Postdoctoral position within Glaciology and remote sensing

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Join the research project ”Linking ice-dammed lake drainage events and ice flow - implications and impact on the surroundings” funded by the Independent Research Fund Denmark. The Department of Glaciology and Climate at the Geological Survey of Denmark and Greenland (GEUS) is hiring a Postdoc with expertise in glaciology and remote sensing for a period of 2 years (24 months) commencing January 1st 2025 or as soon as possible thereafter.The project addresses ice-dammed lakes in Greenland and the interplay between lake drainage events and ice flow and changes in ice configuration, including what is the role of the damming ice. We aim to determine and isolate individual processes through site-specific field observations and large scale, multi-sensor, multi-decadal datasets covering the entire Greenland ice sheet and local ice bodies.The postdoc will undertake site-specific glaciologic analysis from GNSS-data and other observations and moreover, develop large-scale, multi-site time series of ice flow and changes in ice configuration from various remote sensing data.The appointment will be made based on academic qualifications. The candidate must hold a PhD degree in Natural Sciences (e.g. Geosciences, Geography, Geodesy, Geophysics) and have documented experience working with glaciology, remote sensing observations, and basic geoscience analysis. It would be an advantage if the candidate has experience working with statistical techniques for large scale datasets and GNSS data but not a requirement. Proficiency in English is required, and organization and communication skills are important. Engagement in the project and interest in cross-collaborative methods and understanding is expected.The Department of Glaciology and Climate study both the current and past changes of the Greenland ice sheet and the ocean surrounding it. Past changes (last 150,000 years) in the ice sheet, ocean, and biological systems are studied using marine sediment cores applying a broad variety of proxy methods. The current loss of ice from Greenland is studied using a network of climate stations, satellite observations, and modeling. Besides doing research, we provide advice to government agencies and the private sector and provide supervision to university students.The department has an international staff of c. 30 researchers, PhD students, and postdocs. We have a great focus on multi-disciplinary collaboration across the department and conduct department seminars and other activities to foster this. We also prioritize social arrangements to welcome and integrate new employees to our informal and friendly working environment.There are many good reasons why you should choose a working life at GEUS.We are a diverse staff of about 300 committed employees. Trust and flexibility are keywords. The working environment is lively, informal and international. Our tasks are versatile and there are plenty of opportunities for you to influence the development of your task portfolio.We prioritise professional development, among other things by offering access to courses and other relevant activities. Socialising is also very important at GEUS, and we have a rich social life with a staff club, an art association and more.At GEUS, we prioritise the well-being of every single employee. We prioritise that the Heads of Departments are close to the employees, and we have flexible working hours that allow you to organise your life so that there is time for what matters to you. If you need to work from home occasionally, that is also possible.Furthermore, we have a gym with associated physiotherapists.Salary and terms of employment are in accordance with the relevant trade union agreement.The appointment area is the Ministry of Climate, Energy and Utilities and its institutions.The Ministry of Climate, Energy and Utilities considers diversity to be an asset and encourages anyone regardless of gender, age, religion or ethnicity to seek the position.If you would like additional information, please contact the senior researcher Kristian K. Kjeldsen, e-mail: [email protected] telephone: +45 9133 3428 or head of department Signe B. Andersen, email: [email protected] telephone: +45 9133 3804.International applicants can read more about living and working in Denmark on GEUS’homepage: you are a foreign applicant, you can read more about living and working in Denmark on GEUS’ website.If you are interested in the position, we would like to hear from you. The application must include a CV, incl. your ORCID, a list of publications with a separate indication of articles registered in ISI Web of Science and any copies of individual publications of particular relevance to the position. Please enclose Master’s and PhD diplomas in either Danish or English as well as other material documenting qualifications at postdoc level. Submitted PhD theses that have not yet been defended may be sent with the application and will be included in the assessment. If possible, please provide a pre-approval.Please apply for the position by clicking “Apply for position”. We must have your application at the latest onMonday 28 October 2024 (Danish time).Applications or other material received after the deadline will not be considered.A professional assessment committee consisting of two internal assessors at minimum senior researcher level will carry out an individual assessment of all applicants’ professional qualifications, and the applicants will be assessed as qualified or unqualified for the position. Afterwards, an internal employment committee will decide which of the professionally qualified candidates will be invited for a job interview. This procedure is in accordance with the “Order on employment and assessment of scientific staff at the Geological Survey of Denmark and Greenland § 4 and 7”.

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Denne ledige stilling har jobtypen "Forsker", og befinder sig i kategorien "Sundhed og forskning".

Arbejdsstedet er beliggende i København

Jobbet er oprettet på vores service den 15.10.2024, men kan have været deaktiveret og genaktiveret igen.

Dagligt opdateret: Dette job opdateres dagligt ud fra jobudbyderens hjemmeside via vores søgemaskineteknologi og er aktivt lige nu.
  • Forsker
  • København
  • Mandag den 28. oktober 2024

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