HR Partner With Good Interpersonal Skills

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Continia Software is looking for an HR partner ready to drive our HR processes and play a big part in getting the right talents on board for our continuous growth. If you are an experienced HR Partner, who loves working in a challenging and dynamic environment with many different nationalities and professions, we want to talk to you.

Who are we?

Continia is a leading provider of banking, AP automation, and expense management solutions for Business Central. Our success builds on partnering with more than 800 reselling partners - serving over 8,000 customers worldwide. Continia has 110+ employees spread across eight offices (Copenhagen, Aalborg, Amsterdam, Belgium, Hamburg, New York, Vilnius, and Spain), and we continue to grow our presence and market share within the Business Central channel year after year.

To continue our growth, we need to attract new talent and keep our current group of highly specialized and talented employees on board globally. As our organization continues to grow, we also want to develop and improve our governance models across the organization.

Working with Continia

At Continia, we value diversity and encourage authenticity. We are team players who respect each other's thoughts and ideas, and we expect everyone to take ownership of their work. We focus on personal and professional development to grow internally within our organization. Continia offers a wide variety of benefits such as:

  • Flexible working hours and the possibility of working from home
  • Employer-funded pension
  • Health insurance
  • Attractive remuneration package
  • Local benefits include subsidized lunch, active staff association with regular local events and much more.

In our day-to-day work, we are pragmatic and result-oriented and aim to stay entrepreneurial by keeping things simple and focusing on our employees. We celebrate our wins and releases and aim at having two major events each year where all employees meet up in one place.

About the job

As an HR partner, you will join our small administration team consisting of the Chief of Staff and Executive Assistant, who currently provides administrative and HR support to all business units of Continia.

Your tasks as HR Partner will, among others, consist of:

  • Perform recruitment processes from end-to-end
  • Work closely with the managers of the teams you are recruiting for to ensure we get the right talent on board.
  • Manage multiple role descriptions and job postings in parallel, as well as continuously update our recruitment system
  • Sparring partner for other managers when staff-related issues arise, well-being, behavior, or similar - internal advisor on employment issues, staffing policies, staffing law, etc.
  • Management of planned HR activities and projects, as well as management of ongoing HR processes - e.g., MUS and employee engagement surveys - including contributing to building structures, processes, templates, and annual plans for HR initiatives
  • On and off-boarding
  • Developing and maintaining clear job descriptions for all functions in the organization, including defining career paths
  • Contributing to the planning and implementation of initiatives that strengthen our shared corporate culture

Who are you?

There can be several paths to the job. However, we envision that you have a relevant theoretical background to support the HR Partner role, preferably complemented with a few years of experience in recruitment. You have experience with the whole HR process - recruitment, development, delivery - and are comfortable using the associated tools. You also have a sound knowledge of employment law.

Your working style is characterized by independence, a systematic approach, overview, and perseverance in prioritizing and achieving your tasks' objectives. You are a strong communicator who acts as a sparring partner for the manager on HR-related issues with credibility, quality, and personal impact.

You have good interpersonal skills, love to smile, are good at communicating with others, and can work across the organization at all levels.

As supporting the business is critical to success in the role, it is essential that you are good at listening, communicating, and sparring.

As a person, you understand how to plan and prioritize your tasks based on business considerations. You are service-minded, conscientious, committed, and able to work in an often busy environment.

At Continia, we believe in freedom with responsibility. This trait will characterize your day-to-day work, where you will get the opportunity to organize your work but are expected to be on top of your tasks.

If this position is calling your name, you are more than welcome to send us your application and resumé through the application form.

We look forward to hearing from you!

Information og data

Denne ledige stilling har jobtypen "HR-chef", og befinder sig i kategorien "Ledelse og personale".

Arbejdsstedet er beliggende i Aalborg

Jobbet er oprettet på vores service den 24.6.2022, men kan have været deaktiveret og genaktiveret igen.

Dagligt opdateret: Dette job opdateres dagligt ud fra jobudbyderens hjemmeside via vores søgemaskineteknologi og er aktivt lige nu.
  • HR-chef
  • Aalborg

Lignende jobs

Statistik over udbudte jobs som hr-leder i Aalborg

Herunder ser du udviklingen i udbudte hr-chef i Aalborg over tid. Bemærk at jobs der ikke har en bestemt geografi ikke er medtaget i tabellen. I den første kolonne ser du datoen. I den næste kolonne ser du det samlede antal hr-leder i Aalborg.

Se flere statistikker her:
Statistik over udbudte hr-leder i Aalborg over tid

Dato Alle jobs som hr-leder
5. juli 2024 1
4. juli 2024 1
3. juli 2024 1
2. juli 2024 1
1. juli 2024 1
30. juni 2024 1
29. juni 2024 1
28. juni 2024 1
27. juni 2024 1
26. juni 2024 1
25. juni 2024 1
24. juni 2024 1
23. juni 2024 1
22. juni 2024 1
21. juni 2024 1
20. juni 2024 1
19. juni 2024 1
18. juni 2024 1
17. juni 2024 1
16. juni 2024 1
15. juni 2024 1
14. juni 2024 1
13. juni 2024 1
12. juni 2024 1
11. juni 2024 1
10. juni 2024 1
9. juni 2024 1
8. juni 2024 1
7. juni 2024 1
6. juni 2024 1
5. juni 2024 1

Værd at vide når du søger job som hr-chef i Aalborg

Drømmer du om at bo og arbejde i en pulserende by med charme og historie? Så kigger du måske mod Aalborg, også kendt som "Nordens Paris". Med et blomstrende erhvervsliv, en levende kulturscene og en fantastisk beliggenhed ved Limfjorden, er Aalborg et attraktivt sted for jobjagten.

Aalborgs erhvervsliv byder på en spændende blanding af tradition og innovation, hvilket afspejles i de største beskæftigelsessektorer. Mens byens maritime historie stadig spiller en vigtig rolle, er der sket en markant udvikling inden for andre områder. Lad os tage et kig på de største arbejdspladser i "Nordens Paris":

Aalborg byder på en række smarte transportløsninger, der gør det nemt og bekvemt at komme rundt i byen og omegnen, uanset om du er til bus, tog, cykel, bil eller alternative former for mobilitet.

At flytte til et nyt sted på grund af et job kræver forberedelse, og Aalborg er ingen undtagelse.

Bydele i Aalborg 

Aalborg består af en række unikke kvarterer, hver med sin egen charme og atmosfære. Din boligvalg kan i den grad påvirke din jobjagt, så lad os dykke ned i de forskellige bydele og se, hvordan de kan understøtte dine karrieredrømme:

Centrum: Aalborgs pulserende hjerte med butikker, caféer, restauranter og kulturinstitutioner. Her finder du store virksomheder inden for service, handel, finans og administration. Boligpriserne er højere, men netværksmulighederne er mange.

Øgadekvarteret: Et kreativt og trendy område med små butikker, barer og spillesteder. Tiltrækker unge, kreative erhverv og iværksættere. Lejlighederne er ofte mindre, men stemningen er energisk.

Vestbyen: Boligkvarter med god plads til familier og pendlerafstand til erhvervsområderne i Nørresundby. Her finder du virksomheder inden for industri, logistik og transport. Roligt miljø med gode grønne områder.

Østerbro: Et hyggeligt og historisk kvarter med smukke villaer og lejligheder. Her bor mange akademikere og ansatte på Aalborg Universitet. God balance mellem byliv og ro.

Nørresundby: Aalborgs industrielle nabo med store virksomheder inden for energi, teknologi og vindmølleproduktion. Lavere boligpriser end Aalborg centrum, men god infrastruktur.

Sydbyen: Et upcoming område med renoverede industrilokaler og nye boligbyggerier. Tiltrækker innovative virksomheder og kreative iværksættere. Flot udsigt mod Limfjorden og god adgang til motorvej.

Mere information om Aalborg 

Hvis du er på udkig efter et job i Aalborg, er det vigtigt, at du sætter dig grundigt ind i, hvordan jobmarkedet fungerer, og hvor i byen du vil arbejde og bo. Vi har samlet en guide med alle relevante oplysninger om Aalborg, så du kan få et samlet overblik. Læs mere om Aalborg i denne guide: Din guide til jobjagt i Aalborg: "Nordens Paris" venter på dig!