PhD Position in Computational Design and Digital Fabrication
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Odense M
The Department of Technology and Innovation, Faculty of Engineering at the University of Southern Denmark invites candidates to apply for a 3-year funded PhD position in the Computational Research in Emergent Architectural Technology (CREATE) Group, within the Section for Civil and Architectural Engineering (CAE). The starting date for the position will be in 2021, and it will be agreed with the successful candidate. The application deadline is 30. July 2020.
Scope of the work
Focusing on Computational Design and Digital Fabrication, the successful candidate will carry out research and collaborate on projects that involve advanced computational modelling, robotic and digital fabrication, as well as material innovation in the field of architecture and engineering. Within the overarching paradigm of Construction 4.0, the activities will require the study of novel computational methods in response to various challenges in advanced architectural geometry, supporting the integration of material behaviour, tectonic performance, and fabrication complexities in the design/engineering process. The research will involve the development of new digital tools, complementing existing software packages, as well as standalone programs. The successful candidate will be part of an expanding research team and adopt an interdisciplinary approach. The work will be interlinked to the development of the new CAE educational programme, where research-based teaching in architectural geometry, computational design, and digital fabrication will be offered.
CREATE Group and Research Environment
CREATE is the group for Computational Research in Emergent Architectural Technology led by Assistant Professor Roberto Naboni. The group is based at the Faculty of Engineering of the University of Southern Denmark (SDU), within the Section for Civil and Architectural Engineering (CAE). CREATE explores novel architectural ideas and processes at the intersection with the fields of computer science, advanced manufacturing, and emergent materials technologies. The group looks into the fast-evolving landscape of emerging technologies to conceive projects and concepts as answers to today's challenges. Within the high-tech context of SDU, the group undertakes research and teaching activities in the fields of Construction 4.0, Additive Manufacturing (AM), Architectural Robotics, and Mixed Reality. In its physical infrastructure, the CREATE Lab, future scenarios of construction are studied through project-driven research.
Research Areas
The CREATE Group focuses on experimental and interdisciplinary research enabled by the latest advancements in computational techniques. Within the overall research framework of the group, the applicant will ideally be developing original research in the following scholarship areas:
The successful candidate will be actively participating in the development of the CREATE Group's research and in teaching in the CAE educational program. The responsibilities include:
This call targets exceptionally talented individuals, who hold a degree in architecture or architectural/building engineering, with documented experience in computational design and digital fabrication. Experience in teaching in the area of computational design is required. Experience in coding within different platforms is highly recommended. Prior experience in Additive Manufacturing is preferable. A high level of ambition, involvement, and autonomy is expected. Applications are accepted from candidates who hold a Master's degree (equivalent to a Danish Master's degree) and a proven track record in teaching and delivering projects in the field of computational design.
Contact information
For further information about this position and the CREATE Group's activities, contact Assistant Professor Roberto Naboni, email: [email protected].
If you experience technical problems you must contact [email protected].
Conditions of employment
Applicants are required to have a master’s degree (equivalent to a Danish master's degree) at the time of enrollment and employment. Employment as a PhD fellow is a 3-year salaried position (start salary amounts to approx. 3.378,- EURO per month incl. supplements).
Employment of a PhD fellow can only happen after the Head of the PhD School has approved the candidate for admission to the PhD school. Employment and enrollment will cease without further notice at the end of the period.
A PhD fellow is not allowed to have any kind of sideline employment, while enrolled as PhD fellow at the faculty.
Employment is governed by the Protocol on PhD Research Fellows signed by the Danish Ministry of Finance and the Danish Confederation of Professional Associations. Please check links for more information on salary and taxation.
The successful candidate will be enrolled at SDU in accordance with Faculty regulations and the Danish Ministerial Order on the PhD Programme at the Universities (PhD order), read more here.
The assessment process
Read about the Assessment and selection process.
Application procedure
The Faculty expects applicants to read the Faculty information for prospective PhD students and How to apply before applying.
The application deadline is 30. July 2020.
The application must be in English and must include - the required forms must be found at the above mentioned Faculty website:
The University wishes our staff to reflect the diversity of society and thus welcomes applications from all qualified candidates regardless of personal background.
Scope of the work
Focusing on Computational Design and Digital Fabrication, the successful candidate will carry out research and collaborate on projects that involve advanced computational modelling, robotic and digital fabrication, as well as material innovation in the field of architecture and engineering. Within the overarching paradigm of Construction 4.0, the activities will require the study of novel computational methods in response to various challenges in advanced architectural geometry, supporting the integration of material behaviour, tectonic performance, and fabrication complexities in the design/engineering process. The research will involve the development of new digital tools, complementing existing software packages, as well as standalone programs. The successful candidate will be part of an expanding research team and adopt an interdisciplinary approach. The work will be interlinked to the development of the new CAE educational programme, where research-based teaching in architectural geometry, computational design, and digital fabrication will be offered.
CREATE Group and Research Environment
CREATE is the group for Computational Research in Emergent Architectural Technology led by Assistant Professor Roberto Naboni. The group is based at the Faculty of Engineering of the University of Southern Denmark (SDU), within the Section for Civil and Architectural Engineering (CAE). CREATE explores novel architectural ideas and processes at the intersection with the fields of computer science, advanced manufacturing, and emergent materials technologies. The group looks into the fast-evolving landscape of emerging technologies to conceive projects and concepts as answers to today's challenges. Within the high-tech context of SDU, the group undertakes research and teaching activities in the fields of Construction 4.0, Additive Manufacturing (AM), Architectural Robotics, and Mixed Reality. In its physical infrastructure, the CREATE Lab, future scenarios of construction are studied through project-driven research.
Research Areas
The CREATE Group focuses on experimental and interdisciplinary research enabled by the latest advancements in computational techniques. Within the overall research framework of the group, the applicant will ideally be developing original research in the following scholarship areas:
- Computational Design
- Architectural Geometry
- Design for Additive Manufacturing
- Digital Fabrication and Construction
The successful candidate will be actively participating in the development of the CREATE Group's research and in teaching in the CAE educational program. The responsibilities include:
- Developing original research in the field of Computational Design and Digital Fabrication;
- Participating in the CREATE Group’s research projects, providing support in the design development and fabrication work;
- Development of digital tools and workflows in relation to the field of research, in support of the Group’s activities, and in relation to specific projects;
- Assist in teaching at Bachelor and Master's level courses and workshops, and co-supervising students in research activities;
- Disseminating results of research and teaching in peer-reviewed publications, international conferences, and exhibitions;
- Contributing to the development, organisation, and expansion of the CREATE Lab, and the university infrastructures in relation to the research activities;
- Supporting the engagement of the group with industrial and academic partners, nationally and internationally, in relation to the field of research.
This call targets exceptionally talented individuals, who hold a degree in architecture or architectural/building engineering, with documented experience in computational design and digital fabrication. Experience in teaching in the area of computational design is required. Experience in coding within different platforms is highly recommended. Prior experience in Additive Manufacturing is preferable. A high level of ambition, involvement, and autonomy is expected. Applications are accepted from candidates who hold a Master's degree (equivalent to a Danish Master's degree) and a proven track record in teaching and delivering projects in the field of computational design.
Contact information
For further information about this position and the CREATE Group's activities, contact Assistant Professor Roberto Naboni, email: [email protected].
If you experience technical problems you must contact [email protected].
Conditions of employment
Applicants are required to have a master’s degree (equivalent to a Danish master's degree) at the time of enrollment and employment. Employment as a PhD fellow is a 3-year salaried position (start salary amounts to approx. 3.378,- EURO per month incl. supplements).
Employment of a PhD fellow can only happen after the Head of the PhD School has approved the candidate for admission to the PhD school. Employment and enrollment will cease without further notice at the end of the period.
A PhD fellow is not allowed to have any kind of sideline employment, while enrolled as PhD fellow at the faculty.
Employment is governed by the Protocol on PhD Research Fellows signed by the Danish Ministry of Finance and the Danish Confederation of Professional Associations. Please check links for more information on salary and taxation.
The successful candidate will be enrolled at SDU in accordance with Faculty regulations and the Danish Ministerial Order on the PhD Programme at the Universities (PhD order), read more here.
The assessment process
Read about the Assessment and selection process.
Application procedure
The Faculty expects applicants to read the Faculty information for prospective PhD students and How to apply before applying.
The application deadline is 30. July 2020.
The application must be in English and must include - the required forms must be found at the above mentioned Faculty website:
- Completed TEK PhD application form for 5+3 applicants.
- Motivation letter stating your specific interest, motivation and qualifications for the project in question (max. 2 pages). Upload in the field called “Project description”.
- Detailed Curriculum Vitae, describing research, publication and teaching experience, computational skills and including personal contact information.
- A short research statement (maximum 3 pages) featuring: a description of the research area of interest, past research accomplishments, and current research trajectory.
- Verified copies of the official bachelor diploma and master's diploma and transcripts of exams, both original and translated into English.
- Completed TEK PhD form for calculation grade point average. Upload in one of the fields called “Publication”.
- An official document describing the grading scheme of the awarding universities (if not Danish). Upload in one of the fields called “Publication”.
- An official and verified written assessment of the thesis or dissertation project from the grade giving institution, if the thesis/examination project is evaluated by approved/passed. The statement must clearly state that the candidate has been among the top 30 pct. in the graduation class for the study programme.
- List of publications and examples of relevant publications, if any. Please attach one pdf-file for each publication.
The University wishes our staff to reflect the diversity of society and thus welcomes applications from all qualified candidates regardless of personal background.
Information og data
Denne ledige stilling har jobtypen "Forsker", og befinder sig i kategorien "Sundhed og forskning".
Arbejdsstedet er beliggende i Odense M.
Jobbet er oprettet på vores service den 16.7.2020, men kan have været deaktiveret og genaktiveret igen.
Dagligt opdateret: Dette job opdateres dagligt ud fra jobudbyderens hjemmeside via vores søgemaskineteknologi og er aktivt lige nu.
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