Legal Counsel / Contract Manager

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Would you like to play a vital role in one of Denmark’s largest IT companies as our new Legal Counsel/Contract Manager? And do you want to get hands-on experience with IT contracts, GDPR, NIS 2 and AI Act – also in an international context?

Then join an international team of passionate colleagues and make your mark.

You will join our Global Legaland Contract Management Team
You will be part of a team of 9 colleagues, including our students, in the Global Legal and Contract Management Team. The team is primarily located in our headquarter in Denmark. The Legal team is responsible for providing operational legal counselling and support to all levels of the organization – from executive management to all our dedicated colleagues throughout NNIT.

You will interact with our international teams and clients around the world, but contract management tasks will primarily be focused on our Danish business.

We pay a great deal of attention to job satisfaction and your personal and professional development. You can count on developing your skills with interesting work, relevant training and personal development plans in an open and informal culture. We emphasize being good colleagues who support and learn from each other, share knowledge and make work a fun place.

Your responsibilities

As our new Legal Counsel/Contract Manager, you will together with the rest of the legal team, act as trusted advisor to the business on mainly contractual and IT related regulatory matters. We work closely together with the NNIT business units as well as NNIT’s management and our other administrative functions to ensure professional and operation legal support to the business.

Your main responsibilities will be:

  • Contract management of our major development and operation contracts, including management of our sub-contractor agreement related hereto
  • Handle contract interpretation discussions and disputes with customers and sub-contractors
  • Reviewing, drafting and participating in negotiating primarily customer contract, including DPAs, but also procurement contracts and sub-contractor contracts
  • Advise on regulatory matters primarily within GDPR, NIS 2 and AI Act
  • Support our students with keeping our contract archive and management system up to date and ensure necessary and relevant registrations and develop the use of this system
  • Prepare and update standard contracts and policies

The culture in the department leaves room for your initiative and you will get the chance to work in depth with your role as legal counsel/contract manager.

Your qualifications and experience
Our new colleague has a Master’s degree in Danish Law (cand.jur or cand.merc.jur) combined with an interest in the IT-market, tech regulation and contract management. Preferably you have experience with IT contract management, drafting and/or negotiation, but our new colleague could also be a newly educated candidate.

You have a commercial/strategic mindset and an open personality, which you together with your legal background and diplomatic skills use to rapidly assess potential risks and consequences of business and legal decisions, as well as solve complex issues and reach pragmatic solutions and consensus between parties.

We expect you to be a committed and passionate professional who thrives with teamwork, a high activity level and enjoys dynamic international environment with many different and ongoing tasks, and who also takes initiatives on its own. We take pride in living our values every day, so as an employee you should be able to see yourself in them. We are conscience driven, value adding, open and honest. You speak and write English and Danish effortlessly.

If you can recognize yourself in this description, then we would like to hear from you as soon as possible, as we interview candidates continuously. Please submit your application and CV in English.

A more inviting and open place of work

In the summer of 2024, NNIT's headquarters will move from Søborg to Islands Brygge (Weidekampsgade 14) in the center of Copenhagen to be better connected with customers and business partners and to provide employees with a more welcoming and open office environment.

The move to a new headquarters is a logical step on NNIT’s strategic journey to becoming the best possible digitalization partner for our customers – and at the same time becoming employer of choice.

Customers and employees alike can look forward to better possibilities for collaboration on a larger scale in an environment focused on teamwork and culture. As well as providing a better connection to public transportation, hotels and airport - and of course with the lively city scene right outside the door with the harbor front Islands Brygge just minutes away.

Make your mark on a rapidly growing IT company

NNIT is a rapidly growing IT consulting firm with ambitious goals and over 1,700 employees. NNIT’s is on a strategic journey to becoming the best possible digitalization partner for our customers – and at the same time becoming employer of choice. Our customers are within life science globally and in Denmark also within the private and public sectors.

At NNIT, you can make your mark on some of the most challenging projects in the industry, on our journey forward as a company, and on your own career.

Information og data

Denne ledige stilling har jobtypen "Jurist", og befinder sig i kategorien "Økonomi og jura".

Arbejdsstedet er beliggende i København

Jobbet er oprettet på vores service den 5.4.2024, men kan have været deaktiveret og genaktiveret igen.

Dagligt opdateret: Dette job opdateres dagligt ud fra jobudbyderens hjemmeside via vores søgemaskineteknologi og er aktivt lige nu.
  • Jurist
  • København
  • Tirsdag den 30. april 2024

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Statistik over udbudte jobs som jurister i København

Herunder ser du udviklingen i udbudte jurist i København over tid. Bemærk at jobs der ikke har en bestemt geografi ikke er medtaget i tabellen. I den første kolonne ser du datoen. I den næste kolonne ser du det samlede antal jurister i København.

Se flere statistikker her:
Statistik over udbudte jurister i København over tid

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18. juni 2024 59
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Værd at vide når du søger job som jurist i København

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Mere information om København

Hvis du er på udkig efter et job i København, er det vigtigt, at du sætter dig grundigt ind i, hvordan jobmarkedet fungerer, og hvor i byen du vil arbejde og bo. Vi har samlet en guide med alle relevante oplysninger om København, så du kan få et samlet overblik. Læs mere om København i denne guide: København: Byen der byder på både drømmejob og spændende udfordringer