
IT Consultant & IT Architect

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The Boston Consulting Group (BCG) is one of the world’s leading strategy consulting firms. BCG Platinion is a permanent part of BCG’s global knowledge and expert network. They complement BCG offerings with technology expertise and implementation excellence in order to solve business-critical IT challenges. On every joint project with BCG and BCG Technology Advantage, they work on interdisciplinary teams, which ensures that they are all committed to the same quality standard and dedicated, effective working method.To maintain this world leading position, BCG Platinion is looking for the best IT Consultants and IT Architects to meet their customer’s needs. BCG Platinion provides consulting services focused on the development and implementation of business-critical IT architecture and solutions. BCG Platinion empower clients on their digital journey with focus on transforming technology & data platforms and IT capabilities. They leverage the best possible IT and technology solutions to help companies improve margins, optimize future products and amplify business value.Your tasks as an IT Consultant will include the following:
  • Analyzing and evaluating IT architectures from a functional perspective
  • Handling IT project management and quality assurance
  • Developing business cases to evaluate IT initiatives
  • Evaluating and choosing IT products
  • Preparing functional concepts
  • Optimizing IT added value
  • Analyzing and optimizing core IT processes
  • Performing IT-due diligence
  • Your tasks as an IT Architect will include the following:
  • Analyzing and evaluating IT architectures from a technical perspective
  • Managing work packages and modules in critical IT implementation projects
  • Leading small software development teams by means of agile methods
  • Handling IT product evaluation and selection
  • Developing functional and IT concepts
  • Analyzing and optimizing software development processes as well as the applied tool
  • Good consulting skills combined with experience in IT
    We are looking for candidates with a university degree with above-average academic performance in information technology, business informatics, business administration, or a related field. You have at least 1,5-2 years of relevant practical experience in the IT sector or comparable experience in IT consulting.As a person you are ambitious and a team player. You have outstanding analytical and conceptual skills as well as communication and presentation skills. You will play a vital role when it comes to support BCG Platinion’s clients, so a confident and convincing manner and mental agility, is important. You will become a part of an international and competent team, so flexibility, ability to work under pressure, and willingness to travel, is also important.The recruitment process is carried out in collaboration with the consulting company Compass Human Resources Group. If you want to learn more about this position before submitting your application, please do not hesitate to contact Partner Ib Sørensen at +45 51 99 25 00. Please submit your application and CV as soon as possible, if you are interested. Applications will be processed on an ongoing basis. Please note that all enquiries will be handled with confidentiality and that we will reply to the email address from which you send your CVAbout BCG Platinion:
    BCG Platinion was founded in 2000. Since then, they have grown continuously and successfully. Today BCG Platinion have offices in Europe, North and South America and Asia Pasific. The first office in the Nordics – the Copenhagen office – was opened in 2017. Their areas of expertise range from IT architecture design to digital transformation and implementation management. BCG Platinion create technology platforms and deliver exceptionally customized solutions of the future for their clients, from data strategies to next-generation customer journey solutions and transformational business models. They solve the most daunting challenges that companies face today and envision for tomorrow. BCG Platinion’s style is entrepreneurial – nimble and innovative, with multifaceted, cross-functional teams and completely vendor-independent. Their unique selling proposition is technology expertise and delivery excellence. To learn more visit for application: As soon as possible
    Workplace: Copenhagen
    Reference: 1708.194
    Company: BCG PlatinionContact:

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    Denne ledige stilling har jobtypen "IT-chef", og befinder sig i kategorien "Informationsteknologi".

    Arbejdsstedet er beliggende i København

    Jobbet er oprettet på vores service den 29.7.2019, men kan have været deaktiveret og genaktiveret igen.

    Dagligt opdateret: Dette job opdateres dagligt ud fra jobudbyderens hjemmeside via vores søgemaskineteknologi og er aktivt lige nu.
    • IT-chef
    • København

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