Student Worker, Legal
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Are you eager to work in an international company and looking for a student job? Then please join Milestone in our Global division for Legal, Compliance & Risk Management.
Milestone is a successful company with a healthy growth and a number one market position. Our Video Management System (VMS) is open for other companies to integrate with when they build surveillance solutions. Thousands of partners in our community integrate and sell our products and our brand is well-recognized. Our company has been growing steadily for 20 years.
We are expanding Milestone’s Global division for Legal, Compliance & Risk Management (LCRM) as our business is in constant growth and development. We are looking for a Student Assistant to support our team.
As Student Assistant in Milestone, you will become a part of a global legal, compliance and risk management team of in-house legal professionals providing business-focused advice to all parts of the organization. The team is mainly based in our HQ in Brøndby, Denmark, but we also have legal colleagues in Portland, Oregon, USA, and in Singapore. The team is an integrated part of the Business Support Unit reporting to the CFO. Further, the team acts as advisors to the management in Milestone. We collaborate with our colleagues to support our innovative and dynamic R&D activities and we participate in the business strategies in an expanding market with new market solutions.
Our Culture
Milestone has a strong culture to support our spirit as an innovative and dynamic company where our employees are the source of our success. We have defined our values and our compass for behaviors to support our mutual respect and to reach our strategic goals which are communicated clearly to engage all employees. Milestone is an organization where employee job satisfaction and a good social atmosphere is a priority. We have a very active personnel club with a range of different events, a sports club, a gym, an in-house masseur, a reflexologist, and an all-inclusive canteen. At Milestone, people come first.
If you join Milestone’s LCRM Team
You will meet a great variety of tasks using all aspects of your knowledge and experience to provide support and advice to a wide number of stakeholders across our organization.
As our new Student Assistant, you will support our legal team and you will play a vital role in reaching our strategic initiatives.
Your primary responsibilities will include the following:
- Updating of overview of IT contracts
- Handling of surveys for the organization as well as processing of results for reporting
- Facilitation of approvals of gifts and hospitality
- Random controls with focus areas to be defined (sanction screening, due diligence etc.)
- Providing relevant GDPR documentation to existing clients and leads (primarily transfer impact assessments)
- Assistance on our project related to a new contract management system (and ongoing maintenance of the system)
- Handling of content from LCRM in order to assure that only relevant material and newsletters are available
- Reporting on training (who has not attended, reminders and invites)
- Assistance with our Corporate Governance processes and documents for our subsidiaries and branches worldwide
- Handling of insurance certificates
- Completion of standard documents such as non-disclosure agreements, data processing agreements, etc.
- Being a part of a dedicated legal, compliance and risk management team supporting Milestone’s ambitious strategy for expansion
To succeed in the role, you must have
- Good collaborative skills, be self-driven and be able to work independently
- Relevant bachelor’s degree, or in your final year of it
- Experience from previous student job
- Structured sense of detail and take pride in delivering high-quality work
- High energy level and positive by nature
- Strong Microsoft Office package user-skills
- A hands on and can-do approach
- Strong verbal and written English skills
- An eagerness to work in an international, fast-growing organization where people come first
We are looking for a person who by nature take ownership and is a responsible person with excellent communication skills. You have the ability to establish structure in an ever-changing world. You must be flexible, resilient with the ability to influence and build relationships at all levels and good at taking initiatives. You are a curious person with a strong will to learn. You are good with details and accuracy but has a sense of urgency. You are a strong team player, but you also enjoy working as an individual. You possess a “can do” approach and you can prioritize a varied workload and demonstrate good time management to comply with deadlines.
You see yourself in this exiting job?
If you need more information, please contact our Group General Counsel, VP Legal, Compliance & Risk Management, Dorthe Rosenkilde Saunders at +45 31793197.
We look forward to receiving your cover letter and CV in English as soon as possible. Interviews will be conducted on an ongoing basis.
Please note that the position requires that you have a valid Danish work visa.
About Milestone
When joining Milestone, you will become part of one the world’s leading providers of video management software in and beyond security. Since starting up in Denmark in 1998 our team has grown to include + 1,000 employees based in 25 countries. Today, our solutions are used in 500,000+ installations worldwide – with many more to come.
We believe that in addition to our strong and exciting technology, our success is also based on our dedication to putting people first – both the people we work with and the people around us. It’s how we grow our culture, our business, and our community. Because at Milestone, we grow together. Ready to elevate your career with an amazing team? Join Milestone. If you are curious to know more about who we are, we suggest you visit
Information og data
Denne ledige stilling har jobtypen "Jurist", og befinder sig i kategorien "Økonomi og jura".
Arbejdsstedet er beliggende i København
Jobbet er oprettet på vores service den 17.10.2022, men kan have været deaktiveret og genaktiveret igen.
- Jurist
- København
- Søndag den 06. november 2022
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Se flere statistikker her:
Statistik over udbudte jurister i København over tid
Dato | Alle jobs som jurister |
6. februar 2025 | 106 |
5. februar 2025 | 110 |
4. februar 2025 | 108 |
3. februar 2025 | 107 |
2. februar 2025 | 107 |
1. februar 2025 | 108 |
31. januar 2025 | 103 |
30. januar 2025 | 101 |
29. januar 2025 | 101 |
28. januar 2025 | 94 |
27. januar 2025 | 93 |
26. januar 2025 | 95 |
25. januar 2025 | 96 |
24. januar 2025 | 92 |
23. januar 2025 | 87 |
22. januar 2025 | 88 |
21. januar 2025 | 82 |
20. januar 2025 | 85 |
19. januar 2025 | 85 |
18. januar 2025 | 88 |
17. januar 2025 | 90 |
16. januar 2025 | 86 |
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14. januar 2025 | 82 |
13. januar 2025 | 90 |
12. januar 2025 | 95 |
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9. januar 2025 | 92 |
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Værd at vide når du søger job som jurist i København
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Bydele i København
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Indre By: Pulsens centrum med internationale virksomheder, finansverden og detailhandel. Perfekt for jobsøgende inden for finans, jura, medier og marketing. Tempoet er højt, og konkurrencen kan være hård.
Østerbro: En blanding af moderne boliger, historiske bygninger og innovative virksomheder. Hjem til Novo Nordisk og Vestas Wind Systems. Gode muligheder inden for life science, teknologi og bæredygtige løsninger.
Nørrebro: Multikulturelt og kreativt med studerende, kunstnere og små startups. Populært blandt unge fagfolk og jobsøgende inden for den kreative sektor og servicebranchen.
Vesterbro: Tidligere industriområde forvandlet til et trendy sted med restauranter, barer og designvirksomheder. Tiltrækker kreative sjæle og jobsøgende inden for mode, design og underholdning.
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Find ledige jobs i Valby
Amager: Et område i rivende udvikling med fokus på moderne arkitektur og bæredygtighed. Hjem til Ørestad og store virksomheder som DSV og Ørsted. Gode muligheder inden for logistik, energi og transport.
Mere information om København
Hvis du er på udkig efter et job i København, er det vigtigt, at du sætter dig grundigt ind i, hvordan jobmarkedet fungerer, og hvor i byen du vil arbejde og bo. Vi har samlet en guide med alle relevante oplysninger om København, så du kan få et samlet overblik. Læs mere om København i denne guide: København: Byen der byder på både drømmejob og spændende udfordringer