Senior ERP Project Manager, Wholesale Solutions - Global IT

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Are you ready to join one of Denmark’s largest D365F&O implementations for wholesale? Do you want to deliver first class ERP solutions for the wholesale companies of Demant around the world?

You will join us at an interesting time, where we are about to implement D365F&O globally. As our Senior ERP Project Manager, you will be responsible for ensuring the full-scale ERP solution across several coun-tries in our wholesale business and the success criteria are to deploy the template with a minimum of changes, making sure our users are adopting the new ways of working” says your new manager, Thomas Bremer Hansen, Director, Wholesale Solutions and continues “So if you are looking for an exciting oppor-tunity to make a significant impact on Demant, then this could be the position for you!

Deliver first in class ERP projects, focusing on deploying a global template

As the Senior ERP Project Manager, you will play an integral part in transforming our business processes, optimizing efficiency, and promoting growth through the effective use of technology.

We are looking for a colleague who will oversee the planning and implementation of our global template, focusing on the operation and process side as well as the IT side of the implementation. With this ERP implementation we are transforming our business and bringing in the latest technology, which will bring our business closer to our goal of becoming #1 in the Hearing Aids industry.

Welcome to team Wholesale Solutions

We are part of Global IT, where we are delivering IT solutions for the Hearing Aid Business of Demant. You will join a team of 25 professionals, primarily working with Dynamics D365F&O, AX2012 and NAV in the areas of sales, supply chain, finance, and operations. Together with your project team, you will be an im-portant part of delivering the best ERP solutions for the Hearing Aid Business of Demant.

The team has in the previous years developed and deployed a global template based on AX2012 in Eu-rope and now we are in the process of upgrading the template to D365F&O. After the upgrade, the tem-plate will be rolled out globally, starting in the Americas and later continue to APAC and EMEA.

As an international team, we truly value knowledge sharing, and we have a high focus on psychological safety. We are working from our four statements: “Learn from mistakes”, “Appreciate my opinion”, “In-volve and be involved”, and “Catch me if I fall”, making sure that we everyday support each other and grow both individually and as a team”” says Thomas.

Spearhead the implementation project, the organization change management and manage important stakeholders

Joining us, you can look forward to deploying our global template making sure our wholesale countries are adopting our template, and utilizing all the new benefits the template is bringing. You will work with stakeholders from the management in the countries and at the Demant headquarters.

To sum up, you can look forward to the following responsibilities:

  • Plan the project cycle from initiation, adoption, deployment and handover to operations/support in close collaboration with the local country, all parties involved in the project and our support team.
  • Oversee the change management of the project together with an appointed local change lead from the wholesale company and make sure the implementation is being well adopted in the local company when the project is going live.
  • Manage the different stakeholders in the local country and central in Global IT, Operations, Finance and Sales.

We are in the process of implementing SAFe throughout Demant, so if you are not already familiar with the ways of working in a SAFe setup, don’t worry, as long as you are curious to learn about it, we will make sure to get you onboard.

Be part of a Global Organization

Demant is a global company with 21.500 colleagues around the world, who all use our IT solutions. To en-sure this, you will have more than 500 IT colleagues across Europe, US and the Asia Pacific region support-ing you. To connect with them and facilitate your approach in the most optimal way, you should expect 50-60 days of travelling each year.

We need your ERP experience!

Your educational background is not important to us, what is important, is what experience you bring to the table.

To succeed in the job, you need to have solid experience project managing ERP solutions in a global company working with standard templates. You see yourself planning and heading IT projects in a virtual and global world. Finally, you keep your awareness of industry trends and technology advancements up to date.

In your current position, you are most likely working as an IT Project Manager or other background with a clear focus on D365F&O or AX2012.

As a person you are motivated and you create trust, have an innovative mindset with a can-do attitude and you understand the value of working as a team.

Join the team and become part of Global IT at Demant

If this sounds exciting, please send your CV and application as soon as possible. The application deadline is 3rd September 2023. Please note, we only accept applications through our online application system.

If you would like to hear more about the job, you are welcome to contact Director, Wholesale Solutions, Thomas Bremer Hansen at +45 25 42 89 60.

We are looking forward to hearing from you.

Information og data

Denne ledige stilling har jobtypen "Forretningsudvikler", og befinder sig i kategorien "Kommunikation, marketing, salg".

Arbejdsstedet er beliggende i København

Jobbet er oprettet på vores service den 10.8.2023, men kan have været deaktiveret og genaktiveret igen.

Dagligt opdateret: Dette job opdateres dagligt ud fra jobudbyderens hjemmeside via vores søgemaskineteknologi og er aktivt lige nu.
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  • København

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