SAXO IT GRADUATE - Digital Client Services | Technology & Engineering
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Since online investment & trading and technology are evolving at a rapid pace, we continuously strive to improve the SaxoExperience and exceed our clients’ expectations. We have close to 800 IT employees in Denmark, the Netherlands and India who are constantly improving our award-winning in-house built investment and trading platforms for seasoned and experienced investors and wholesale clients. New ideas are always encouraged, and we promote individual ownership of projects and tasks.
Founded in 1992, Saxo Bank is a leading Fintech specialist with technology as a core part of our DNA. Being one of the first financial institutions to develop online trading platforms that provided private investors with the same tools and market access as professional traders, large institutions and fund managers, Saxo Bank was a Fintech long before the term was even created.
In Digital Client Services, it’s about creating the best possible user experience through the use of technology and data. It comes in the form of providing our users with timely, relevant and personalized content in order to help them become more active, happy and successful.
Another important part is the tracking of user journeys and feedback data to optimize the support flows so that our user gets the best support possible and use that information to improve the user experience.
Our stakeholders are our Clients, Digital Engagement Team, Data Science Team and practically any stakeholder who has an interest in improving the user experience through digital communication.
By joining, you will be working in a full stack team that is working on a common backlog with a single owner, and you will have the opportunity to familiarize yourself with:
- Being a Front End developer working with our platforms code base to build new or change existing components in our front ends to serve content up to users.
- Being an AI Engineer building the systems that use AI & AL to provide the user with the right content at the right time.
- Being a Data Engineer to source, curate and produce data assets that can be delivered directly to our Clients, be consumed by the Data Science team or empower Client facing staff to become more data driven.
- Being a Software Engineer to build the next generation service and middleware to scale the business and lower complexity.
- Being a DevOps hero to help setup new greenfield projects or migrate existing services on a containerized and cloud service infrastructure.
The technology stack is made up of primarily: C# .Net, .Net Core, Python, HTML5, CSS, JavaScript, MS SQL Server, Kafka, Redis, Azure Datalake, Docker, Kubernetes, Airflow, Databricks and more.
From you we hope that you can tick of a couple of those skills but equally important have the willingness and ability to learn and adopt new technologies with the emphasis of delivering value.
As a person you are self-driven, takes ownership of the tasks before you and strive to produce the best possible outcome. You know when to ask for help and enjoy helping others. You know how to take the customer point of view when evaluating past and potential outcomes and use that as your guiding principle to deliver value. You know your area of expertise but are comfortable when having to move outside the comfort zone when needed so that the team can stay agile and adapt to change.
We offer you join a team which is based primarily out of Copenhagen, Gurugram and Amsterdam. We are an energized and we appreciate new ideas however far afield they may seem or who puts them forward. We understand that everyone has something to learn from one another and that is how we mature as a team. We are passionate about what we do and we hope that you are too.
If you have finished your Master’s degree by September 2021, are fluent in English, and match above criteria you may be a Saxonian in the making.
How to apply
Click on the apply button above to apply. We look forward to getting to know you better!
About Saxo Bank
We believe access to global capital markets is not only for the privileged few. Our vision is to enable people to fulfill their financial aspirations to make an impact. That’s why we use the power of technology to deliver clients what they need, when they need it in a user-friendly and personalised experience. We aim to deliver the world’s most user-friendly and personalized trading and investment platform experience, which gives our clients exactly what they need to make more informed investment decisions.
As a fintech pioneer founded in 1992, we focus on clients, quality, speed of innovation and use of disruptive technology. Headquartered in Denmark, we employ more than 2,000 people across 60 different nationalities globally. We have offices in key financial centres around the world including London, Amsterdam, Singapore, Shanghai, Hong Kong, Sydney, Gurgaon, Tokyo and Paris. With our global footprint, you can impact how people trade financial markets worldwide.
Do you want to work for an extremely ambitious organisation at the cutting edge of banking and technology? You’ll be joining a company that:
- Continuously strives to improve the Saxo Experience and exceed our clients’ expectations
- Always invests in the future
- Builds unrivalled platforms for seasoned and experienced investors and wholesale clients that provide real-time access to global capital markets
- Consistently wins the highest accolades for our platforms, products and service
So, if you’re up for the challenge of breaking down barriers in global financial markets, we’re always looking for ambitious and enthusiastic people who share our passion for clients, technology and innovation and can bring new perspectives to our diverse team.
At Saxo we don’t just offer a job – we offer an opportunity to invest in your future!
For more on our story, culture and identity, please read the Saxo Bank Foundation, written by our CEO and founder Kim Fournais.
Information og data
Denne ledige stilling har jobtypen "IT-supporter", og befinder sig i kategorien "Informationsteknologi".
Arbejdsstedet er beliggende i København
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Se flere statistikker her:
Statistik over udbudte it-supportere i København over tid
Dato | Alle jobs som it-supportere |
6. februar 2025 | 19 |
5. februar 2025 | 20 |
4. februar 2025 | 21 |
3. februar 2025 | 21 |
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25. januar 2025 | 23 |
24. januar 2025 | 23 |
23. januar 2025 | 23 |
22. januar 2025 | 21 |
21. januar 2025 | 21 |
20. januar 2025 | 20 |
19. januar 2025 | 18 |
18. januar 2025 | 18 |
17. januar 2025 | 18 |
16. januar 2025 | 18 |
15. januar 2025 | 19 |
14. januar 2025 | 19 |
13. januar 2025 | 20 |
12. januar 2025 | 20 |
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Værd at vide når du søger job som it-supporter i København
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Bydele i København
København byder på mere end smukke gader og hyggelige cafeer. De forskellige kvarterer har hver deres unikke atmosfære og erhvervsliv, hvilket kan påvirke din jobsøgning. Lad os dykke ned i nogle populære områder:
Indre By: Pulsens centrum med internationale virksomheder, finansverden og detailhandel. Perfekt for jobsøgende inden for finans, jura, medier og marketing. Tempoet er højt, og konkurrencen kan være hård.
Østerbro: En blanding af moderne boliger, historiske bygninger og innovative virksomheder. Hjem til Novo Nordisk og Vestas Wind Systems. Gode muligheder inden for life science, teknologi og bæredygtige løsninger.
Nørrebro: Multikulturelt og kreativt med studerende, kunstnere og små startups. Populært blandt unge fagfolk og jobsøgende inden for den kreative sektor og servicebranchen.
Vesterbro: Tidligere industriområde forvandlet til et trendy sted med restauranter, barer og designvirksomheder. Tiltrækker kreative sjæle og jobsøgende inden for mode, design og underholdning.
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Amager: Et område i rivende udvikling med fokus på moderne arkitektur og bæredygtighed. Hjem til Ørestad og store virksomheder som DSV og Ørsted. Gode muligheder inden for logistik, energi og transport.
Mere information om København
Hvis du er på udkig efter et job i København, er det vigtigt, at du sætter dig grundigt ind i, hvordan jobmarkedet fungerer, og hvor i byen du vil arbejde og bo. Vi har samlet en guide med alle relevante oplysninger om København, så du kan få et samlet overblik. Læs mere om København i denne guide: København: Byen der byder på både drømmejob og spændende udfordringer