Chief Project Manager

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Set your mark on the business development within project management.
As Chief Project Manager, you support the continued growth and development of the project management field in Fyn and Sjælland, where you will have the professional responsibility for project management, as we expect the business area to further expand. Our clients are typically among the largest and most recognized companies in the industry, and the projects cover a wide range, whereas you must have a good understanding of complex projects, both commercially and regarding project management.

You will be responsible for a team of project managers and freelancers, where you will use your leadership skills to secure high performance and be a guiding lighthouse for the team members.

Core tasks will include:

  • Relationship-based sales, ability to function as ‘Trusted Advisor’, clarification of customer needs, tendering, and contract management in close collaboration with the sales organization and technical departments.
  • Leadership and development of the employees in your team.
  • Recruitment of new Project Managers and external freelancers.
  • Development of the Project Management field and further maturing our delivery- and business models
  • Participation in decision boards.

Qualifications and requirements

  • More than 5 years of experience with Project Management and a similar role.
  • Ability to connect with and lead Project Managers, often from a DIStance.
  • Experience working with complex projects and the largest companies in Denmark.
  • A commercial profile, where you build and maintain a strong relationship with the customers.
  • One eye on operations and sales, and the other on employees and development.
  • Are located on Sjælland.
  • Experience within Pharma or Life Science is a plus.

With your strong expertise and leadership skills, you contribute to DIS’ future success.
You have a theoretical background with relevant further education in project management and leadership. You have a passion for the field of Project Management and have multiple years of experience as a project manager in the industry, as well as multiple years of experience in a similar position involving personnel management. We expect that you are an excellent communicator, a motivating leader, and a skilled organizer. You are ambitious and present yourself with great independence and assertiveness, while also maintaining a keen eye for detail.

As Chief Project Manager, you will engage in collaboration across the organization as well as close cooperation with our clients, so it is important that you have a good understanding of business and possess strong interpersonal, empathetic, and collaborative skills in both Danish and English.

At DIS, professionalism, development, and community are important keywords.
At DIS, you will have a “buddy” who will assist you during the initial period, so you feel at home at DIS and become part of our community. We constantly focus on developing our employees and DIS as a workplace. We employ more than 700 employees spread across offices in Denmark and abroad. Here, we focus on creating an excellent work environment, and we have always had an ambition that DIS should provide unique settings where employees are challenged with exciting projects – at DIS, it should be fun to go to work!

We look forward to hearing from you!
We invite for interviews continuously, and we encourage everyone to apply regardless of gender, age, race, religion, sexuality, or DISability. We expect our candidate to start on the 1st of August 2024.

If you have any questions about the position, you are welcome to contact Director, Head of PM Consultancy, Lasse Damgaard Hasselstrøm on telephone +45 23 89 76 50.

If you are interested in this position, please submit your resume and application by pressing the “Apply” button. We look forward to hearing from you.

Set your mark on the business development within project management.
As Chief Project Manager, you support the continued growth and development of the project management field in Fyn and Sjælland, where you will have the professional responsibility for project management, as we expect the business area to further expand. Our clients are typically among the largest and most recognized companies in the industry, and the projects cover a wide range, whereas you must have a good understanding of complex projects, both commercially and regarding project management.Set your mark on the business development within project management.
You will be responsible for a team of project managers and freelancers, where you will use your leadership skills to secure high performance and be a guiding lighthouse for the team members.Core tasks will include:
  • Relationship-based sales, ability to function as ‘Trusted Advisor’, clarification of customer needs, tendering, and contract management in close collaboration with the sales organization and technical departments.
  • Leadership and development of the employees in your team.
  • Recruitment of new Project Managers and external freelancers.
  • Development of the Project Management field and further maturing our delivery- and business models
  • Participation in decision boards.
  • Relationship-based sales, ability to function as ‘Trusted Advisor’, clarification of customer needs, tendering, and contract management in close collaboration with the sales organization and technical departments.Leadership and development of the employees in your team.Recruitment of new Project Managers and external freelancers.Development of the Project Management field and further maturing our delivery- and business modelsParticipation in decision boards.Qualifications and requirements
  • More than 5 years of experience with Project Management and a similar role.
  • Ability to connect with and lead Project Managers, often from a DIStance.
  • Experience working with complex projects and the largest companies in Denmark.
  • A commercial profile, where you build and maintain a strong relationship with the customers.
  • One eye on operations and sales, and the other on employees and development.
  • Are located on Sjælland.
  • Experience within Pharma or Life Science is a plus.
  • More than 5 years of experience with Project Management and a similar role.Ability to connect with and lead Project Managers, often from a DIStance.Experience working with complex projects and the largest companies in Denmark.A commercial profile, where you build and maintain a strong relationship with the customers.One eye on operations and sales, and the other on employees and development.Are located on Sjælland.Experience within Pharma or Life Science is a plus.With your strong expertise and leadership skills, you contribute to DIS’ future success.
    You have a theoretical background with relevant further education in project management and leadership. You have a passion for the field of Project Management and have multiple years of experience as a project manager in the industry, as well as multiple years of experience in a similar position involving personnel management. We expect that you are an excellent communicator, a motivating leader, and a skilled organizer. You are ambitious and present yourself with great independence and assertiveness, while also maintaining a keen eye for detail.With your strong expertise and leadership skills, you contribute to DIS’ future success.
    As Chief Project Manager, you will engage in collaboration across the organization as well as close cooperation with our clients, so it is important that you have a good understanding of business and possess strong interpersonal, empathetic, and collaborative skills in both Danish and English.At DIS, professionalism, development, and community are important keywords.
    At DIS, you will have a “buddy” who will assist you during the initial period, so you feel at home at DIS and become part of our community. We constantly focus on developing our employees and DIS as a workplace. We employ more than 700 employees spread across offices in Denmark and abroad. Here, we focus on creating an excellent work environment, and we have always had an ambition that DIS should provide unique settings where employees are challenged with exciting projects – at DIS, it should be fun to go to work!At DIS, professionalism, development, and community are important keywords.
    We look forward to hearing from you!
    We invite for interviews continuously, and we encourage everyone to apply regardless of gender, age, race, religion, sexuality, or DISability. We expect our candidate to start on the 1st of August 2024.We look forward to hearing from you!
    stIf you have any questions about the position, you are welcome to contact Director, Head of PM Consultancy, Lasse Damgaard Hasselstrøm on telephone +45 23 89 76 50.If you are interested in this position, please submit your resume and application by pressing the “Apply” button. We look forward to hearing from you.

    Information og data

    Denne ledige stilling har jobtypen "Forretningsudvikler", og befinder sig i kategorien "Kommunikation, marketing, salg".

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