Clinical Research Audiologist with technical and clinical audiology experience
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Are you an audiologist with an affinity for applied research? As Clinical Research Audiologist in the Bernafon Audiology team, you will manage clinical projects using your technical and clinical audiology experience to support the promotion of our hearing aids to hearing care professionals. Your work will help them deliver excellence in hearing-care.
You supervise clinical trials, conduct technical measurements, and communicate the results.
In this role, you will be part of the Bernafon Audiology team, a team responsible for documenting and communicating the benefits of Bernafon hearing aids. Bernafon is part of the Demant Group - a world leading international hearing healthcare provider.
Your primary responsibility will be to collect product-related evidence. You will therefore supervise clinical trials to collect clinical evidence and conduct technical measurements. At Bernafon, we pay great care in demonstrating benefits, so you will have the opportunity to use your creativity to create sound demonstrations, visual representations of clinical data, or write clinical documentations.
The Bernafon Audiology team is also responsible for developing clinical tools that help hearing care professionals deliver excellence in hearing care. Here, you will use known or new diagnostic tools and use your understanding of the clinical audiology practice to create tools to help hearing care professionals in their work with our hearing aids.
In this role, you will work closely with the marketing and training teams, where you will represent Bernafon Audiology and ensure that evidence is valued and easy to understand.
Development of clinical tools
To handle your future tasks, you have a master’s degree in Audiology, Acoustics or similar and you have clinical experience. You may also have a PhD and experience in conducting clinical research projects.
You have a good understanding of the technology of hearing-aids and are comfortable making routine clinical technical measurements and more advanced measurements (e.g., effect noise management etc.). If your studies or work experiences has taken you abroad, that will be an advantage for your candidacy.
You will be working closely with audiologists, marketeers, and other researchers. You are pragmatic and solution oriented. You are structured and can document results of your experiments and measurements, or that of others, in an easy-to-understand manner.
You enjoy working in a team and you are therefore open and curious in your contacts with colleagues and external partners. Speaking and writing in English to many different audiences comes naturally to you.
What can we offer?
The audiology team is part of the Bernafon Brand team: A fun and international team of devoted hearing care professionals. Our team spirit is high, and we pride ourselves in supporting each other and making every day enjoyable. The Bernafon Audiology team is growing, and you will have the opportunity to influence its future.
Want to join the team?
We are currently screening applications. You can apply for the position on the link below no later than November 30th, 2023. We wish to fill this position as soon as possible and you are free to contact Nicolas Le Goff, Director of Audiology for Bernafon, at +45 51176843 or [email protected] if you have questions or prefer a short informal chat before applying.
We look forward to hearing from you.
You supervise clinical trials, conduct technical measurements, and communicate the results.
In this role, you will be part of the Bernafon Audiology team, a team responsible for documenting and communicating the benefits of Bernafon hearing aids. Bernafon is part of the Demant Group - a world leading international hearing healthcare provider.
Your primary responsibility will be to collect product-related evidence. You will therefore supervise clinical trials to collect clinical evidence and conduct technical measurements. At Bernafon, we pay great care in demonstrating benefits, so you will have the opportunity to use your creativity to create sound demonstrations, visual representations of clinical data, or write clinical documentations.
The Bernafon Audiology team is also responsible for developing clinical tools that help hearing care professionals deliver excellence in hearing care. Here, you will use known or new diagnostic tools and use your understanding of the clinical audiology practice to create tools to help hearing care professionals in their work with our hearing aids.
In this role, you will work closely with the marketing and training teams, where you will represent Bernafon Audiology and ensure that evidence is valued and easy to understand.
Development of clinical tools
To handle your future tasks, you have a master’s degree in Audiology, Acoustics or similar and you have clinical experience. You may also have a PhD and experience in conducting clinical research projects.
You have a good understanding of the technology of hearing-aids and are comfortable making routine clinical technical measurements and more advanced measurements (e.g., effect noise management etc.). If your studies or work experiences has taken you abroad, that will be an advantage for your candidacy.
You will be working closely with audiologists, marketeers, and other researchers. You are pragmatic and solution oriented. You are structured and can document results of your experiments and measurements, or that of others, in an easy-to-understand manner.
You enjoy working in a team and you are therefore open and curious in your contacts with colleagues and external partners. Speaking and writing in English to many different audiences comes naturally to you.
What can we offer?
The audiology team is part of the Bernafon Brand team: A fun and international team of devoted hearing care professionals. Our team spirit is high, and we pride ourselves in supporting each other and making every day enjoyable. The Bernafon Audiology team is growing, and you will have the opportunity to influence its future.
Want to join the team?
We are currently screening applications. You can apply for the position on the link below no later than November 30th, 2023. We wish to fill this position as soon as possible and you are free to contact Nicolas Le Goff, Director of Audiology for Bernafon, at +45 51176843 or [email protected] if you have questions or prefer a short informal chat before applying.
We look forward to hearing from you.
Information og data
Denne ledige stilling har jobtypen "Forretningsudvikler", og befinder sig i kategorien "Kommunikation, marketing, salg".
Arbejdsstedet er beliggende i Smørum.
Jobbet er oprettet på vores service den 14.11.2023, men kan have været deaktiveret og genaktiveret igen.
Dagligt opdateret: Dette job opdateres dagligt ud fra jobudbyderens hjemmeside via vores søgemaskineteknologi og er aktivt lige nu.
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