Textile Design Engineer

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Textile Design Engineer
Are you passionate about high-end textiles and product development?

We are looking for a Textile Design Engineer who will support the current development team, focusing on integrating aesthetical and functional aspects in the design and product development process.

In the position your focus will be to develop new upholstery fabrics or support in developing new upholstery solutions. In the product development process, you will be in close dialogue with both our customers and suppliers to manage and execute a range of different development projects based on customer requirements. You will work closely together with a strong team of textile designers, textile engineers and project managers, who all work together in the process of designing and developing new products and innovative solutions in close collaboration with our customers.

Development and test of new fabrics and upholstery solutions

As a textile design engineer in DesignMaster you will be a link between the customers’ needs and requirements and the development of new products. You contribute with your ability to understand the importance of both aesthetics and functionality in an integrated industrial design process and will be responsible of the technical and functional testing of the new products.

Your primary tasks will be:

To work on development projects for new upholstery textiles with responsibility of the total product solution, mainly related to the technical and functional properties.
Preparation, planning and evaluation of prototypes and sample production and ensure that the aesthetical and functional requirements and targets are achieved.
Defining, testing, and documenting product specifications and environmental profiles.
Testing the fabrics through upholstery trials together with customers, and define and verify the functional properties of the products.
You will be based in the headquarter in Aalborg, Denmark, and will travel aprox. 20-30 days per year to both suppliers and customers.

A solution oriented design engineer with a passion for product development and textiles

The successful applicant is a textile design engineer with a relevant master’s degree within textiles, materials, or design.

You have experience with product design processes and textile production or textile technologies, and preferable min. 2 years of work experience. You have knowledge about industrial textile design and product development processes, with the experience of integrating aesthetical and functional product criteria through structured and systematic processes, and the ability to translate problems or challenges into new solutions.

Your creative and technical thinking goes hand in hand. As a person you are solution oriented and are able to solve problems and manage complex projects, and you balance your expertise with a commercial business-oriented focus. You are a valued team player, who thrives in working closely together with textile designers and in cross-disciplinary teams.

You are fluent in English and have strong communication skills: Colleagues and customers value your ability to listen, to bring in new perspectives and to present ideas.

We offer you

  • A solid value-based company with a strong and positive culture and a global growth mindset.
  • An opportunity to work with several parallel projects and contribute to the development of new products and solutions together with some of the world’s leading high-end brands.
  • Great possibility of professional development and further specialization within the textile business.
  • An innovative and international company with a strong focus on both professional and individual development.

Textile Design Engineer
Are you passionate about high-end textiles and product development?

We are looking for a Textile Design Engineer who will support the current development team, focusing on integrating aesthetical and functional aspects in the design and product development process.

In the position your focus will be to develop new upholstery fabrics or support in developing new upholstery solutions. In the product development process, you will be in close dialogue with both our customers and suppliers to manage and execute a range of different development projects based on customer requirements. You will work closely together with a strong team of textile designers, textile engineers and project managers, who all work together in the process of designing and developing new products and innovative solutions in close collaboration with our customers.

Development and test of new fabrics and upholstery solutions

As a textile design engineer in DesignMaster you will be a link between the customers’ needs and requirements and the development of new products. You contribute with your ability to understand the importance of both aesthetics and functionality in an integrated industrial design process and will be responsible of the technical and functional testing of the new products.

Your primary tasks will be:

To work on development projects for new upholstery textiles with responsibility of the total product solution, mainly related to the technical and functional properties.
Preparation, planning and evaluation of prototypes and sample production and ensure that the aesthetical and functional requirements and targets are achieved.
Defining, testing, and documenting product specifications and environmental profiles.
Testing the fabrics through upholstery trials together with customers, and define and verify the functional properties of the products.
You will be based in the headquarter in Aalborg, Denmark, and will travel aprox. 20-30 days per year to both suppliers and customers.

A solution oriented design engineer with a passion for product development and textiles

The successful applicant is a textile design engineer with a relevant master’s degree within textiles, materials, or design.

You have experience with product design processes and textile production or textile technologies, and preferable min. 2 years of work experience. You have knowledge about industrial textile design and product development processes, with the experience of integrating aesthetical and functional product criteria through structured and systematic processes, and the ability to translate problems or challenges into new solutions.

Your creative and technical thinking goes hand in hand. As a person you are solution oriented and are able to solve problems and manage complex projects, and you balance your expertise with a commercial business-oriented focus. You are a valued team player, who thrives in working closely together with textile designers and in cross-disciplinary teams.

You are fluent in English and have strong communication skills: Colleagues and customers value your ability to listen, to bring in new perspectives and to present ideas.

We offer you

  • A solid value-based company with a strong and positive culture and a global growth mindset.
  • An opportunity to work with several parallel projects and contribute to the development of new products and solutions together with some of the world’s leading high-end brands.
  • Great possibility of professional development and further specialization within the textile business.
  • An innovative and international company with a strong focus on both professional and individual development.

Gabriel – a leading supplier of furniture fabrics

For 170 years, Gabriel has designed, developed and manufactured high-quality upholstery fabrics building a strong reputation world-wide for exceptional Nordic workmanship, a never-failing attention to detail and a strong environmental awareness.

Today, Gabriel is the furniture industry’s preferred partner and supplier of exclusive upholstery fabrics, furniture components, upholstered surfaces and related services to customers around the globe.

We are strongly committed to sustainability and consumer safety and meticulously document our environmental performance throughout our supply chain. Our products carry internationally recognised environmental labels empowering our customers to make safe and sustainable choices.

The Company employs more than 1200 people globally, and has its head quarter in Aalborg, Denmark.

Apply for position

Kilde: Jobnet.dk

Information og data

Denne ledige stilling har jobtypen "Kommunikationsmedarbejder", og befinder sig i kategorien "Kommunikation, marketing, salg".

Arbejdsstedet er beliggende i Aalborg

Jobbet er oprettet på vores service den 26.1.2022, men kan have været deaktiveret og genaktiveret igen.

Dagligt opdateret: Dette job opdateres dagligt ud fra jobudbyderens hjemmeside via vores søgemaskineteknologi og er aktivt lige nu.
  • Kommunikationsmedarbejder
  • Aalborg
  • Lørdag den 14. maj 2022

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Værd at vide når du søger job som kommunikationsmedarbejder i Aalborg

Drømmer du om at bo og arbejde i en pulserende by med charme og historie? Så kigger du måske mod Aalborg, også kendt som "Nordens Paris". Med et blomstrende erhvervsliv, en levende kulturscene og en fantastisk beliggenhed ved Limfjorden, er Aalborg et attraktivt sted for jobjagten.

Aalborgs erhvervsliv byder på en spændende blanding af tradition og innovation, hvilket afspejles i de største beskæftigelsessektorer. Mens byens maritime historie stadig spiller en vigtig rolle, er der sket en markant udvikling inden for andre områder. Lad os tage et kig på de største arbejdspladser i "Nordens Paris":

Aalborg byder på en række smarte transportløsninger, der gør det nemt og bekvemt at komme rundt i byen og omegnen, uanset om du er til bus, tog, cykel, bil eller alternative former for mobilitet.

At flytte til et nyt sted på grund af et job kræver forberedelse, og Aalborg er ingen undtagelse.

Bydele i Aalborg 

Aalborg består af en række unikke kvarterer, hver med sin egen charme og atmosfære. Din boligvalg kan i den grad påvirke din jobjagt, så lad os dykke ned i de forskellige bydele og se, hvordan de kan understøtte dine karrieredrømme:

Centrum: Aalborgs pulserende hjerte med butikker, caféer, restauranter og kulturinstitutioner. Her finder du store virksomheder inden for service, handel, finans og administration. Boligpriserne er højere, men netværksmulighederne er mange.

Øgadekvarteret: Et kreativt og trendy område med små butikker, barer og spillesteder. Tiltrækker unge, kreative erhverv og iværksættere. Lejlighederne er ofte mindre, men stemningen er energisk.

Vestbyen: Boligkvarter med god plads til familier og pendlerafstand til erhvervsområderne i Nørresundby. Her finder du virksomheder inden for industri, logistik og transport. Roligt miljø med gode grønne områder.

Østerbro: Et hyggeligt og historisk kvarter med smukke villaer og lejligheder. Her bor mange akademikere og ansatte på Aalborg Universitet. God balance mellem byliv og ro.

Nørresundby: Aalborgs industrielle nabo med store virksomheder inden for energi, teknologi og vindmølleproduktion. Lavere boligpriser end Aalborg centrum, men god infrastruktur.

Sydbyen: Et upcoming område med renoverede industrilokaler og nye boligbyggerier. Tiltrækker innovative virksomheder og kreative iværksættere. Flot udsigt mod Limfjorden og god adgang til motorvej.

Mere information om Aalborg 

Hvis du er på udkig efter et job i Aalborg, er det vigtigt, at du sætter dig grundigt ind i, hvordan jobmarkedet fungerer, og hvor i byen du vil arbejde og bo. Vi har samlet en guide med alle relevante oplysninger om Aalborg, så du kan få et samlet overblik. Læs mere om Aalborg i denne guide: Din guide til jobjagt i Aalborg: "Nordens Paris" venter på dig!