Lind Jensens Maskinfabrik A/S job
With over 50 years of experience and extensive knowledge, LJM market high quality products with a long operational life. This level of quality is the core of the success that LJM has achieved over time. High quality products are precisely what we are all about and wish to remain known for.
Alongside the products you trust, it is also important for LJM to have an organisation and systems that efficiently manage all processes and communications.
LJM is ISO 9001 certified and works in parallel with LEAN principles to manage the production of quality products in the most efficient and cost-effective way possible. With a view to further optimisations, the relevant staff are trained in Six-Sigma, where the goal is to achieve faultless sales, production and delivery.
LJM takes great pride in being a flexible supplier, delivering the right products, at the right price and with a short delivery time. Therefore, fast and efficient service – before, during and after delivery – is crucial for LJM. Many years of working closely with our customers confirms that these business principles are greatly appreciated by those who purchase our products.