
Head of IT

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Head of IT

ISS Facility Services A/S

We are seeking ISS Denmark’s new Head of IT to lead an IT team of 27 dedicated employees – and the transformation of IT at ISS Denmark. A journey with significant business impact and senior management attention.


Taking the current global business strategy in ISS into account, the role of the IT-function and thereby also the Head of IT in ISS Denmark will continue to grow in importance. The key responsibility of the Head of IT in Denmark is to link the technology needs from the Danish ISS organization to the global agenda and ensure the global IT strategy is implemented across ISS Denmark. This entails major technology implementations with significant business impact and senior management attention.

ISS was founded in Denmark, and therefore Denmark is a key focus area in the ISS organization, with a close collaboration between ISS DK and their global head office.


Your main responsibility is to lead the IT organization for ISS Denmark, which in addition to the Head of IT consists of 4 leaders and 23 specialists.

Further responsibilities include:

  • Motivate the team to deliver on defined priorities and KPI´s
  • Own, define and update the IT strategy for ISS Denmark in close collaboration with the DK CFO and Director of Regional IT
  • Executive owner of all IT suppliers, including negotiations of critical contracts and manage external suppliers
  • Manage the complete IT project portfolio, and resource allocation to projects and critical activities
  • Be part of the CFO leadership team in ISS DK
  • Represent ISS Denmark in the regional and global IT organization to ensure continued focus on ISS Denmark’s priorities
  • Accountable for the IT-budget for ISS DK

They are working towards a new strategy, which they expect to be implemented by 2025. You are a key-player on this journey, where their key achievements towards 2025 will include:

  • Full implementation of global enterprise systems like SuccessFactors, Tririga, Coupa and SailPoint
  • Update the current ERP strategy for ISS Denmark and ensure alignment with the new global ERP strategy in close collaboration with especially colleagues from Finance. Transfer from the on-prem DK IT infrastructure to a new global hybrid-cloud infrastructure
  • Introduce global IT governance in ISS Denmark
  • Continue to grow better system and network stability
  • Define and maintain digital business strategies for key delivery areas Continue to replace current technology with modern cloud services
  • Continue to standardize IT operational processes – including implementation of ITIL 4.0 framework
  • Continue to maintain strong business partnering activities within ISS Denmark and the global IT organization
  • Define and implement an ISS DK data strategy
  • Drive the global Automation strategy, including utilization of RPA


To succeed in the role, you have proven IT leadership skills, leading skilled and independent IT specialists and middle managers. In addition you have the following qualifications:

  • Solid experience and understanding of how IT supports the business strategy
  • Solid experience with financial management of a complex technology setup Strategic and tactical mindset
  • Experience and ability to deliver successfully in a global organization
  • Extensive stakeholder management experience, with an ability to balance local needs in a global context
  • Strong communication skills on all organizational levels – and ability to communicate complexity in a non-complex manner
  • Full working proficiency in English


They offer you an interesting role and career opportunity in a dynamic organization in one of the largest companies in Denmark. You will be in their Danish head-office in Søborg (Copenhagen), where they foster an open and informal culture with great, helpful, and competent colleagues. You will report to the Regional IT Director (Located in Sweden) with dotted line to the CFO for ISS Denmark.

ISS is an equal opportunity employer, who offers great flexibility as well as possibilities for personal and professional development. They offer you a compensation package, which includes pension, health insurance, company car, bonus scheme and extra vacations days.

The hiring process is carried out by Compass Human Resources Group. Send us your CV and we will get in touch with you. If you have any questions, feel free to call or write to Research Consultant Ida Heuser at (+45) 20 16 18 10 or email [email protected] alternatively Partner Ib Sørensen at (+45) 51 99 25 00. Candidates are assessed on a continuous basis; thus we encourage you to send your CV as soon as possible.

We are looking forward to talking to you.

Deadline for application: As soon as possible
Workplace: Copenhagen
Reference: 2108.398
Company: ISS Facility Services A/S

Information og data

Denne ledige stilling har jobtypen "IT-chef", og befinder sig i kategorien "Informationsteknologi".

Arbejdsstedet er beliggende i København

Jobbet er oprettet på vores service den 6.10.2021, men kan have været deaktiveret og genaktiveret igen.

Dagligt opdateret: Dette job opdateres dagligt ud fra jobudbyderens hjemmeside via vores søgemaskineteknologi og er aktivt lige nu.
  • IT-chef
  • København

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