GDPR Compliance Advisor

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As the world transforms with digital so does the reality of assisting and protecting refugees and to empower them towards a better future. Data is a fantastic asset to our organisation but can be a risk to those we seek to shelter.

Can you focus our global GDPR and data responsibility effort, navigate the complexity of process and technology, guide and translate requirements and regulation into actionable road maps – and maintain an IT process landscape that fits our operating conditions, then this is your chance to make a mark.

Who are we?

The Danish Refugee Council is working in hotspots in 40 countries. Over the past years we have had a tremendous growth internationally. Successful ideation, development and benefit realisation from new and existing solutions are key objectives in DRC to ensure we continue to provide efficient security and protection to the people we serve. We balance this with our delivery of seamless collaboration platforms for our colleagues in need of flexibility to perform their tasks and collaborate globally irrespective time and place and a robust and expanding ERP platform in Microsoft Dynamics.

About the job

You act as global subject matter expert and advisor on all aspects related to GDPR. You ensure compliance monitoring and adherence, introduce regulation and solution to the organisation and play a central role in our approach to global adherence. You establish DRC’s position and approach where needed and advise all parts of the organisation on GDPR compliance. In DRC we prioritise the efficiency of GDPR compliance very high. For this reason, we link regulation and IT approaches/controls tightly by placing the anchoring in the global IT organisation.

  • Engage as global GDPR advisor towards both Danish and International Operations.
  • Act as central senior business analyst designing the roll-out approach, communication, data analysis, and continuous compliance monitoring mechanisms for GDPR in DRC.
  • Develop and follow up on operational metrics and KPI Report on GDPR implementation status and risks to executive management.
  • Engage in internationalisation of the IT organisation. Ensure that GDPR and IT processes are aligned, coherent, simple and efficient for all parts of the DRC.
  • Guide colleagues and management on both legal and compliance as well as practical implementation, compliance monitoring, and external benchmarks.

About you

To be successful in this role we expect you to have implemented and maintained GDPR compliance before. You communicate and train colleagues, you interpret the legislation on behalf of the organisation, and you handle cases related to GDPR. Furthermore, you design adherence monitoring which explores efficient use of data sources available to us.

You approach GDPR with strong IT knowledge allowing you to translate requirements into processes and technology choices simple for the organisation to apply and maintain.

You possess strong IT process experience – which you approach with the same mindset. We formalise our approach where it serves the needs of those who need our assistance and the authorities and donors, who expect us to success in our effort.

All employees should master DRC's core competencies: Communicating, Taking the lead, Collaborating, Striving for excellence and Demonstrating integrity.

Moreover, we also expect the following:


  • Hold an academic master’s degree
  • Have strong analytical and process skills
  • Hold GDPR expertise equivalent the those expected for a Data Protection Officer
  • Drive focus on goals and outcomes
  • Be persistent, resilient, and structured
  • Show strong and inclusive interpersonal skills
  • Have strong oral and written communication skills
  • Fluency in written and spoken English


  • Knowledge of the ITIL framework and experience from ITIL implementation projects
  • Knowledge of Agile project/organisational structures and SAFe
  • NGO-experience
  • Knowledge of French and Danish is desirable

In this position, you are expected to demonstrate DRC’ five core competencies:

Striving for excellence: You focus on reaching results while ensuring an efficient process.

Collaborating: You involve relevant parties and encourage feedback.

Taking the lead: You take ownership and initiative while aiming for innovation.

Communicating: You listen and speak effectively and honestly.

Demonstrating integrity: You uphold and promote the highest standards of ethical and professional conduct in relation to our values and Code of Conduct, including safeguarding against sexual exploitation, abuse and harassment.

We offer

A great physical workplace in central Copenhagen easily accessible by public transport. While we trust that meeting physically strengthens common culture, innovation power, relationships and collaboration, we offer the opportunity to flexibly work from home when the tasks do not require presence in the office. We are a global organisation where virtual is the norm.

Contract length: Permanent

Work place: Borgergade 10, Copenhagen, Denmark

Start date: When the right candidate is identified

Salary and conditions will be in accordance with agreement between the Danish Confederation of Professional Associates (AC-organisationerne) and the Danish Refugee Council. This is contractually a national position for which local Danish terms and conditions apply.

Application process

All applicants must send a cover letter and an updated CV in English. Apply online on our page Current Vacancies at

Closing date for applications: 15 June 2021. Due to the urgency in filling this role, we will conduct interviews on a running basis.

Further information

For questions regarding the vacancy please contact Steffen Kølbek, CIO and Global Head of IT, at [email protected].

For further information about the Danish Refugee Council, please consult our website

Information og data

Denne ledige stilling har jobtypen "Jurist", og befinder sig i kategorien "Økonomi og jura".

Arbejdsstedet er beliggende i København

Jobbet er oprettet på vores service den 18.5.2022, men kan have været deaktiveret og genaktiveret igen.

Dagligt opdateret: Dette job opdateres dagligt ud fra jobudbyderens hjemmeside via vores søgemaskineteknologi og er aktivt lige nu.
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Mere information om København

Hvis du er på udkig efter et job i København, er det vigtigt, at du sætter dig grundigt ind i, hvordan jobmarkedet fungerer, og hvor i byen du vil arbejde og bo. Vi har samlet en guide med alle relevante oplysninger om København, så du kan få et samlet overblik. Læs mere om København i denne guide: København: Byen der byder på både drømmejob og spændende udfordringer