at 23.59.
Relevant candidates will be selected on an ongoing basis.

Please note that only applications received using the link provided can be taken into consideration.

For further queries contact: Else Oestergaard, [email protected]

Oxfam IBIS is committed to equal employment opportunity we therefore encourage everybody – irrespective of age, gender and of religious, sexual, national or ethnic affiliation – to apply for this position.

Oxfam is a global movement of people working together to end the injustice of poverty.

That means we tackle the inequality that keeps people poor. Together we save, protect and rebuild lives. When disaster strikes, we help people build better lives for themselves, and for others. We take on issues like land rights, climate change and discrimination against women. And we won’t stop until every person on the planet can enjoy life free from poverty.
We are an international confederation of 20 organisations (affiliates) working together
with partners and local communities in the areas of humanitarian, development and campaigning, in more than 90 countries.

All our work is led by three core values: Empowerment, Accountability, Inclusiveness.

Oxfam is committed to preventing any type of unwanted behaviour at work including sexual
harassment, exploitation and abuse, lack of integrity and financial misconduct; and promoting the welfare of children, young people and adults. Oxfam expects all staff and volunteers to share this commitment through our code of conduct.
We place a high priority on ensuring that only those who share and demonstrate our values are recruited to work for us.

Note: All offers of employment will be subject to satisfactory references and may be subject to appropriate screening checks, which can include criminal records and terrorism finance checks.

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