Senior Front-end Engineer

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Be part of a company innovating in more ways than one.Colourbox and Skyfish: Who are we?

We are an online e-commerce and SaaS company with a rapidly-growing international user base. We have physical offices in Denmark (in Odense) and Germany (in Berlin). We offer our customers two products: Colourbox and Skyfish.

Colourbox, our e-commerce platform, is a high-quality stock image bank through which we deliver images, vectors and videos to 500000+ users worldwide. Skyfish is our cloud-based file management SaaS system, with which we help Northern Europe’s leading organizations share and use digital content in complete security.

To help realize our customers’ needs, we seek two new senior Front-end Engineers.

What to expect: a better way of working.

We dislike lifeless offices and stiff hierarchies. At Colourbox, a boss will not tell you what to do or how to do it. Bosses don’t create results — you do. We thus want to help you grow, so we can grow with you.

You are probably your best manager. So at Colourbox, you’ll instead work with a ‘coach.’ Your coach will inspire you to see your work’s bigger picture, learn how you work best, and then motivate you to create what that big picture needs. We’ll accept your strengths and weaknesses equally, and optimize your teamwork with both. Expect us to bring out your best while we give you chances to grow. This way, everyone wins.

At our location in Odense, Denmark, we offer a rejuvenating environment in which you can focus. Among green fields, down a long gravel road, sits our main office in a renovated country estate. At noon daily, our chef serves a delicious buffet.

However, you are always free to work remotely from any place, at any time. Work is not the only significant part of our lives. We respect you as someone with commitments, ups and downs, and hopes and dreams.

Our company culture is characterized by four values: Professional Pride, Innovation, Teamwork, and Honesty. You can read more about them at

We like process and clarity. All our projects start from an idea pitched to every type of stakeholder: development, sales, users, and so on. Once an idea is approved, we ‘kick off’ a project by breaking it down into ‘sprints.’ To cooperate smoothly and see quick results, we use collaborative tools such as Slack, Asana, and Figma.

Your work

As a Front-end Engineer/Developer, you work with Colourbox and Skyfish’s client-facing systems. Your work intersects with that of other teams:

  • With the Back-end team’s software engineers, you design requirements for our system’s API endpoints. You are not siloed away, but are in constant dialogue about what our finished products need.
  • With the design team’s product managers and designers, you give feedback on designs & general UX. You strive for pixel-perfect implementation — but you also know the limits of implementing responsive designs that work on multiple platforms and browsers, and are ready to work with the design team to reach an optimal solution.

You participate in the entire development flow from conceptualization to launch. There is a high degree of freedom in the role: you’ll be given a goal and a team, but it’s up to you to solve the problems with which you are presented, and you are free to use many disciplines and bring various viewpoints to complete work.

Our work at the moment involves many ‘greenfield’ projects, such as our brand new SaaS product, Skyfish 2.0. Now is an optimal moment to join us.

Here is what a typical day looks like:

  • Creating plugins for our custom React-based CMS
  • Creating/maintaining React/Redux single-page applications
  • Creating/maintaining NPM packages
  • Creating/maintaining unit tests
  • Creating reusable front-end components that drive complex web apps
  • Maintaining existing systems, including fixing bugs on existing projects

Your mindset

You’re open-minded, willing to learn and grow, and eager to contribute. You see what a product or system could be like, while you focus on what is viable. You are not afraid of applying theory to problems to find new solutions.

We know developers come in all shapes and sizes, and we’re eager to find out who you are, but keep in mind that you should have at least the following competencies:

Required competencies

  • The ability to communicate clearly with your colleagues in English.
  • The ability to take your experience in other disciplines and rework it to invent new solutions in your front-end engineering tasks.
  • Good learning skills: as a student of your colleagues, and as your own teacher.
  • 2+ years’ experience with React, Redux, and any JavaScript testing framework.
  • 5+ years’ experience with JavaScript.
  • A high degree of comfort in ES6, CSS, and HTML.
  • Experience with Node.js, node.js modules/packages, and webpack.
  • A willingness to see all your work in the context of its overall goal, and collaborate as needed within your team to achieve that goal.

It is also advantageous, but not necessary, to have:

  • BS/MS in Computer Science, Software Engineering, or a related technical field.
  • Experience with test-driven development.
  • Experience building products with APIs that connect your work with back-end software engineers.

If you don’t have any of the above three qualifications, we will still happily consider you if you can demonstrate your competence.

What Colourbox offers

  • Exciting work with interesting technical challenges.
  • A talented, committed, and international team from over nine countries.
  • A competitive salary.
  • Pension contribution.
  • The option to work in Odense, Denmark, or in Berlin, Germany, or remotely.
  • Full-time position with the possibility of flexible and/or reduced hours.
  • Company-paid continuous education program.

The hiring process

Here’s how we make sure you’re the right fit.

Step 1: After two weeks’ review of your application, you receive an answer.

Step 2. A 20–30 minute interview with your future coach, to see how you interact.

Step 3. Your salary and practicals are agreed upon with your coach, and we ask for 2–4 references.

Step 4. A 1½–2 hour interview with your new team.

Step 5. A personality test, from which you will be given one-to-one feedback.

Step 6. A 20–30 minute meeting with two of our other coaches from other teams you will work with, to see if you fit into the wider company.

Then we sign a contract, and welcome you onboard! The whole process takes 3–4 weeks.

Your first few months

Expect extensive training, with monthly evaluations. If you choose to work elsewhere from our HQ in Odense, Denmark, we will need you to spend your first two weeks in Odense, as well as an additional one week there at the end of your onboarding.

What’s next?

Have questions? All of them are welcome anytime: contact [email protected].

To apply, send us a PDF of your CV and links to your open-source projects and Git repositories.

Applications must be submitted in English, German, or Danish — but remember that you will be working in English.

Information og data

Denne ledige stilling har jobtypen "Frontendudvikler", og befinder sig i kategorien "Informationsteknologi".

Arbejdsstedet er beliggende i Odense

Jobbet er oprettet på vores service den 13.8.2021, men kan have været deaktiveret og genaktiveret igen.

Dagligt opdateret: Dette job opdateres dagligt ud fra jobudbyderens hjemmeside via vores søgemaskineteknologi og er aktivt lige nu.
  • Frontendudvikler
  • Odense

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Statistik over udbudte jobs som frontendudviklere i Odense

Herunder ser du udviklingen i udbudte frontendudvikler i Odense over tid. Bemærk at jobs der ikke har en bestemt geografi ikke er medtaget i tabellen. I den første kolonne ser du datoen. I den næste kolonne ser du det samlede antal frontendudviklere i Odense.

Se flere statistikker her:
Statistik over udbudte frontendudviklere i Odense over tid

Dato Alle jobs som frontendudviklere
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19. januar 2025 43
18. januar 2025 43
17. januar 2025 43
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10. januar 2025 41
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8. januar 2025 39
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Værd at vide når du søger job som frontendudvikler i Odense

Uanset om du er nyuddannet eller har års erfaring bag dig, kan jobmarkedet i Odense byde på spændende muligheder inden for en lang række brancher. Fra innovative tech-startups til velrenommerede virksomheder og hyggelige lokale forretninger, er der noget for enhver smag og ambition.

Odense byder på et forfriskende alternativ til storbyens hektiske rytme, men det betyder ikke, at du skal gå på kompromis med mobiliteten. Byen tilbyder en række bekvemme og miljøvenlige transportmuligheder, der sikrer, at du effektivt kan nå frem til din destination, uanset om du er på vej til arbejde, skole, kulturarrangementer eller socialt samvær.

At flytte for et drømmejob kan være spændende, men kræver forberedelse.

Bydele i Odense 

Odense byder på en spændende blanding af kvarterer, hver med sin charme og atmosfære. Når du søger job, spiller dit valg af boligområde en rolle. Lad os dykke ned i nogle populære kvarterer og se, hvordan de relaterer til jobmuligheder:

Centrum: Det pulserende hjerte af Odense byder på masser af shopping, kultur og cafeliv. Her finder du virksomheder inden for handel, service, finans og kulturinstitutioner. Boligpriserne er højere, men du er tæt på arbejdspladsen og byens attraktioner.

Frederiksbjerg: Et hipt og ungt kvarter med masser af studerende og kreative sjæle. Her finder du tech-startups, designvirksomheder og innovative kontorfællesskaber. Boligudbuddet er blandet, og der er god forbindelse til centrum.

Tufteparken: Familievenligt område med grønne områder og gode skoler. Her finder du store virksomheder inden for fødevareproduktion og logistik. Boligerne er generelt rolige og familievenlige.

Bolbro: Et multikulturelt kvarter med billigere boliger og et internationalt miljø. Her finder du mindre virksomheder inden for forskellige brancher. Området er under udvikling, så jobmulighederne kan vokse i fremtiden.

Dalum: Idyllisk forstad tæt på motorvej og natur. Her finder du store virksomheder inden for industri og logistik. Boligpriserne er lavere, men transport til arbejdspladsen kan være nødvendigt.

Hjørring: Familievenligt område med gode skoler og fritidsaktiviteter. Her finder du både mindre virksomheder og filialer af større koncerner. Boligerne er rolige og familievenlige.

Munkebjerg: Et historisk kvarter med brostensgader og hyggelige cafeer. Her finder du kreative virksomheder, kontorfællesskaber og kulturinstitutioner. Boligpriserne er høje, men du er tæt på centrum og grønne områder.

Mere information om Odense 

Hvis du er på udkig efter et job i Odense, er det vigtigt, at du sætter dig grundigt ind i, hvordan jobmarkedet fungerer, og hvor i byen du vil arbejde og bo. Vi har samlet en guide med alle relevante oplysninger om Odense, så du kan få et samlet overblik. Læs mere om Odense i denne guide: Odense: Din guide til jobmuligheder, transport og bydele.