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Lignende jobs
Postdoctoral positions in Mathematics & Operations...
The Department of Mathematics at Aarhus University, Denmark, a top 100 university, is seeking top early-career researchers for a number of attractive one to two year postdoctoral positions within M..- Forsker
- Århus C
Two Faculty positions (Associate Professor or Tenu...
The Department of Molecular Biology and Genetics, Aarhus University aims to strengthen its position within the fields of Molecular Medicine or Molecular Biology. We therefore invite applications fo..- Forsker
- Århus C
Klinisk assistent søges til Klinisk Epidemiologisk...
Klinisk Epidemiologisk Afdeling på Aarhus Universitetshospital søger en klinisk assistent pr. 1. marts 2025. Stillingen ønskes besat af en læge med forskningserfaring, gerne inden for klinisk epide..- Forsker
- Århus N
Tenure Track Assistant Professor of Offshore Struc...
The Department of Civil & Architectural Engineering at Aarhus University, Denmark, has a vacancy in the Structural Dynamics and Geotechnical Engineering Section for a tenure-track Assistant Profess..- Forsker
- Århus C
Postdoctoral position in human osteology and isoto...
UrbNet and the Department of Archaeology and Heritage Studies, School of Culture and Society, Faculty of Arts, Aarhus University invite applications for a 24 months fixed-term postdoctoral position..- Forsker
- Højbjerg
Kliniske Akademikere søges til Center for Gen-og C...
Vi søger to kliniske akademikere med gode faglige kvalifikationer og samarbejdsevner i en fast stilling samt et barselsvikariat. Stillingerne vil være ligeligt delt mellem Center for Gen- og Cellet..- Forsker
- Århus N
Combined Position as Associate Professor in Lifelo...
The Danish School of Education (DPU) at the Faculty of Arts, Aarhus University, invites applications for a combined position as an associate professor in lifelong learning (50%) and national coordi..- Forsker
- Århus C
Postdoc in cardiorenal metabolism
The Department of Biomedicine at Faculty of Health at Aarhus University invites applications for a position as Postdoc in the field of Metabolism as per 1 May 2025 or as soon as possible thereafter..- Forsker
- Århus C
Teaching associate professorship in Russian Langua...
The School of Culture and Society, Department of Global studies invites applications for a teaching associate professorship in Russian Language The position is affiliated with the Department of Glo..- Forsker
- Århus C
DEFACTUM, [xxxxx] søger forsker med erfaring i reg...
I DEFACTUM søger vi en forsker til forskergruppen Forskning i Folkesundhed. Som forsker i DEFACTUM vil du indgå i forskningsarbejde i et forskerteam, som har særligt fokus på bl.a. forebyggelse, r..- Forsker
- Århus C
Postdoc positions in Nuclear RNA Biology
We are seeking applicants for postdoc positions in ‘Mammalian Nuclear RNA Production and Turnover Systems’ to join us at the Department of Molecular Biology and Genetics in the research team of Tor..- Forsker
- Århus C
Postdoctoral position in research project on inter...
The Department of Political Science at Aarhus BSS, Aarhus University, invites applications for one 2-year fulltime postdoctoral position to join a new research programme on interest groups and othe..- Forsker
- Århus C
Postdoc in cognitive neuroscience
Department of Linguistics, Cognitive Science and Semiotics within the School of Communication and Culture at Aarhus University invites applications for a postdoctoral position in cognitive neurosci..- Forsker
- Århus C
Postdoc position in chemical synthesis and CO2 val...
Are you interested in chemical synthesis, and can you contribute to the development of valorising CO2? Then the Skrydstrup Group at the Interdisciplinary Nanoscience Center (iNANO), Aarhus Universi..- Forsker
- Århus C
Postdoc in Spatial Transcriptomics in Cancer
The Department of Biomedicine at Faculty of Health at Aarhus University invites applications for a position as Postdoc in the field of spatial transcriptomics in cancer as per 1 April 2025 or as so..- Forsker
- Århus C
Postdoc in Multispectral Imaging and Imaging Spect...
We are seeking applications for a 2.5 year postdoc position in the field of remote sensing of ecosystem fragmentation and scaling of spectral diversity to join us in the Section of Ecoinformatics a..- Forsker
- Århus C
2-yr postdoc on human macroecology in a functional...
The Department of Archaeology and Heritage Studies and the Department of Biology, Aarhus University, invite applications for a 2-year postdoc position on human macroecology in a functional trait pe..- Forsker
- Højbjerg
Postdoc in Knowledge transfer for advancing enviro...
The Department of Agroecology at Aarhus University, Denmark, is offering a postdoctoral position in knowledge transfer to advance environmental risk assessment (ERA) of pesticides, starting 01-05-2..- Forsker
- Århus C
One or more postdocs in Stem Cells and Parkinson’s...
The Department of Biomedicine at the Faculty of Health at Aarhus University invites applications for a position as a Postdoc in the field of stem cell biology as per 1 May 2025 or as soon as possib..- Forsker
- Århus C
Postdoc in sustainable production systems of veget...
The Department of Food Science, Aarhus University, Denmark, invites applications for a 2½-year Postdoc position within sustainable production and cropping systems of vegetables. We are looking .- Forsker
- Århus N
Postdoc in atmospheric chemistry on investigating ...
The Aerosol and Cloud Microphysics group, part of the Center for Chemistry of Clouds (C3), at the Department of Chemistry, Aarhus University, is inviting applications for a 1-year full time postdoc..- Forsker
- Århus C
Postdoctoral position in biophysical and structura...
The Pedersen group at the Department of Molecular Biology and Genetics, Aarhus University, is looking for a highly skilled and motivated postdoc with an interest in working on sugar and hormone tra..- Forsker
- Århus C
One-year postdoc or research assistant position in...
Applications are invited for a one-year postdoctoral or research assistant position that will start on 1 May 2025 (or as soon as possible thereafter), to undertake sclerochronological and isotopic .- Forsker
- Højbjerg