Student Assistant Civil Society Engagement Unit
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The Civil Society Engagement Unit provides strategic, analytical and operation support to engagement with relevant local, regional and transnational civil society across DRC operations; implements Civil Society Engagement projects of a global nature; and spearheads DRC's long-standing engagement with diaspora communities across Europe. Danish Refugee Council’s Diaspora Programme facilitates, supports, and enhances the role of diasporas as effective agents of humanitarian assistance, recovery and development. The work of the Diaspora Programme supports Danish Refugee Council’s conviction that displaced people are a resource for both countries of origin and destination and responds to a growing body of evidence calling for a more inclusive humanitarian system that integrates ‘non-traditional actors’ to enhance the effectiveness of the humanitarian response.
DiPS is a Danida-funded project providing financial and technical support to diaspora-led projects implemented in Somalia and Afghanistan. DiPS offers provisions of funding for diaspora-led relief, rehabilitation and development projects as well as trainings to strengthen the diaspora organisations’ capacity.
About the position
The DiPS student assistant will mainly provide administrative support to the implementation of the Diaspora Project Support (DiPS) project. Specifically, this includes supporting the financial side of the grants mechanism by checking financial reports submitted by diaspora grantees. The student assistant is also expected to provide support to the Annual Grand Meeting taking place in the fall of 2021 and general communications activities to a Danish diaspora network. Ad-hoc support to the unit and other projects is expected.
The tasks will include, but not be limited to:
Supporting the grants mechanism:
- Support DiPS colleagues with checking financial reports submitted by diaspora organisations that have received funding from the DiPS grant mechanism according to set guidelines. This includes making sure that all supporting documents are received and acceptable.
- Back-and-forth collaboration with DiPS grantees about their financial reports at both the midterm and the final stage of project implementation.
- Support diaspora organisations with financial questions to DiPS formats and guidelines.
- Close collaboration with the DiPS colleagues including field officers in Somalia and Afghanistan.
- Support with developing or improving financial procedures, guidelines, and training materials.
- Process financial reimbursements.
- Support the DiPS team with daily ad-hoc tasks related to finance, admin and logistics.
Support DiPS with event planning and communications:
- Support with administrative issues in relation to the Annual Grand Meeting to be held in the fall of 2021, which includes arranging the election of Advisory Board members, mobilizing Danish diaspora members, liaising with the venue providers, registration and other administrative follow-up.
- Support with increasing the visibility of smaller events and workshops by preparing, posting, and disseminating notices through different media platforms i.e. DRC’s website, newsletters, Facebook, and SMS services.
- Support the representation and visibility of the Diaspora Programme/projects (storytelling) with relevant communication materials.
- Support the DiPS team with various ad-hoc communications tasks to diaspora representatives.
As a Student Assistant in the DRC Civil Society Unit, we offer you the opportunity to
- Gain experience from working in an internationally recognized humanitarian NGO.
- Work independently and with a lot of responsibility.
- Be part of an enthusiastic and dynamic team.
- Gain knowledge of humanitarian operations and diaspora organisations.
- Gain technical skills within grants management and project cycle management.
As a Student Assistant in the DRC Civil Society Unit, we expect you to
- Commit to the values and Code of Conduct of the Danish Refugee Council.
- Be able to work independently and handle challenges in a constructive and positive way.
- Be able to work as part of a team.
- Be able to communicate effectively and in a constructive and service minded way.
- Have an interest in and flair for Excel and numbers.
- Be proactive and ready to face new challenges.
- Be open-minded and flexible towards the different tasks assigned to you.
Your qualifications
We are looking for candidates that are pursuing a degree within Finance, Accounting or similar, with an interest in development work. Furthermore, students pursuing a graduate level degree in Development Studies, Political Science, International Relations, or other related social science studies with experience and interest in financial management, communications, event planning are also strongly encouraged to apply.
To apply for the position, you must meet the following requirements:
- Be enrolled at a university and have at least 12 months before graduating.
- Have completed a minimum of one year of higher education.
- 1-2 years of experience of a similar support function with focus on admin/finance.
- Ability to read and write in Danish is an advantage.
- Knowledge of Somali, Dari or Pashtu is an advantage.
- Have the ability to navigate in a challenging environment and handle a wide complexity of tasks.
- Have good interpersonal and communication skills.
Availability: Ideally you would be able to begin as soon as possible.
Duration: Until December 31, 2021 with the possibility of extension.
Duty station and supervision: DRC Headquarters in Copenhagen and report to the Head of the DRC Civil Society Engagement Unit.
Working hours: Working hours are 15-20 hours per week, during working office hours between Monday and Friday.
Salary and conditions: Will be in accordance with the agreement between DRC and HK. This is a national position for which local terms and conditions apply.
Please note that it is a requirement to have the right to work in Denmark (through nationality or existing work visa) to be considered for this role.
Further information:
You are welcome to contact Annette Smedemark at [email protected] for more information about the position. For general information about Danish Refugee Council, please consult:
If you have questions or are facing problems with the online application process, please visit
Application process:
Please submit the following: A cover letter of no more than one page, your CV, an official transcript of your completed courses at your university and confirmation of current enrolment. In addition, we ask that you submit at least one written reference from a previous employer.
Please submit your application no later than Monday, April 12, 2021. Interviews will be held the following week after the deadline.
We encourage all qualified candidates to apply, irrespective of nationality, race, gender or age.
All applications will be reviewed through a fair process of selection. Please note that only short-listed applicants will be contacted.
Information og data
Denne ledige stilling har jobtypen "Fritids medarbejder", og befinder sig i kategorien "Øvrige stillinger".
Arbejdsstedet er beliggende i København
Jobbet er oprettet på vores service den 23.3.2021, men kan have været deaktiveret og genaktiveret igen.
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