
Talent Researcher Praktik, efterår

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Praktik - København

Imagine this:

Arriving at the office at 9 o'clock - well, closer to 9.15 am, because you were late. Probably happened to a few of your colleagues as well.

Great! Now we are ready.

Or… You suddenly see yourself in the middle of a discussion with your colleagues, about which songs today's playlist should contain at the office. You probably wouldn't ask Michael, unless you're really into the 80’s - and you probably wouldn't ask Frederik either, unless you want to hear techno all day long.

Just like you possibly have an opinion about what music you would like to listen to, you also have a clear idea of what is exciting for you to work with. That's what we expect at least, since you are looking to join “build your own internship”.

We know that most people would find this opportunity incredibly appealing. And it is, but you have to really mean it. And we mean that seriously.

Our core business is within recruitment, so to fully understand our business, you have to be curious about this as well - other than that, you're free as a bird. Maybe you're interested in developing our consultancy project, work on our marketing campaigns or something completely different?

Awesome, now that's settled - hopefully you also got a superficial impression of how a day at the office looks like.

We establish ambitious goals and work hard to reach them. And we always celebrate at the end of the week on “floor” at the office with a beer or soda. This is also where we discuss our ups and downs, that always comes with being a part of a start-up environment. But luckily we are all in the same boat and everyone is open and transparent about the daily operations as well as the challenges we face. Besides that, this is also the time where you can discuss with Michael why he isn't allowed to listen to music from the 80’s all week long.

Every single one of us is equally part of the team and everyone is included on the same terms in the preparation of quarterly objectives. The most important thing for us is that everyone in Team Statum makes a mark on Statum’s further development - that means you get a unique opportunity to affect your own work tasks as well as which projects you see yourself working on during your time here.

One last thing, (we promise)! And this is important. Feedback is a large part of our daily routines, and when we say “feedback”, we mean it! You have to be prepared to receive feedback on a daily basis and to use it constructively in your own improvement. Just as well as you can expect transparency from our side, we expect to receive it from you as well. And in relation to transparency; we can agree on one thing - this works for better and for worse, because it really takes something on putting yourself in a vulnerable position like this. But we all do it, and we do it together - and we see every mistake as a learning opportunity. We believe that through feedback, we create the best framework for improvement.

Now you hopefully got a better idea about our company culture, than you did before. But you still need to get an overview of your daily tasks - and you have to help decide what they should be.

Job descriptions and to-do lists isn't something you should expect from us. “Build your own internship” demands for you to be proactive and have a clear vision of what you want to work and contribute with. If you are ready to take on this challenge, we can offer you trust, sparring and a great company culture in return (you can decide for yourself).

We don't have any specific requirements about your professional background, but the following is a plus:

  • Good human understanding - recruitment is a people's business.

  • Experience from the sportsworld - you use feedback as a tool to improve.

  • Have a dream about becoming an entrepreneur - you understand the mindset.

  • You have a volunteering mindset - you have an extraordinary passion.

  • Not afraid to fail - it's a part of the improvement process.

  • You believe that improvement outweighs results.

Now you have to build your internship - great! You do that through these following steps:

Step 1: Consider if you see our culture in Statum as a fit.

Don't waste your time writing a motivated application. One of the many things we work towards, is to eradicate the conservative process. Therefore you apply with your CV, LinkedIn or Statum profile, so you gain some insight in our platform.

Step 3: Choose your field of interest (recruitment, sales, marketing, business development or other) and ask yourself these questions:

  • What are my interests?

  • What can I contribute with - which qualities do I have and which do I want to improve.

Step 4: Phone call.

Step 5: Present your proposal in a physical interview with Michael Dupont (CEO) and Amalie Dupond Holdt (Match Manager) - and no, they are not related.

Step 6: Congratulations with your new job!

If you have any questions, you are more than welcome to reach out to Amalie at: [email protected].

About Statum
We support startups and scale ups with recruiting the right candidates quicker and better than they have the resources and knowledge to do themselves. We are also experts in entrepreneurship and support companies’ own recruitment process as consultants specialised in cases and job interviews. With an innovative approach we strive to change the field of recruitment as it is today!

Information og data

Denne ledige stilling har jobtypen "Forsker", og befinder sig i kategorien "Sundhed og forskning".

Arbejdsstedet er beliggende i København

Jobbet er oprettet på vores service den 24.1.2020, men kan have været deaktiveret og genaktiveret igen.

Dagligt opdateret: Dette job opdateres dagligt ud fra jobudbyderens hjemmeside via vores søgemaskineteknologi og er aktivt lige nu.
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Mere information om København

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