Research Scientist, Protein Chemistry & Assays
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Kongens Lyngby
Er du klar til en nystart?
Vi har brug for dit talent, din viden og dit engagement, så vi kan forbedre verden med biologi.
Vores formål viser vejen
I Novonesis ved vi, at løsninger, der er forankret i biologi, kan hjælpe med at løse menneskehedens største udfordringer. Dette været vores ledesnor, fra vi begyndte vores rejse for mere end et århundrede siden. Det er sådan, vi er kommet så langt, og det er sådan, vi vil påvirke fremtiden. Nu mere end nogensinde har verden brug for forandring og med biosolutions er mulighederne uendelige.
Vi er her for at forbedre verden med biologi.
Are you ready for a new beginning?
We need your talent, knowledge and dedication to better our world with biology.
Our purpose points the way
In novonesis, we know that solutions rooted in biology can help solve humanity’s biggest challenges. Since we began more than a century ago, this has been our guide. It’s how we've gotten so far. And it’s how we'll impact the future. Now, more than ever, the world needs change. And with biosolutions, the possibilities for transformation are endless.
We’re here to better our world with biology.
Join us as our new Research Scientist
Novonesis works closely with customers, partners and the global community to create a better and more sustainable world through science and research. As part of R&D, you will help to find biological solutions and build new business areas that can pave the way for a brighter future. In the research department Application Systems Analysis, we are looking for a skilled biophysicist/protein chemist with a deep passion for understanding molecular mechanisms of enzymes and driving new molecule projects forward based on protein biophysical and biochemical approaches. In the department, we work with a wide range of applications including food, detergent, carbon capture, bioenergy, human gut and more. Strong personal drive, curiosity and great communication skills will be instrumental to succeed in this role
Welcome to Protein Chemistry & Assays
The department Application Systems Analysis is part of our Protein Chemistry & Assays function and consists of around 25 scientists and lab technicians located at Novonesis' headquarter in Lyngby. The department work with product development and innovation based on molecular application understanding obtained through combination of bioimaging, colloidal chemistry, data, modelling and biophysics in close collaboration with our application areas and auxiliary functions in R&D. The present position will be anchored with our Biophysics group that work with characterizing the biophysical/biochemical properties of the protein/enzyme and assessing, e.g., stability, solubility, manufacturability, substrate interactions, catalytic activity and connecting insights to application performance mechanism. The department is highly international, and we are committed to building a diverse and inclusive team, so you can expect to work with colleagues with different nationalities, cultures, and expertise. We have a high focus on supporting our employees’ work-life balance and we offer flexible work arrangements
In this role you’ll make an impact by:
Working on research projects in cross-functional teams with scientists and laboratory technicians across departments and countries. It is therefore expected that you find it easy to collaborate and thrive in the context of multidisciplinary project groups. In addition you will contribute to developing new techniques in-house or via external collaborations where your collaborative mindset and learning mindset will be crucial.
The successful candidate is a strong team player who engages proactively with the broader organization, translates business needs into research problems, independently plans and executes analyses and who has a keen interest in both protein science and how to apply it for problem solving on product development projects.
To succeed you must have:
Location: Lyngby
Application deadline: 5. January 2025
Contact details: For more information please contact Sr. Department Manager Sune Christensen - our purpose be yours? Then apply today!
At Novonesis we commit to an inclusive recruitment process and equality of opportunity for all our job applicants. We recommend you not to attach a cover letter to your application. Instead, please include a few sentences in your resume/CV about why you are applying. To ensure a fair recruitment process, please refrain from adding a photo in your resume/CV.
Novonesis is committed to creating a diverse environment and is proud to be an equal opportunity and affirmative action employer. All employment decisions are based on business needs without regard to race, color, ethnicity, religion, gender, gender identity or expression, sexual orientation, national origin, genetics, age, disability, or veteran status.
Want to learn more?
Learn more about Novonesis, our purpose, and your career opportunities at
Not the right fit for you?
Even if this job isn't the right fit for you, perhaps you know someone who might find it interesting. If so, please feel free to share the job link and encourage them to apply. Thank you for your referral! Please check out our other open positions. The right fit for you could just be a few clicks away.
Kunne vores formål også være dit? Ansøg i dag!
Hos Novonesis forpligter vi os til en inkluderende rekrutteringsproces, hvor alle jobansøgere får lige muligheder. Vi anbefaler, at du ikke vedhæfter en egentlig ansøgning. Skriv i stedet et par sætninger i dit CV om, hvorfor du søger. For at sikre en retfærdig rekrutteringsproces bedes du undlade at tilføje et billede i dit CV.
I Novonesis har vi forpligtet os til at skabe et mangfoldigt miljø og er stolte over at være en arbejdsgiver, der fremmer lige muligheder og positiv særbehandling. Alle ansættelsesbeslutninger er baseret på forretningsbehov uden hensyn til race, farve, etnicitet, religion, køn, kønsidentitet eller -udtryk, seksuel orientering, national oprindelse, genetik, alder, handicap eller veteranstatus.
Vil du vide mere?
Lær mere om Novonesis, vores formål og dine karrieremuligheder på
Er det ikke det rigtige job for dig?
Hvis dette job ikke er det rigtige match for dig, så kender du måske nogen, det matcher bedre til? I så fald håber vi, du vil dele joblinket og opmuntre dem til at ansøge. Tak for din henvisning! Du kan se vores andre åbne stillinger her. Det helt rigtige job er måske kun et par klik væk.
Vi har brug for dit talent, din viden og dit engagement, så vi kan forbedre verden med biologi.
Vores formål viser vejen
I Novonesis ved vi, at løsninger, der er forankret i biologi, kan hjælpe med at løse menneskehedens største udfordringer. Dette været vores ledesnor, fra vi begyndte vores rejse for mere end et århundrede siden. Det er sådan, vi er kommet så langt, og det er sådan, vi vil påvirke fremtiden. Nu mere end nogensinde har verden brug for forandring og med biosolutions er mulighederne uendelige.
Vi er her for at forbedre verden med biologi.
Are you ready for a new beginning?
We need your talent, knowledge and dedication to better our world with biology.
Our purpose points the way
In novonesis, we know that solutions rooted in biology can help solve humanity’s biggest challenges. Since we began more than a century ago, this has been our guide. It’s how we've gotten so far. And it’s how we'll impact the future. Now, more than ever, the world needs change. And with biosolutions, the possibilities for transformation are endless.
We’re here to better our world with biology.
Join us as our new Research Scientist
Novonesis works closely with customers, partners and the global community to create a better and more sustainable world through science and research. As part of R&D, you will help to find biological solutions and build new business areas that can pave the way for a brighter future. In the research department Application Systems Analysis, we are looking for a skilled biophysicist/protein chemist with a deep passion for understanding molecular mechanisms of enzymes and driving new molecule projects forward based on protein biophysical and biochemical approaches. In the department, we work with a wide range of applications including food, detergent, carbon capture, bioenergy, human gut and more. Strong personal drive, curiosity and great communication skills will be instrumental to succeed in this role
Welcome to Protein Chemistry & Assays
The department Application Systems Analysis is part of our Protein Chemistry & Assays function and consists of around 25 scientists and lab technicians located at Novonesis' headquarter in Lyngby. The department work with product development and innovation based on molecular application understanding obtained through combination of bioimaging, colloidal chemistry, data, modelling and biophysics in close collaboration with our application areas and auxiliary functions in R&D. The present position will be anchored with our Biophysics group that work with characterizing the biophysical/biochemical properties of the protein/enzyme and assessing, e.g., stability, solubility, manufacturability, substrate interactions, catalytic activity and connecting insights to application performance mechanism. The department is highly international, and we are committed to building a diverse and inclusive team, so you can expect to work with colleagues with different nationalities, cultures, and expertise. We have a high focus on supporting our employees’ work-life balance and we offer flexible work arrangements
In this role you’ll make an impact by:
Working on research projects in cross-functional teams with scientists and laboratory technicians across departments and countries. It is therefore expected that you find it easy to collaborate and thrive in the context of multidisciplinary project groups. In addition you will contribute to developing new techniques in-house or via external collaborations where your collaborative mindset and learning mindset will be crucial.
The successful candidate is a strong team player who engages proactively with the broader organization, translates business needs into research problems, independently plans and executes analyses and who has a keen interest in both protein science and how to apply it for problem solving on product development projects.
To succeed you must have:
- A M.Sc. Or Ph.D. in Protein Science, Biochemistry, Biophysics, Physical Chemistry or equivalent experience.
- A strong scientific background with critical thinking skills, entrepreneurial mindset and ability to formulate ideas for experiments from diverse data/knowledge inputs and business relevant project needs.
- Theoretical knowledge and experimental experience using biochemical or biophysical techniques (e.g., enzyme activity assays, chromatography, BLI (octet), MS, DSC, DSF, DLS etc.) for protein characterization and studying, e.g., protein post-translational modifications, stability, solubility, protein-protein- or enzyme-substrate interactions.
- Strong communication skills and ability to conclude and share own results in oral as well as in written form.
- Excellent collaboration skills with a positive attitude and a desire to achieve results together with others with a holistic mindset.
- A fundamental passion for science and molecular mechanisms of enzymes.
- Fluency in English as you will work closely with colleagues of many different nationalities.
Location: Lyngby
Application deadline: 5. January 2025
Contact details: For more information please contact Sr. Department Manager Sune Christensen - our purpose be yours? Then apply today!
At Novonesis we commit to an inclusive recruitment process and equality of opportunity for all our job applicants. We recommend you not to attach a cover letter to your application. Instead, please include a few sentences in your resume/CV about why you are applying. To ensure a fair recruitment process, please refrain from adding a photo in your resume/CV.
Novonesis is committed to creating a diverse environment and is proud to be an equal opportunity and affirmative action employer. All employment decisions are based on business needs without regard to race, color, ethnicity, religion, gender, gender identity or expression, sexual orientation, national origin, genetics, age, disability, or veteran status.
Want to learn more?
Learn more about Novonesis, our purpose, and your career opportunities at
Not the right fit for you?
Even if this job isn't the right fit for you, perhaps you know someone who might find it interesting. If so, please feel free to share the job link and encourage them to apply. Thank you for your referral! Please check out our other open positions. The right fit for you could just be a few clicks away.
Kunne vores formål også være dit? Ansøg i dag!
Hos Novonesis forpligter vi os til en inkluderende rekrutteringsproces, hvor alle jobansøgere får lige muligheder. Vi anbefaler, at du ikke vedhæfter en egentlig ansøgning. Skriv i stedet et par sætninger i dit CV om, hvorfor du søger. For at sikre en retfærdig rekrutteringsproces bedes du undlade at tilføje et billede i dit CV.
I Novonesis har vi forpligtet os til at skabe et mangfoldigt miljø og er stolte over at være en arbejdsgiver, der fremmer lige muligheder og positiv særbehandling. Alle ansættelsesbeslutninger er baseret på forretningsbehov uden hensyn til race, farve, etnicitet, religion, køn, kønsidentitet eller -udtryk, seksuel orientering, national oprindelse, genetik, alder, handicap eller veteranstatus.
Vil du vide mere?
Lær mere om Novonesis, vores formål og dine karrieremuligheder på
Er det ikke det rigtige job for dig?
Hvis dette job ikke er det rigtige match for dig, så kender du måske nogen, det matcher bedre til? I så fald håber vi, du vil dele joblinket og opmuntre dem til at ansøge. Tak for din henvisning! Du kan se vores andre åbne stillinger her. Det helt rigtige job er måske kun et par klik væk.
Information og data
Denne ledige stilling har jobtypen "Forsker", og befinder sig i kategorien "Sundhed og forskning".
Arbejdsstedet er beliggende i Kongens Lyngby.
Jobbet er oprettet på vores service den 17.12.2024, men kan have været deaktiveret og genaktiveret igen.
Dagligt opdateret: Dette job opdateres dagligt ud fra jobudbyderens hjemmeside via vores søgemaskineteknologi og er aktivt lige nu.
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Statistik over udbudte jobs som forskere i Kongens Lyngby
Herunder ser du udviklingen i udbudte forsker i Kongens Lyngby over tid. Bemærk at jobs der ikke har en bestemt geografi ikke er medtaget i tabellen. I den første kolonne ser du datoen. I den næste kolonne ser du det samlede antal forskere.
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Statistik over udbudte forskere i Kongens Lyngby over tid
Dato | Alle jobs som forskere |
18. januar 2025 | 2 |
17. januar 2025 | 2 |
16. januar 2025 | 2 |
15. januar 2025 | 2 |
14. januar 2025 | 2 |
13. januar 2025 | 1 |
12. januar 2025 | 2 |
11. januar 2025 | 2 |
10. januar 2025 | 2 |
9. januar 2025 | 2 |
8. januar 2025 | 2 |
7. januar 2025 | 2 |
6. januar 2025 | 3 |
5. januar 2025 | 3 |
4. januar 2025 | 4 |
3. januar 2025 | 4 |
2. januar 2025 | 4 |
1. januar 2025 | 4 |
31. december 2024 | 4 |
30. december 2024 | 4 |
29. december 2024 | 4 |
28. december 2024 | 4 |
27. december 2024 | 4 |
26. december 2024 | 4 |
25. december 2024 | 4 |
24. december 2024 | 4 |
23. december 2024 | 4 |
22. december 2024 | 4 |
21. december 2024 | 4 |
20. december 2024 | 4 |
19. december 2024 | 4 |
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