Information Security Manager for Nordic RSC, Copenhagen
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Information Security Manager for Nordic RSC, Copenhagen
Are you looking for the opportunity to hold an Information Security Manager role with high impact in an international setting? This is a unique opportunity for an enthusiastic and experienced Information Security Manager to join a Nordic operational unit that supports the efficient and secure operation of the electricity systems across Finland, Norway, Sweden and Denmark during the transition to a sustainable, green energy system. Your daily workplace will be in our office in Copenhagen Towers, Oerestad.
Playing an important role in establishing a shared information security culture
Nordic RSC (Nordic Regional Security Coordinator) is the joint office for the four electricity TSOs (Transmission System Operator) in the Nordic region.
You will be overall responsible for Information Security at the Nordic RSC, for driving the information security agenda and deliver information security oversight over the Nordic RSC in cooperation with the four national TSOs. At the same time you will interact as the link between the Information Security Department in the Danish host TSO, Energinet, and the specialists in the four TSOs. Furthermore you will take part in the European TSO cooperation related to Information Security in ENTSO-E
Your main job is to continuously develop and implement the European TSO standards for information security and the related processes in the Nordic RSC- in close cooperation with the four national TSOs. As you will get into a dialogue with IT specialists across geographic and professional borders, you must be able to work out compromises and establish solutions that suffice the very high Information Security standards of Nordic RSC and align the different demands and current standards in the TSOs. Being able to create a relationship of trust to colleagues and experts in the Nordic TSOs is essential for the role.
You can look forward to a meaningful and challenging job in a Nordic environment where you will work closely together with truly professional colleagues. At the same time you will have great impact on the information security awareness in the electricity sector which is subject to intense political attention due to the criticality of stable electricity supply and the confidentiality of data. The position will require some international travel, approx. 1-2 days per month. You will report to the Nordic RSC Manager and have direct reporting responsibilities to the Supervisory Board.
Information security and operation experience
You probably hold a relevant Master’s Degree, but most important is your extensive information security and operational experience, preferably from an international company. The ideal candidate has a minimum of 3 years of solid information security experience combined with substantial technical insight in IT infrastructure and IT systems. You are used to work with stakeholders at all levels and able to act in an international environment in close cooperation with Nordic colleagues. Knowledge of awareness programs and personnel training to maintain and develop a strong information security culture will be ideal. A national security clearance is mandatory.
You are able to understand complex issues and balance attention to detail with the speed of execution. You are open-minded in your approach to people and eager to learn. You use your inherent flexible and adaptive nature to handle the ever-changing needs of a dynamic organization. Working and communicating in English is natural for you, and you are able to create long lasting relationships both internally and externally. Knowledge of Scandinavian languages and intercultural understanding is preferable.
On a personal level you are open-minded and outgoing. You are development and team-orien2ted and have the motivation and drive to take responsibility. You are respected for your can-do and follow-through attitude. Finally, you have a proven capability to work in an agile environment with many and ongoing deadlines.
Application deadline and contact information
Please apply online as soon as possible (in English) and no later than 4th of March 2020. Interviews are scheduled at 10th of March (1st interview) and 19th ot March (2nd interview). If you have any questions, please contact Daily Manager Jens Møller Birkebæk, tel. +45 23 33 87 94.
Nordic RSC is the Copenhagen-based joint office for the Swedish, Norwegian, Finnish and Danish transmission system operators. The regional coordination is mandatory as a part of the EU Electricity Regulation. This also implies significant European coordination related to Information Security. The regional coordination is regarded a cornerstone in the Green transition of the European electricity sector to ensure an efficient and reliable electricity supply. For more information, please visit
Energinet Elsystemansvar A/S har ansvar for, at der til enhver tid er balance mellem produktion og forbrug i det danske elsystem. Vi er til stede i verden, særligt i Norden og i Europa, hvor vi deler viden og er med til at udvikle fælles netregler, driftssamarbejder og elmarkeder. Og endelig har vi fingeren på pulsen med rettidige og langsigtede analyser af og planer for et fremtidigt, sammenhængende energisystem. Vi er et datterselskab i Energinet-koncernen, som varetager samfundets interesser, når Danmark skal forsynes med el og gas, og energisystemet omstilles til grøn energi. Vores kultur hænger tæt sammen med vores samfundsansvar, og vi arbejder aktivt med FN’s verdensmål omkring bæredygtig energi, klimaindsats, partnerskaber for handling samt industri, innovation og infrastruktur. Ved at vise vejen for grøn omstilling kan vi være med til at løse den globale klimaudfordring. Nye løsninger kræver, at vi evner at se problemstillinger fra mange vinkler, og derfor er mangfoldighed et nøgleord i vores kultur. Vi bestræber os på at lytte, involvere og dele vores viden. Med afsæt i værdierne tillid og mod lægger vi vægt på hele tiden at udvikle os som organisation og som mennesker.
Information og data
Denne ledige stilling har jobtypen "IT-sikkerhedsspecialist", og befinder sig i kategorien "Informationsteknologi".
Arbejdsstedet er beliggende i København
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Indre By: Pulsens centrum med internationale virksomheder, finansverden og detailhandel. Perfekt for jobsøgende inden for finans, jura, medier og marketing. Tempoet er højt, og konkurrencen kan være hård.
Østerbro: En blanding af moderne boliger, historiske bygninger og innovative virksomheder. Hjem til Novo Nordisk og Vestas Wind Systems. Gode muligheder inden for life science, teknologi og bæredygtige løsninger.
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Mere information om København
Hvis du er på udkig efter et job i København, er det vigtigt, at du sætter dig grundigt ind i, hvordan jobmarkedet fungerer, og hvor i byen du vil arbejde og bo. Vi har samlet en guide med alle relevante oplysninger om København, så du kan få et samlet overblik. Læs mere om København i denne guide: København: Byen der byder på både drømmejob og spændende udfordringer