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Lignende jobs
PhD Fellowship - Mapping the role of civil society...
- Forsker
- Roskilde
Professor in risk assessment of chemicals
The Department of Environmental Science at Aarhus University, Roskilde, Denmark invites applications for a position as full Professor in risk assessment of chemicals to enhance and expand the resea..- Forsker
- Roskilde
Postdoc of South-South Security Cooperation
The Department of Social Sciences and Business, Roskilde University, invites applications for a position as postdoc in the field of South-South security cooperation from 1st September 2025 or as so..- Forsker
- Roskilde
PhD Fellowship in Social Science Research in Pande...
- Forsker
- Roskilde
PhD position in philosophy; Ethics, Artificial Int...
- Forsker
- Roskilde
PhD Fellowship as part of the research project 'Sy...
- Forsker
- Roskilde
PhD project in "Enhancing renewable power plants' ...
- Forsker
- Roskilde
PhD scholarship in Data-driven Operation of Future...
- Forsker
- Roskilde
Postdoc in plant-microbe interactions and microbia...
The Department of Agroecology at Aarhus University, Denmark, is offering a postdoctoral position in plant-microbe interactions and microbial ecology, starting 1 [xxxxx]gust 2025 or as soon as possible..- Forsker
- Slagelse
PhD Fellowship – Mapping the role of civil society...
The Department of Social Sciences and Business, Roskilde University, invites applications for a position as PhD of Social Science from September 1st, 2025, or as soon as possible thereafter. The po..- Forsker
- Roskilde
Adjunkt/Postdoc i klinisk sygepleje (kombineret st...
- Forsker
- Roskilde
Postdoc position in moral philosophy with a focus ...
- Forsker
- Roskilde
PhD in Environmental Science on carbon dynamics in...
- Forsker
- Roskilde
Adjunkt/Postdoc i klinisk sygepleje (kombineret st...
En kombineret stilling som adjunkt og postdoc svarende til i alt 18,5 timer om ugen.Stillingen er en kombination af tre ansættelser. Du bliver ansat som adjunkt ved Center for Sygepleje på Prof..- Forsker
- Roskilde
Adjunkt/Postdoc i klinisk sygepleje (kombineret st...
- Forsker
- Slagelse
Postdoc position in moral philosophy with a focus ...
The Department of Communication and Arts (DCA) at Roskilde University is inviting applications for one (or more) postdoc position in moral philosophy with a focus on ethics, artificial intelligence..- Forsker
- Roskilde
Associate Professor in Biomedical Data Science
Associate Professor in Biomedical Data ScienceThe Department of Science and Environment at Roskilde University invites applications for the position of Associate Professor in Biomedical Data Sc..- Forsker
- Roskilde
Associate Professor in Biomedical Data Science
The department consists of four sections, with the associate professor being a part of the Molecular and Medical Biology Section. This group focuses on conducting research, and teaching fundamental..- Forsker
- Roskilde
PhD scholarship in Assessing the Economic Potentia...
- Forsker
- Roskilde
Postdoc researcher in Antimicrobial Peptide Nanopa...
- Forsker
- Roskilde
PhD position in philosophy; Ethics, Artificial Int...
The Department of Communication and Arts (DCA), Roskilde University, invites applications for a salaried PhD position studying the ethics of the use of artificial intelligence in criminal sentencin..- Forsker
- Roskilde
Ph.d.-studerende til Regionalt Videnscenter for De...
- Forsker
- Roskilde
Associate Professor in Digital Transformation
Department of People and Technology, Roskilde University, invites applications for a position as associate professor in Digital Transformation from October 1, 2025, or as soon as possible thereafte..- Forsker
- Roskilde