Design Lead

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Design Lead for Templafy

Templafy is looking for a talented and visionary Design Lead to build incomparable design experiences for enterprise employees through best in class products by taking a leading role in design creation and design ideas.

About Templafy

Templafy is a fast-growing B2B SaaS company with global operations, based in Copenhagen. Since 2014, they have worked with the mission to solve the everyday obstacles in business document creation and today, they have a growing customer base of global enterprises with offices in both Copenhagen, Berlin, Eindhoven, and New York. The company stands behind a platform in SaaS template management software that securely places everything a document needs within reach of the employee and cuts out repetitive work through intelligent automation. Hence, their solution helps companies and employees work faster, produce better results, and improve company productivity. Today, over one million employees in more than 300 enterprises worldwide are using Templafy to help them produce perfect documents faster and in 2018, the company became the proud winner of the Danish and Nordic Startup Award.

Templafy embraces design thinking and inclusive design, aiming to offer the best experience to a varied set of users in different types of industries and company sizes. With an unformal tone and a flat hierarchy, the company is composed by a multidisciplinary team where all employees are heard and are given room to influence the direction of the design and product. Hence, if you have a great idea, you are embraced to share it. Ever since Templafy saw the light, they have been on an interesting growth journey, thus this moment is an exciting time to join their international team of almost 200 colleagues with more than 40 different nationalities.

The position

Templafy is at the forefront of technology and digital tools, their product is their heart and soul and their success depends on their strong solutions. In order to continue to develop unique products, the Design Lead will be responsible for building a new strong design team team of UI, designers and over time UX, setting the design vision and direction for both the team and company. You will be at the front line when it comes to lead UI and design efforts, occasionally also UX design, to design best in class products. With an entrepreneurial and visionary mind, you have the drive to work independently, yet in close collaboration will all the company’s departments.

You will become an essential part of Templafy’s product team of about 12 product designers, product owners, product marketing managers and product managers, helping uncover and optimize great user interface design and product experience for a broad range of users with products aimed to improve their productivity at work. You will be responsible for planning and implementing new designs and managing design creation of new products from the concept to the final release. With an agile and flexible workflow, the design team structures their work in sprints of two weeks. Hence, you will organize the work in research, exploration, prototyping as well as handing-in phases, iterating as much as both you and the company can.

As Design Lead, you will enter a top position in a company with the ambitious goal to become amongst the top three most used SaaS applications in the world. By combining ambition and creativity with high awareness of the design elements, your responsibilities include user testing, strategy, wireframes and the design of graphic user interface elements to build innovative products that clients not only need to use, they want to use them. Hence with a magic touch, you will create original prototypes for new product ideas to improve the customer experience and to extend the number of users and return existing users. You will drive the overall design production and processes and develop technical and business requirements by always striving to deliver intuitive and user-centered solutions as well as imaginative user focused design concepts. Since you will enter a small, yet growing, team, it is important that you can navigate across all aspects of the design phase, thrive on both a strategic and operational level and hold a detailed understanding of the client, their needs and behavior. You will work closely with your colleagues in the product team, a department of more than 35 talented software engineers, as well as the rest of the business – all highly passionate about creating international success and unique solutions, and use tools as Sketch, Abstract and Invision along with Miro and other tools for collaborating online.

As Design Lead, you will be working from Templafy’s Copenhagen office, report directly to the CPO and get a competitive salary and pension. The position is an interesting chance to work in an international fast- growing company on a product used by more than a million users worldwide, but with the ambition to increase the number much further in the nearest future. You will enter a role with high ambitions and the opportunity to set your own mark, helping design the future of how people work with documents and presentations through software.

Your profile

The ideal candidate comes with at least 7 years of experience from a similar role with responsibility for design direction and UI and have thorough understanding and experience with UX. Ideally, you have experince from another B2B SaaS company or a design agency where you have worked closely with key clients on signature UI and design projects. You have experience with prototypes and have a profound technical understanding, preferably with hands-on experience within front-end development and digital design. You are a critical thinker, come with advanced knowledge of UI methodologies and show great confidence in providing strategic directions within UI and design creations. With flair for controlling global brands, you understand how to create, plan and implement interesting new product designs, and have practical experience in building up a design team, including knowledge about what roles should be brought in at what time. As Templafy is an international company, you hold outstanding English communications skills, oral as well as written, and are a strong communicator who are not afraid of taking the stage, presenting your ideas and thoughts to a differentiated and large audience.

As a person, you are a self-driven designer with a vision of creating a product with the world’s best user experience – and most important, you know how to get there. Startup and entrepreneurship are in your DNA and you thrive in a role where you can set your personal mark, share your thoughts and transform your ideas into reality. Hence, you enjoy working in an agile and environment where not all processes are yet defined. You come with an eagerness to collaborate, are openminded and know that the best results often arise from a strong performative teamwork. With strong aesthetic flair and a great drive, you are enthusiastic and innovative and easily find groundbreaking ways of setting direction and creating new and original digital experiences and solutions. You hold the ability to solve problems creatively and effectively, and keep yourself up-to-date with the latest UI trends, techniques, and technologies. Lastly, you like to get your hands dirty and cannot see yourself go through a day without opening Sketch. With a desire to be a part of a fast-growing company, you are passionate about the thought of creating original design solutions that make a difference for both your company and clients.


If you want to know more about the position, please contact Frida Hamilton by phone; +46 72 3763 815 or via e-mail; [email protected] or Klaus Markholt-Hansen on email; [email protected].

Information og data

Denne ledige stilling har jobtypen "Grafisk designer", og befinder sig i kategorien "Kommunikation, marketing, salg".

Arbejdsstedet er beliggende i København

Jobbet er oprettet på vores service den 10.10.2019, men kan have været deaktiveret og genaktiveret igen.

Dagligt opdateret: Dette job opdateres dagligt ud fra jobudbyderens hjemmeside via vores søgemaskineteknologi og er aktivt lige nu.
  • Grafisk designer
  • København

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