IT Supporter that makes a difference

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Do you have great IT support skills and 1-2 years of professional IT experience, and would you like your skills to make a difference in the world? We are looking for a permanent, fulltime IT Supporter to strengthen our IT Operations team, which handles our applications, hardware, infrastructure, and system platforms. In this important position, you will have responsibilities ranging from support for colleagues in Denmark and our offices abroad to various administrative activities related to devices, accounts, and infrastructure.

Your wide range of tasks and responsibilities will include
  • Respond to incoming incident reports and requests via face-to-face interaction, video conferencing, online messaging, email, and phone. You will troubleshoot problems both in-person and through remote assistance software.
  • Collaborate with other IT team members and escalate if needed, to resolve issues with a goal of customer satisfaction and a positive support experience
  • Help colleagues understand how to best interact with and utilize technology tools and services, providing guidance as needed
  • Configure, prepare, and troubleshoot hardware (including, but not limited to, laptops, mobile devices, printers, audiovisual hardware) and software
  • Perform technical on-boarding and off boarding of employees and related profile management
  • Help introduce new colleagues to software and hardware
  • Document your work and procedures
  • Be an understudy to colleagues and back them up when they are out of the office. Opportunities may include but won’t be limited to: Endpoint administration, Digital security, Advanced troubleshooting and support, IT procurement and licensing, and Azure cloud computing
  • Rare – but occasional travel
  • Rarely – but occasionally -- participate in after-hours and weekend work on an urgent or emergency basis.
  • Engage in special projects and other duties as assigned

We expect that you have
  • A passion for helping people
  • An insatiable interest in IT and technology
  • Good communication skills with a working command of both English and Danish
  • The ability to explain technical concepts in non-technical terms
  • Patience
  • The ability to put the customer at ease
  • The ability to organize and prioritize work to ensure timely deadlines
  • Excellent problem solving, critical thinking and decision-making skills
  • The ability to work independently and as part of a team
  • Technical experience including at least one of the following:
    • At least one-year technical support experience and/or
    • Be a very quick learner with at least three years of working with computer hardware and software and/or
    • IT certifications or an IT related degree, along with hands-on experience

  • Familiarity with basic networking
  • Proficiency with Microsoft Office 365

Considered as plusses – but not required
  • An IT related professional degree
  • Familiarity with ticketing standards, practices, and workflows in Zendesk or a similar system
  • Experience troubleshooting computing hardware and software
  • Experience with client/server installations, patching, security and update procedures in Windows Server, Windows 10, iOS, Android, and applications
  • Experience with device management, inventory systems and methods
  • Experience troubleshooting on premise and remote end-user requests and support issues in an Azure / Active Directory and Office 365 environment
  • Experience with cloud computing (ideally, Azure – but also AWS, Google Cloud, and others)
  • Experience with networking configuration and troubleshooting

What we offer
You will have a meaningful job among good and committed colleagues. The place of work will be at DanChurchAid’s headquarter in Meldahlsgade 3, 1613 Copenhagen K. Salary will be based on relevant DCA collective agreement, including a good pension scheme. Work time is 37 hours per week including lunch break, and we offer flexible working hours and the possibility of working from home.Contact and Application
If you have any questions about the position, please contact Head of IT and Digital Development, Hans Paakjær at tel. +45 3315 2800 or e-mail [email protected] before 24th of July or after 9th of August due to holiday. Only applications through our online recruitment system will be considered. Please upload your motivated application and CV no later than Sunday 15 August 2021.

We expect to conduct screening interviews in week 33 and second interviews in week 34. Expected start date as soon as possible.

Please note that this is not an expat position and we do not offer housing, schooling or relocation, and formal permissions to live and work in Denmark are required.

All qualified and interested candidates irrespective of age, gender, race, religion, or ethnic affiliation are encouraged to apply for the vacancy. DCA conducts an anti-terror check as part of the recruitment process. It is a prerequisite that you can pass this check and maintain this status throughout your employment with us. Everyone applying for a job with DCA must be ready to comply with our Staff Policy on Prevention of Sexual Exploitation, Abuse and Harassment and our Child Safeguarding policy.

Information og data

Denne ledige stilling har jobtypen "IT-supporter", og befinder sig i kategorien "Informationsteknologi".

Arbejdsstedet er beliggende i København

Jobbet er oprettet på vores service den 15.7.2021, men kan have været deaktiveret og genaktiveret igen.

Dagligt opdateret: Dette job opdateres dagligt ud fra jobudbyderens hjemmeside via vores søgemaskineteknologi og er aktivt lige nu.
  • IT-supporter
  • København
  • Søndag den 15. august 2021

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Mere information om København

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