Job hos Aarhus Universitet på Midt-og Vestsjælland
Se jobs hos Aarhus Universitet på Midt-og Vestsjælland herunder.
Assistant Professor in Environmental Chemistry
Are you interested in the analysis and fate of trace organic contaminants in the environment, and can you contribute to the development of our cross-disciplinary section in environmental chemistry .- Akademisk medarbejder
- Roskilde
Molekylærbiologisk laborant til plantesygdomme og ...
Ved [xxxxx], Institut for Agroøkologi, [xxxxx] Flakkebjerg, er en stilling som laborant ledig til besættelse 1. maj 2025 eller snarest derefter.Vi søger en laborant, som kan understøt..- Biolog
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Student assistants for research project Path4med a...
Are you passionate about environmental chemistry or mass spectrometry and can you contribute to the development of the project Path4med or the project FERTIPAS? The Department of Environmental Scie..- Forretningsudvikler
- Roskilde
Medarbejder til markforsøg, [xxxxx], Flakkebjerg
Er du klar til at være med til at udvikle fremtidens landbrug? Institut for Agroøkologi ved [xxxxx] søger en medarbejder til vores markforsøg. Stillingen er på 37 timer om ugen og øn..- Øvrige
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Professor in marine ecosystem modelling
Are you keen to advance our understanding of marine ecosystems through numerical modelling? The Department of Ecoscience at Aarhus University, Denmark, is pleased to invite applications for a perma..- Forsker
- Roskilde
Tenure Track Assistant Professor in Plant Quantita...
The Center for Quantitative Genetics and Genomics (QGG) at Aarhus University ([xxxxx]), Denmark, offers a position as tenure track assistant professor in plant quantitative genetics. QGG is focusing o..- Forsker
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