Contract Management Specialist

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Job Description

Imagine being part of team that helps transform leading organisations and communities around the world!

At Accenture we put innovation at the heart of everything we do and coupled with our core values of client value creation, one global network, respect for the individual, best people, integrity and stewardship, we offer careers that provide unparalleled opportunities for career growth and job satisfaction.

Contract Management is part of our Legal and Commercial Services. Our professionals bring innovative ideas to commercial reality with a focus on maximising value for all parties through a deep understanding of legal, business and commercial risks. We work alongside Accenture sales and delivery teams throughout the entire contract lifecycle to provide high quality advice and support for negotiation, drafting and ongoing management of client contracts.

We apply commercial and contractual expertise to lead the delivery of legal & commercial outcomes for our priority engagements and portfolios, including:

  • Sales growth: expanding the footprint of our agreements and supporting new business;
  • Revenue protection: delivering on our contractual commitments;
  • Margin improvement: effectively managing commercial levers, risks and issues; and
  • Compliance with contract obligations and Accenture policy

Contract Specialists assist with managing clients in a manner that maximizes value for Accenture and our clients.

Contract Specialists must be capable of managing contracts, including subcontracts in accordance with company policies and procedures, applicable laws and client business requirements. Contract Specialists are generally co-located with Accenture business/client units and project teams (often on client premises) and are expected to maintain a high level of visibility on the account as they perform their contract management responsibilities.

Contract Specialists may also direct the work activities of junior contract management professionals and other related engagement staff allocated to a business or client unit, acting as a role model for contract management staff and a trusted partner to the business. Contract Specialists are client facing and have a key role in building trusted relationships with client counterparts.


  • Lead/participate in contract management team on a specific project or account;
  • Work with client engagement teams and client counterparts to assist with day to day contract management support and to understand delivery requirements;
  • Drive process efficiency to current tasks and seek innovative ways to improve performance of the team; and
  • Demonstrate the value of the contract management function with project and account teams.
  • Be a role model for contract management staff and demonstrate leadership qualities by participating in wider contract management activities

People & Portfolio Management / Development:

  • Supervise, mentor and coach junior contract management staff allocated to a specific project or account to ensure most effective utilisation of resources;
  • Participate in the review of performance standards for junior staff;
  • Provide input for priority setting and performance achievement process for junior staff; and
  • Participate in the development and delivery of contract/commercial training modules for contract management staff on a specific project or account.

Risk & Issue Management:

  • Assist with reporting, documenting commercial and contract risks and issues, following up with contract management leads to coordinate completion of open actions;
  • Escalate matters to CM Leads in a timely and controlled fashion (in accordance with guidelines) and help ensure affected parties are notified in an appropriate manner; and
  • Assist with drafting and/or reviewing appropriate reports in compliance with contract management processes and account delivery requirements.

Sales Support:

  • Provide support for pre-award sales activities including supporting the development of responses to client RFPs or similar, working with business to draft contract schedules and participate in negotiations; and
  • Demonstrate basic knowledge of Accenture's offerings and associated commercial considerations.

Contracting, Drafting and Negotiation:

  • Assist with drafting and review of contractual documents (i.e., Statements of Work, Change Requests, Arrangement Letters, Subcontracts and Non-Disclosure Agreements (not exclusive, etc.) and collaborating with other internal organizations, under direction of a contract management lead where appropriate,
  • Observe and/ or participate in negotiations.

Commercial and Contract Management Processes:

  • Implement and administer contract management processes together with day to day support on a specific project or account;
  • Assist with identifying and applying all contract relevant policies and procedures applicable to an account and communicate to relevant personnel; and
  • Work with delivery and finance leads to assist with identification and application of appropriate contract levers affecting revenue, cost and profit.


Contract Management Knowledge and Experience:

  • Minimum 4 yrs. relevant experience as a contract manager with exposure to complex, risky deals with proven team management experience

  • Demonstrated experience as part of a contract management or procurement team;
  • Able to collaborate and communicate effectively with internal and external executives and be capable of contributing and influencing key commercial and contracting decisions;
  • Demonstrated experience of managing contract and commercial issues and understanding main commercial principles: and
  • Proficiency using Microsoft Office applications (e.g. Excel, Word, PowerPoint, SharePoint).

Legal and Contracting Knowledge:

  • Basic understanding of general commercial contracting regulations and principles and subcontracting practices
  • Basic knowledge and understanding of legal principles as they relate to commercial and contract management


  • Bachelor’s degree required.


  • Member of International Association for Contract and Commercial Management (IACCM) or National Contract Management Association (NCMA) and/ or professional certification considered a plus.

Work Requirements:

  • Travel may be required.

Personal qualifications:

  • Open to work with and understand cross-cultures and locations throughout the Accenture global organization.
  • Understand the value of diversity and recognize the strengths that different styles, innovative perspectives and experiences bring to Accenture.
  • Demonstrate respect for individuals regardless of gender, race, ethnicity, religion, belief, age, disability, culture, social status and/or sexuality.
  • Strong time management, prioritization, and organizational skills
  • Team player, collaborative and persuasive; able to work well with executives and non-executives
  • Build trust-based relationships by delivering on commitments.
  • Demonstrate good oral and written communication (English and Danish) skills in language and an ability to provide appropriate advice

Information og data

Denne ledige stilling har jobtypen "Jurist", og befinder sig i kategorien "Økonomi og jura".

Arbejdsstedet er beliggende i København

Jobbet er oprettet på vores service den 30.3.2022, men kan have været deaktiveret og genaktiveret igen.

Dagligt opdateret: Dette job opdateres dagligt ud fra jobudbyderens hjemmeside via vores søgemaskineteknologi og er aktivt lige nu.
  • Jurist
  • København

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Statistik over udbudte jobs som jurister i København

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Mere information om København

Hvis du er på udkig efter et job i København, er det vigtigt, at du sætter dig grundigt ind i, hvordan jobmarkedet fungerer, og hvor i byen du vil arbejde og bo. Vi har samlet en guide med alle relevante oplysninger om København, så du kan få et samlet overblik. Læs mere om København i denne guide: København: Byen der byder på både drømmejob og spændende udfordringer