Global Protection Advisor and AGDM Focal Point
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Who are we?
The Global Protection Unit (GPU) is situated in the Department of Programme, Policy and External Relations (PPE), which is responsible for DRC’s global programme policy development, programme quality assurance and accountability, and drives global programme innovation, business development, evidence & learning. The PPE also leads global advocacy & press and builds and expands external relations & institutional fundraising at global level. The Global Protection Unit is responsible for and oversees DRC’s Protection work globally, including development and dissemination of protection policy, standards and guidance, advocacy efforts, protection programming quality assurance and compliance, delivery of technical field support and capacity building on protection.
About the job
Protection is a well-established and core sector in DRC, with a strong structure of Protection Advisors and Coordinators at country, regional and global level. The Global Protection Advisor position aims at enabling DRC to continue developing and advancing its role as a leading protection actor in Child Protection and Gender-Based Violence (GBV) prevention and response - two core areas of specialisation of DRC’s Protection Sector. Further, the incumbent will serve as the Global Age, Gender and Diversity Mainstreaming (AGDM) Focal Point and will ensure that DRC is both compliant and strategic forward thinking on the AGDM agenda. Overall, the purpose of the role is to:
- Review and further develop framework, policy and guidance on Child Protection and GBV; monitor and ensure implementation of DRC Child Protection and GBV Policies and DRC’s Call to Action on Protection from GBV in Emergencies (CtA) commitments; and set the agenda and develop guidance on Gender Transformative programming
- Provide quality input and technical support to field operations as well as HQ units / divisions, ensuring quality programming, compliance, capacity building, advocacy and positioning of DRC on Child Protection, GBV, and AGDM and Gender Equality (SDG 5)
- Broadening of and leading the partnership base of DRC with regards to Child Protection, GBV and AGDM and Gender Equality.
The responsibilities of the Global Protection Advisor and AGDM Focal Point are:
Development of Strategic Framework, Policy and Guidance
- Review and further develop DRC strategic engagement, policy and guidance on Child Protection and GBV, in collaboration with Child Protection and GBV partners
- Part-time global Project Manager for multi-year GBV Innovation partner programme
- Programmatic research, innovation and guidance on GBV and Gender Equality
- Continued proactive approach to mainstreaming of AGD (age, gender & diversity) in strategies, programmes and projects, and consistent work with and support to field operations and units / divisions focused on adapting their focus, including support to the revision of the Programme Handbook on AGDM.
Provision of Quality Input to the Organisation, including
- Strategy 2025, Organisational Principle 5 ‘Include’, and strategic processes in general
- Advocacy, global commitments and efforts and external representation/ messaging (e.g. on the Global Compact on Refugees (GCR) and Call to Action on GBV (CtA)), in collaboration with colleagues from among others Advocacy, Press and External Relations (APER) and Communication
- Understanding and responding to donor and other requirements and requests.
Broadening and Leading the Partnership Base of DRC on GBV, Gender Equality and Child Protection
- Identify and engage relevant actors and partners among humanitarian technical forums, UN agencies, NGOs, donors, academia, private sector, think tanks
- Act as focal point for inquiries on these subject matters.
The Global Protection Advisor and AGDM Focal Point reports to the Head of the Global Protection Unit. The working language in DRC Headquarters is English.
About you
To be successful in this role we expect you to have a minimum of 7 years of significant, progressively responsible experience in Protection, and GBV prevention and response and / or Child Protection specifically, in the context of conflict and forced displacement.
All employees should master DRC's core competencies: Communicating, Taking the lead, Collaborating, Striving for excellence and Demonstrating integrity.
Moreover, we also expect the following:
- Proven experience with development and implementation of Protection strategy, policy and guidance
- Demonstrable capacity building skills, including the design and facilitation of trainings, workshops and events
- Significant and demonstrable experience in providing high quality, in-person and remote Protection technical and strategic advice and support to country programmes/operations, across the project/programme cycle
- Strong skills in data, analysis and evidence generation for Protection programming and response
- Knowledge and experience with integrated programming and multi-sectoral response
- Proven knowledge and experience with implementation of Centrality of Protection
- Demonstrated knowledge and understanding of Age, Gender and Diversity aspects and the standards and guidance available
- Demonstrable problem-solving skills and ability to adopt flexible, creative, innovative approaches
- Demonstrable ability to work independently as part of a small team
- Excellent oral and written communication skills, including concise writing/drafting, and for presentation
- Excellent interpersonal skills and ability to support, establish and maintain effective partnerships and working relations in a complex, multi-cultural and multi-ethnic environment with sensitivity, respect and diversity.
- Master’s degree in law, humanitarian or development studies, political science, sociology or another higher academic education, relevant to the position.
- English: fluent spoken and written
- Ability to work in French is a strong advantage
We offer
Contract length: This is a full-time permanent position
Start date: 1 March or as soon as possible hereafter
Workplace: The position is placed in DRC HQ in Copenhagen but we offer flexibility to locate the position in one of our regional or country offices subject to further conversation.
If employed in Copenhagen, salary and conditions will be in accordance with the agreement between DRC and AC at “Specialkonsulent” level. This is a national position for which local terms and conditions apply.
If employed in one of DRC’s Regional or Country offices, the position will be either on expatriate terms or national terms subject to the country.
Application process
Applicants must send a cover letter and an updated CV in English. Apply online on our page Current Vacancies at
Closing date for applications: 11 February
We expect to conduct interviews week of 21st February 2022.
Further information
For questions regarding the vacancy, please contact Kathrine Starup, Head of Protection Unit, [email protected]
For further information about the Danish Refugee Council, please consult our website
Information og data
Denne ledige stilling har jobtypen "Forretningsudvikler", og befinder sig i kategorien "Kommunikation, marketing, salg".
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