Technical Writer

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English to: [email protected]
Mark the application:
“Technical writer”
We conduct interviews as we
receive applications
Technical writer
Would you like to be part of an exciting journey with our Technical Documentation team?
Technical writer
We are looking for a Technical writer to join our Technical Documentation BK Medical is committed to designing ultrasound systems
team in BK Medical. This position is part of the team who ensures the that help surgeons image, guide, intervene, and navigate
creation of high-quality user documentation to our global customers in the inside the human body. Surgeons are our customers, and
required language they range from HPB surgeons, neurosurgeons, and
robotic-assisted surgeons to urologists, colorectal
You will participate in the development of Tech Doc’s procedures and surgeons, and more
plan, author and execute documentation updates with our national and
global key stakeholders Our key values:
We work with great passion and always strive to get to
You: the next level
Outgoing, proactive, assertive and decisive when working with our We do what we say and say what we do
different key stakeholders and your daily planning We are open, direct and look out for each other
Have 3-5 years experience of writing preferably within Life Science We are aware of the basic needs and requirements of
Ability to actively research, gather, evaluate information and our customers. At the same time, we see opportunities
understand the needs of the customer instead of limitations
Fluent English oral and written
Ability to speak and understand Danish At our European headquarters in Herlev the work
Preferably an experienced user of FrameMaker atmosphere is casual, and our organizational structure is
Experience with structured writing is an advantage flat. We have a good staff canteen focusing on health and
Experienced user of MS Office programs variety, we have private health insurance and pension
A linguistic education is an advantage (English) plans as well as social joint events and several staff clubs
Experience in working with translation handling is an advantage
Send your application in English to: Mark the application: “Technical Writer”
[email protected] We conduct interviews as we receive applications
Technical Documentation
Pia B. Andersen
Senior Manager Technical Documentation
+45 4452 8221
Technical Documentation is part of a global organization based in the European
Headquarters in Herlev, Denmark.
The Technical Documentation team consists of 4 people. We are responsible for
the creation and update of all instructions for use including localization into 24+
We are developing our methods for writing documentation to meet and optimize
the end-user experience.
We work closely with our national and global key stakeholders in R&D, RA, QA,
Customer Service and Clinical Marketing to deliver high quality labelling which
allows customers to safely use our equipment.
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jobjobs@[email protected] WWee coconndduuct ct intas ewrviewe reces aive s waep prelicacetioive naspplications
Innovative Products
We are looking for employees who are as driven and motivated as we
are. Employees who are passionate about developing products that
can help doctors make decisions to improve the patients’ quality of life
Our products are
designed for ultrasound
examinations in:
Pelvic Floor
The Robotic Drop-In ultrasound transducer is used
during surgical procedures to visualize organs. It is
inserted through a trocar in the abdomen and can
be controlled by a robot.
The ultrasound images help the surgeon in
decision making during surgery.
The bkSpecto is one of our recent
developments. This unique scanner has
very high image quality as well as an
easy-to-use glass interface
BK Medical
Intraoperative Ultrasound
BK Medical is committed to designing ultrasound systems that help surgeons image, guide, intervene, and navigate inside the human body. Surgeons
are our customers, and they range from HPB surgeons, neurosurgeons, and robotic-assisted surgeons to urologists, colorectal surgeons, and more.
Our mission at BK is to enable real-time intraoperative guidance during surgical procedures, giving surgeons the information needed to immediately
make critical decisions. Our products are designed and customized for surgical procedures, to help surgeons save time and get results.
As market leaders, we work closely with experts and universities to provide the best solutions to clinical challenges.
Research and Development
BK Medical has development departments in Denmark and the US. The largest development team is based in Denmark. We develop software,
hardware, mechanics, signal processing, and advanced algorithms.
When it comes to research, we have collaborated with the Technical University of Denmark (DTU) for more than 20 years. Together, we have
completed 2 high technology projects for advanced ultrasound imaging. We are currently part of a large-scale project with DTU, Danish hospital
Rigshospitalet, and the University of Copenhagen concerning extreme high-resolution ultrasound.
Global Organization
BK Medical is an international company with sales offices all over the world, and European headquarters in Herlev, Copenhagen.
At BK Medical, we support employees in developing their skills and expertise. We have a professional and informal organization
with flexible working conditions and a flat organizational structure.
We are effective and can execute our ideas into strong products– these ingredients make BK Medical an exciting and development-oriented workplace.
We look forward to welcoming you to a team that makes a difference – a difference to quality of life.
Send your application in English to: Mark the application: “Technical Documentation Manager”
[email protected] We conduct interviews as we receive applications
Apply for the position:
[email protected]
Mark the application:
“Technical Writer”
We conduct interviews as we receive applications

Information og data

Denne ledige stilling har jobtypen "Kommunikationsmedarbejder", og befinder sig i kategorien "Kommunikation, marketing, salg".

Arbejdsstedet er beliggende i Herlev.

Jobbet er oprettet på vores service den 26.5.2021, men kan have været deaktiveret og genaktiveret igen.

Dagligt opdateret: Dette job opdateres dagligt ud fra jobudbyderens hjemmeside via vores søgemaskineteknologi og er aktivt lige nu.
  • Kommunikationsmedarbejder
  • Herlev

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Statistik over udbudte jobs som kommunikationsmedarbejdere i Herlev

Herunder ser du udviklingen i udbudte kommunikationsmedarbejder i Herlev over tid. Bemærk at jobs der ikke har en bestemt geografi ikke er medtaget i tabellen. I den første kolonne ser du datoen. I den næste kolonne ser du det samlede antal kommunikationsmedarbejdere.

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Statistik over udbudte kommunikationsmedarbejdere i Herlev over tid

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