Laboratory technician
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Odense C
Laboratory Technician for Forskningen v/Psykiatrisk Afdeling Odense -
Laboratory technician in stem-cell technology in mental health
(Generation of induced pluripotent stem-cell generation, brain organoids derivation, cell culturing and
molecular biology methods)
The Department of Psychiatry, Odense is looking for a highly motivated, talented, and professionally experienced research fellow for the Stem Cell Laboratory of Translational Psychiatry. People interested in cell based cutting-edge techniques for modeling and studying psychiatric disorders are strongly encouraged to apply. It is a full-time position (37 hours/week), but part time is also possible.
Are you interested to join an interdisciplinary team working in an innovative stem cell laboratory? Would you like to be a
part of a creative team developing pioneering stem-cell based techniques for modeling and studying mental health and
psychiatric disorders? Would you like to make a difference for patients? Then we offer meaningful work in an exciting
working environment? The stem cell laboratory for translational Psychiatry at the Research Unit at the Department of
Psychiatry, Odense is looking for an experienced, committed and motivated laboratory technician for organizing the
daily work in the lab, applying cutting edge stem cell technology, developing and establishing new and advanced
methods contributing to solving the riddle of the neurobiology of psychiatric diseases.
About the group
We are very enthusiastic team consisting of 1 Professor, 1 Post Doc, 1 PhD student and a changing number of Master
students. Our challenge is to understand the key mechanisms for psychiatric disorders like autism and schizophrenia.
Our main goal is to establish stem-cell based models for psychiatric disorders based on patients’ own derived induced
pluripotent stem cells and brain organoids (mini-brains).
About the job
Your primary tasks are varied, but include:
◾ Generating and characterizing induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSC) inclusive quality control
◾ Differentiating iPSC into various cell types e.g. neurons and glial cells
◾ Deriving and maintaining brain organoids (mini-brains) in ex vivo cultures
◾ Maintaining the cell lines in biobank – fibroblasts, iPSC, astrocytes, neurons
◾ Performing molecular biology techniques ELISA, Western blot, qPCR
◾ Performing cryosectioning and immunocytochemistry
◾ Organizing and supporting the daily work in the lab (ordering of e.g. basic laboratory items, chemicals, cell culture
media, maintenance of equipment etc.)
◾ Weekend and holiday shifts
Qualifications for the position
◾ You hold a certified laboratory technician diploma or similar and already have cell lab experience
◾ Strong experience in generating and maintaining iPSC is mandatory (working experience 1-2 years within the field)
◾ Experience with DNA, RNA and protein analysis (e.g. methods like qPCR, ELISA, Western blot etc.
◾ Experience with fluorescent microscopy)
◾ You are strong in verbal and written communication both in Danish and English
◾ Confident with IT, including the Office package, GraphPad - Prism
◾ Eager to learn, develop and adapt new methods and protocols
◾ Organizing and supporting the daily work in the lab (ordering of e.g. basic laboratory items, chemicals, cell culture
media, maintenance of equipment etc.)
Personal characteristics
◾ You are loyal and committed
◾ You are creative and a problem-solver
◾ You have good collaborative skills and are helpful
◾ You like to work independently
◾ You find it motivating being part of and developing a small team
◾ You are good planner
◾ You have a flexible attitude
◾ Enjoy some routine work
What do we offer to you?
The post is initially for one year, with the possibility for prolongation. We offer an exciting employment in an
international atmosphere focusing on innovative research for the benefit of the patients and surrounding community. We
emphasize a high degree of professionalism among our employees, and competence development is an organizational
nature. We are a family friendly employer and offer flexibility in your career path.
Salary and terms of employment
Wage and employment conditions under the OAO-S Joint Agreement and Organization Agreement for Office Officers,
Laborants and IT Employees (HK / State) concluded with the Ministry of Finance.
Application and contact
Open the "Apply Online" link, where you fill in the application form and attach your motivated application, CV and
diploma. The application must be written in English. We should receive your online application no later than 7 June 2021. The interviews will be held between 9 June – 16 June 2021. The recruitment committee consists of: Mirolyuba Ilieva, Renate Lukjanska, Abigail Sheldrick-Michel, and Tanja Sheldrick-Michel.
If you would like more information about the position, please contact Mirolyuba Ilieva, [email protected].
Psykiatriområdet er et af Region Syddanmarks fire hovedområder: sundhed, psykiatri, socialområdet og regional
udvikling. Psykiatrien i Region Syddanmark yder det regionale behandlingstilbud til patienter med psykiatriske lidelser og
har afdelinger og lokalpsykiatri fordelt i hele regionen. Området tæller cirka 3.000 medarbejdere, og budgettet er cirka
1.55 mia. kr. Hvert år udskrives 9.300 patienter fra psykiatrien, og der gennemføres omkring 236.000 ambulante besøg.
Cirka 30.000 syddanskere er i kontakt med psykiatrien i Region Syddanmark hvert år.
Rygepolitik - røgfri arbejdsplads
Rygepolitikken betyder, at arbejdstiden er røgfri, og at alle regionens arbejdspladser er røgfrie. Det gælder også for udendørs arealer, som hører til regionens matrikler.
Hvad betyder det, helt konkret?
Det betyder, at:
Laboratory technician in stem-cell technology in mental health
(Generation of induced pluripotent stem-cell generation, brain organoids derivation, cell culturing and
molecular biology methods)
The Department of Psychiatry, Odense is looking for a highly motivated, talented, and professionally experienced research fellow for the Stem Cell Laboratory of Translational Psychiatry. People interested in cell based cutting-edge techniques for modeling and studying psychiatric disorders are strongly encouraged to apply. It is a full-time position (37 hours/week), but part time is also possible.
Are you interested to join an interdisciplinary team working in an innovative stem cell laboratory? Would you like to be a
part of a creative team developing pioneering stem-cell based techniques for modeling and studying mental health and
psychiatric disorders? Would you like to make a difference for patients? Then we offer meaningful work in an exciting
working environment? The stem cell laboratory for translational Psychiatry at the Research Unit at the Department of
Psychiatry, Odense is looking for an experienced, committed and motivated laboratory technician for organizing the
daily work in the lab, applying cutting edge stem cell technology, developing and establishing new and advanced
methods contributing to solving the riddle of the neurobiology of psychiatric diseases.
About the group
We are very enthusiastic team consisting of 1 Professor, 1 Post Doc, 1 PhD student and a changing number of Master
students. Our challenge is to understand the key mechanisms for psychiatric disorders like autism and schizophrenia.
Our main goal is to establish stem-cell based models for psychiatric disorders based on patients’ own derived induced
pluripotent stem cells and brain organoids (mini-brains).
About the job
Your primary tasks are varied, but include:
◾ Generating and characterizing induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSC) inclusive quality control
◾ Differentiating iPSC into various cell types e.g. neurons and glial cells
◾ Deriving and maintaining brain organoids (mini-brains) in ex vivo cultures
◾ Maintaining the cell lines in biobank – fibroblasts, iPSC, astrocytes, neurons
◾ Performing molecular biology techniques ELISA, Western blot, qPCR
◾ Performing cryosectioning and immunocytochemistry
◾ Organizing and supporting the daily work in the lab (ordering of e.g. basic laboratory items, chemicals, cell culture
media, maintenance of equipment etc.)
◾ Weekend and holiday shifts
Qualifications for the position
◾ You hold a certified laboratory technician diploma or similar and already have cell lab experience
◾ Strong experience in generating and maintaining iPSC is mandatory (working experience 1-2 years within the field)
◾ Experience with DNA, RNA and protein analysis (e.g. methods like qPCR, ELISA, Western blot etc.
◾ Experience with fluorescent microscopy)
◾ You are strong in verbal and written communication both in Danish and English
◾ Confident with IT, including the Office package, GraphPad - Prism
◾ Eager to learn, develop and adapt new methods and protocols
◾ Organizing and supporting the daily work in the lab (ordering of e.g. basic laboratory items, chemicals, cell culture
media, maintenance of equipment etc.)
Personal characteristics
◾ You are loyal and committed
◾ You are creative and a problem-solver
◾ You have good collaborative skills and are helpful
◾ You like to work independently
◾ You find it motivating being part of and developing a small team
◾ You are good planner
◾ You have a flexible attitude
◾ Enjoy some routine work
What do we offer to you?
The post is initially for one year, with the possibility for prolongation. We offer an exciting employment in an
international atmosphere focusing on innovative research for the benefit of the patients and surrounding community. We
emphasize a high degree of professionalism among our employees, and competence development is an organizational
nature. We are a family friendly employer and offer flexibility in your career path.
Salary and terms of employment
Wage and employment conditions under the OAO-S Joint Agreement and Organization Agreement for Office Officers,
Laborants and IT Employees (HK / State) concluded with the Ministry of Finance.
Application and contact
Open the "Apply Online" link, where you fill in the application form and attach your motivated application, CV and
diploma. The application must be written in English. We should receive your online application no later than 7 June 2021. The interviews will be held between 9 June – 16 June 2021. The recruitment committee consists of: Mirolyuba Ilieva, Renate Lukjanska, Abigail Sheldrick-Michel, and Tanja Sheldrick-Michel.
If you would like more information about the position, please contact Mirolyuba Ilieva, [email protected].
Psykiatriområdet er et af Region Syddanmarks fire hovedområder: sundhed, psykiatri, socialområdet og regional
udvikling. Psykiatrien i Region Syddanmark yder det regionale behandlingstilbud til patienter med psykiatriske lidelser og
har afdelinger og lokalpsykiatri fordelt i hele regionen. Området tæller cirka 3.000 medarbejdere, og budgettet er cirka
1.55 mia. kr. Hvert år udskrives 9.300 patienter fra psykiatrien, og der gennemføres omkring 236.000 ambulante besøg.
Cirka 30.000 syddanskere er i kontakt med psykiatrien i Region Syddanmark hvert år.
Rygepolitik - røgfri arbejdsplads
Rygepolitikken betyder, at arbejdstiden er røgfri, og at alle regionens arbejdspladser er røgfrie. Det gælder også for udendørs arealer, som hører til regionens matrikler.
Hvad betyder det, helt konkret?
Det betyder, at:
- det er ikke tilladt at ryge i arbejdstiden
- alle regionale matrikler skal være røgfrie med undtagelse af særligt indrettede faciliteter, som er forbeholdt patienter, beboere og pårørende
- forbuddet omfatter alle røgproducerende produkter, som f.eks. e-cigaretter
Overtrædelse af forbuddet vil kunne få ansættelsesretlige konsekvenser
Information og data
Denne ledige stilling har jobtypen "Kemiker", og befinder sig i kategorien "Sundhed og forskning".
Arbejdsstedet er beliggende i Odense C.
Jobbet er oprettet på vores service den 29.5.2021, men kan have været deaktiveret og genaktiveret igen.
Dagligt opdateret: Dette job opdateres dagligt ud fra jobudbyderens hjemmeside via vores søgemaskineteknologi og er aktivt lige nu.
- Kemiker
- Odense C
- Mandag den 07. juni 2021
Statistik over udbudte jobs som kemikere i Odense C
Herunder ser du udviklingen i udbudte kemiker i Odense C over tid. Bemærk at jobs der ikke har en bestemt geografi ikke er medtaget i tabellen. I den første kolonne ser du datoen. I den næste kolonne ser du det samlede antal kemikere.
Se flere statistikker her:
Statistik over udbudte kemikere i Odense C over tid
Dato | Alle jobs som kemikere |
27. december 2024 | 0 |
26. december 2024 | 0 |
25. december 2024 | 0 |
24. december 2024 | 0 |
23. december 2024 | 0 |
22. december 2024 | 0 |
21. december 2024 | 0 |
20. december 2024 | 0 |
19. december 2024 | 0 |
18. december 2024 | 0 |
17. december 2024 | 0 |
16. december 2024 | 0 |
15. december 2024 | 0 |
14. december 2024 | 0 |
13. december 2024 | 0 |
12. december 2024 | 0 |
11. december 2024 | 0 |
10. december 2024 | 0 |
9. december 2024 | 0 |
8. december 2024 | 0 |
7. december 2024 | 0 |
6. december 2024 | 0 |
5. december 2024 | 0 |
4. december 2024 | 0 |
3. december 2024 | 0 |
2. december 2024 | 0 |
1. december 2024 | 0 |
30. november 2024 | 0 |
29. november 2024 | 0 |
28. november 2024 | 0 |
27. november 2024 | 0 |
Populære søgninger
Lignende søgeresultater
(Bio)kemiker søges til Klinisk Biokemisk Afdeling, Diagnostisk Center,
, Glostrup- Andre akademikere
Se alle populære søgninger