European Energy A/S job (15 jobs)
European Energy constructs wind and solar farms as well as large scale green energy storage. We are building solutions to climate change.
Wind and solar power is already fully price competitive compared to coal, oil and gas. But we are working hard to make newly installed wind and solar farms price competitive with existing coal and gas generators, as we sincerely believe that it is the market, not the taxpayers, who holds the solution to climate change.
European Energy is reaching the goals together with our customers, large corporations sourcing renewable energy and utilities looking to provide consumers with green power or district heating. We construct the parks in close cooperation with visionary institutional investors, i.e. pension funds, who are looking for low risk, long term investments contributing to a better future.
European Energy is currently developing and constructing parks in Denmark, Finland, Sweden, Germany, Italy, Brazil and in Mexico.
Jobs efter område
- Job hos European Energy A/S som Driftsleder
- Job hos European Energy A/S som Finansmedarbejder
- Job hos European Energy A/S som Jurist
- Job hos European Energy A/S som Kundeservicemedarbejder
- Job hos European Energy A/S som Produktspecialist
- Job hos European Energy A/S som Regnskabsmedarbejder
- Job hos European Energy A/S som Softwareudvikler
- Job hos European Energy A/S som Øvrige