Palsgaard A/S job (13 jobs)
Palsgaard is the world’s only full-service emulsifier and stabiliser company, creating sustainably produced ingredients with specialised performance characteristics. Ours are the hidden ingredients that transform everyday foodstuffs into extraordinary products on supermarket shelves in over 100 countries.
Confectionery, dairy, ice cream, bakery, mayonnaise, margarine and meat can all perform better and be loved more with our input, just as their plastic packaging can be made more sustainable with our plant-based additives.
Emulsifiers and stabilisers allow processed food to behave in previously impossible ways. Ingredients that would normally be incompatible can be combined harmoniously, enabling exciting new capabilities and functionality.
Jobs efter område
- Job hos Palsgaard A/S som Afdelingsleder
- Job hos Palsgaard A/S som Apoteker
- Job hos Palsgaard A/S som Bygningsarbejder
- Job hos Palsgaard A/S som Elektriker
- Job hos Palsgaard A/S som Kommunikationsmedarbejder
- Job hos Palsgaard A/S som Konsulent
- Job hos Palsgaard A/S som Maskintekniker
- Job hos Palsgaard A/S som Produktionsteknolog
- Job hos Palsgaard A/S som Softwareudvikler
- Job hos Palsgaard A/S som Øvrige