PhD Positions - Join the WildDrone Team

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Odense M

Are you highly motivated to conduct impactful research? Would you like to collaborate with a diverse group of scientists to improve wildlife conservation practices?

We are looking for 12 Doctoral Candidates to join the “WildDrone - Autonomous Drones for Nature Conservation Missions” Marie-Skłodowska-Curie Doctoral Network.

The overarching aim of WildDrone is to revolutionize wildlife conservation practices by integrating the fields of aerial robotics, computer vision, and wildlife ecology, using autonomous drone technology as a unifying platform. Expanding on the existing doctoral programs, the candidates will form an interdisciplinary network of researchers working across European and African countries.

Each of the 12 candidates will conduct research based in one of the three main subject areas of WildDrone. The candidates will work together within the WildDrone network and engage in multi-disciplinary training-by-research to develop technology in close collaboration with end-users.

The WildDrone consortium encompasses 20 partners across 10 countries in Europe, Africa and North America united in the common goal of benefiting wildlife. The Doctoral Candidates will be spread throughout 7 European countries working in both academic institutions and industrial companies:

University of Southern Denmark (DK)
Max Planck Institute of Animal Behavior (DE)
University of Münster (DE)
Wageningen University (NL)
Fondazione Bruno Kessler (IT)
Avy B.V. (NL)
Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne (CH)
University of Bristol (UK)

In addition to these partners, the network includes Kenyatta University (Kenya), Ol Pejeta (wildlife reserve, Kenya), National Park Wadden Sea (wildlife reserve, Denmark), Kuzikus African Safaris (wildlife reserve, Namibia), KBR - an international high-technology company, Danish EPA environmental agency, BBC news outlet, WWF international wildlife foundation, and Danish Agriculture & Food Council, that have teamed up to establish a coordinated effort on researcher training in digital nature conservation.

All candidates will be expected to:

work in a multidisciplinary team in an international environment
have a deep interest in research and science
possess outstanding research potential, as demonstrated by scientific accomplishments (e.g., quality of thesis, code repositories, conference presentations, outreach activities or publications)
have excellent communication skills in English, verbally as well as in scientific writing
be willing to undertake international secondments, internships, and travels

Please note that these expectations provide a framework for the role and should not be regarded as a definitive list. Other reasonable expectations and duties may be required consistent with the specific PhD project itself.

Details about the network as a whole, its scientific content and the application and selection process, can be found on

Additional information

We are searching for a diverse group of candidates with very different backgrounds and qualities, who inspire and motivate each other. We want every talent to feel at home in our organisations and be offered the same career opportunities. We especially welcome applicants from populations that are disproportionately underrepresented in the research fields of aerial robotics, computer vision, or wildlife ecology, and related industries, including applicants from the African continent, where many planned research activities will take place. The only limit is the MSCN mobility rule, dependent on the country of the hosting institution - ‘No residence or main activity (work, studies etc.) in the country of the recruiting beneficiary for more than 12 months in the 36 months before their recruitment date’.


Salary consisting of living allowance (EUR 3400*), mobility allowance (EUR 600), family allowance (if applicable, EUR 600). Long-term leave allowance (EUR 4000) and special needs allowance are offered if applicable.
*A country correction coefficient applies to the living allowance in order to ensure equal treatment and purchasing power parity for all researchers. Salary rules apply to the doctoral candidates hosted in the European Union. Separate salary rules are applicable for doctoral candidates hosted in United Kingdom and Switzerland.
working hours that can be discussed and arranged so that they allow for the best possible work-life balance.

The guaranteed PhD funding is for 36 months (i.e., EC funding, additional funding is possible, depending on the local Supervisor, and in accordance with the regular PhD time in the country of origin). In addition to their individual scientific projects, all fellows will benefit from further continuing education, which includes internships and secondments, a variety of training modules as well as transferable skills acquired through a unique immersive learning environment.

The application must include:

Motivated two-page application letter: one-page general motivation for WildDrone and one page motivating your interest in specific DC projects (at most 3).
Detailed Curriculum Vitae (including contact information to 2-3 references, and list of publications if relevant).
Certificates/ Diplomas (MSc).
Scientific writing sample (e.g., publication or thesis chapter)
WildDrone application form available at

The recruitment procedure will be divided into 2 stages. In the first stage, recruitment committees for each subject area will evaluate candidate qualifications based on the application materials. All candidates will be informed whether they advance to stage 2. Project supervisors will evaluate the remaining candidates for their project, and the top candidates for each DC project will be invited for online interviews. References for the top candidates will be contacted at this stage. Interviews are tentatively expected to be held in late February 2023.

For more information please see

Information og data

Denne ledige stilling har jobtypen "Forsker", og befinder sig i kategorien "Sundhed og forskning".

Arbejdsstedet er beliggende i Odense M.

Jobbet er oprettet på vores service den 17.11.2022, men kan have været deaktiveret og genaktiveret igen.

Dagligt opdateret: Dette job opdateres dagligt ud fra jobudbyderens hjemmeside via vores søgemaskineteknologi og er aktivt lige nu.
  • Forsker
  • Odense M
  • Tirsdag den 10. januar 2023

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