Contract Manager for [xxxxx] Denmark

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We are looking for a Contract Manager to become part of our Contract Management team, where we manage some of our most complex and largest IT infrastructure outsourcing contracts as well as support account teams on smaller contracts.

You will be involved in providing contractual advice and guidance, negotiating, and obtaining good commercial arrangements. You will also be reviewing and providing counselling in connection with new offerings and participating in the development of best practices and templates to improve consistent practices across account teams.

Your responsibilities as Contract Manager
You will review and manage selected customer contracts as the contractual focal point. You will also ensure that all terms and conditions are met and be responsible for the implementation of contracts within the organization.

Furthermore, your responsibilities will include the following:

  • Support account teams with respect to inquiries around contract interpretation
  • Review and negotiate statement of work and other commercial and technical contract documents
  • Draft different engagement documents
  • Respond to complex inquiries regarding contract obligations and revision of contracts
  • Provide recommendations for NNIT’s position when negotiating possible disputes and settlements with the customer and participate in negotiation of settlements
  • Draft position papers and settlement agreements
  • Identify and proactively manage contractual and commercial risks and issues, with the purpose of suggesting solutions and a way forward
  • Manage and implement changes to contracts
  • Consult and escalate to senior management of current and potential issues
  • Apply a balanced commercial and contractual focus to ensure that all legal and contractual matters are addressed quickly and efficiently
  • Act as the primary contact between the account team and/or business unit and Legal to ensure that all legal and contractual matters are addressed efficiently and promptly
  • Spar with delivery management and sales team to ensure that new sales fit into the existing contract frame works and descriptions are at the right level to secure alignment of perception between customer and NNIT
  • Train account teams in contract terms and commercial mindset
  • Inform account teams of contract requirements and monitor compliance
  • Ensure that assigned account or business personnel adhere to company policies and procedures
  • Develop and integrate contract management tools, templates, methods, and processes

Join NNIT’s Contract Management team
You will be part of the Contract Management team reporting to the Contract Management Director. You will be working together with 2 other highly skilled colleagues and participate in the development of the contract management function across the entire organization.

Your qualifications and experience
Based on a strong professional background in contract, vendor or delivery management, you have several years of experience in managing or working with large IT outsourcing contracts and IT transition/transformation projects.

You may have a MSc. in business administration and commercial law (Cand.merc.(jur)) or a MSc degree in economics or similar experience.

You have a commercial mindset with excellent insight into contractual matters and a solid understanding of IT operation and application development enabling you to both advice, inform and support on all levels from management, over sales to project managers and IT professionals delivering the services to the customers. You are familiar with ITIL and can see ITIL in both a contractual and commercial perspective.

You are a self-enabled and solution-oriented team player. You are flexible with a proactive mindset, and you are determined to deliver high quality services within tight timeframes. Furthermore, you are process oriented and you apply a structured methodical approach to complex challenges in alignment with the rest of the team and the department. Finally, you are detail oriented while still seeing the overall picture.

The majority of the contracts we manage are in English, but we also manage contracts in Danish, so it is a prerequisite that you are fluent in both Danish and English and can communicate clearly both in writing and orally in both languages.

If you recognize yourself in this description, we encourage you to send us your application as soon as possible.

Please note that we will evaluate applications and invite candidates for interviews continuously.

In 2021 NNIT won the title "Most attractive workplace in Denmark for IT consultants". We are very proud of this achievement and invite you to join NNIT, where you will have the opportunity to make your mark on our amazing team of passionate IT experts. We have been on a growth journey for several years and we consider our people and strong culture to be our greatest asset and key to our success.

Information og data

Denne ledige stilling har jobtypen "Jurist", og befinder sig i kategorien "Økonomi og jura".

Arbejdsstedet er beliggende i København

Jobbet er oprettet på vores service den 4.5.2022, men kan have været deaktiveret og genaktiveret igen.

Dagligt opdateret: Dette job opdateres dagligt ud fra jobudbyderens hjemmeside via vores søgemaskineteknologi og er aktivt lige nu.
  • Jurist
  • København
  • Tirsdag den 31. maj 2022

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