Business Development Lead
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The colleague we are looking for will support the Leadership Team in Maersk Oil Trading on both strategic and tactical level in analyzing, assessing, structuring and developing business cases/output proposals for the major initiatives ahead of Maersk Oil Trading, including how to analyse and conclude for the sourcing/ own manufacturing of the de-carbonisation fuels that we have started scaling and burning in the fleet.
Since this is truly pioneering we have an ambition of getting Maersk seriously ahead of their competitors, and turning it into 3rd party business at the same time.
We offer
The position will allow the chosen candidate to be part of an ambitious journey and defining and executing on MOT strategy that support Maersk de-carbonisation and can be part of re-inventing the industry.
The opportunity to represent Maersk Oil Trading and build a solid network of industry leading experts and senior leaders within Maersk and externally.
You act as a sparring partner of the MOT Leadership team and involvement in wide variety of strategic and impactful initiatives.
Opportunity to develop leadership responsibilities by establishing and leading a small team.
Maersk Oil Trading operates in an environment of constant change, either in terms of fuel market developments, serious impact of regulatory initiatives (= opportunity!) and fuel types that need to be optimised or simply developed from scratch in collaboration with our Fleet Technology colleagues and external partners.
MOT has gone through serious change in the past few years, progressing from a sourcing approach to turning Maersk very significant fuel demand into optimisation by cutting out middlemen in the fuel industry and by engaging into the supply chain by operating now a global fleet of oil/bunker tankers, and blending and manufacturing facilities in the US, EU and Asia. With IMO2020 Maersk Oil Trading transformed from a primarily procurement unit to now manufacturing most of the fuel ourselves.
With the Maersk De-carbonisation strategy we have actively started manufacturing bio diesel, which is now a competitive product that has enabled Maersk to expand their ECO Delivery product with strategic global customers. MOT will continue to engage in non-fossil fuels and expand into adjacent products and markets (eg land based fuels needed to transport the containers inland).
Maersk Oil Trading is based in Copenhagen with offices in Singapore, New York and Rotterdam and employs 90 individuals across the various functions and locations. activities.
Key responsibilities
• Participate in and support functional projects and initiatives as required. Take initiative for ensuring that opportunities that are identified over time and as the environment and developments change are captured and raised in support of the Strategy.
• Represent MOT in various cross functional initiatives/projects/ meeting, with particular focus on optimisation of fuels and logistics. There are a lot of perceived limitations and barriers that are waiting to be challenged and turned into value with a fresh mindset.
• Supports the functional operating model and business priorities of MOT. The communication internally in particular with central and senior key stakeholders is key to continued internal support, cross organisatinal collaboration and recognition of the value created
• Provides analytical support, breaking complexities in new business opportunities down and finally turning into a business case for evaluation and approval if strong enough and supporting the Strategy
• Acts as a sparring partner to the leadership team, leading their own team (so far small).
• Handling a range of tasks/initiatives that do not (yet) fit into any other part of MOT because of their specialised nature and as we expect to see the disruption of the marine fuel industry create both internal transformational change management as well as outright opportunities, outside scope but within Strategy
• Enable and participate implementation of MOT Strategy, which is reviewed in Q1 2021 with a view of supporting Maersk De-carbonisation strategy (and participate in the formation of the Strategy if joining MOT in Q4 2020 :)
We are looking for
You may have been working in a consultancy firm for a number of years but may also be someone who would like to get involved across all elements of a going business, sometimes involving planning, sometimes leading projects that will set standards in the industry and keep us ahead of Maersk’s competitors.
It is important that you have a good ability to communicate, work on your own, experience in crunching complex or simply unusual situations appearing in the MOT space - internally and externally - by analysis, proposing potential options for solutions, making proposals and conclusions and when approved execute on the actions.
The position requires communication skills and ability to also work fast. We care about quality of the work done but we also care about fast delivery because of the fast-paced environment and evolving industry we are part of.
We expect you like to think outside of the box, come up with different and sometimes unusual ideas and are inspired by working in entirely unchartered territories
At Maersk we value the diversity of our talent and will always strive to recruit the best person for the job – we value diversity in all its forms, including but not limited to: gender, age, nationality, race, sexual orientation, disability or religious beliefs.
We are proud of our diversity and see it as a genuine source of strength for building high performing teams.
Information og data
Denne ledige stilling har jobtypen "Forretningsudvikler", og befinder sig i kategorien "Kommunikation, marketing, salg".
Arbejdsstedet er beliggende i København
Jobbet er oprettet på vores service den 11.11.2020, men kan have været deaktiveret og genaktiveret igen.
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