Communications Officer to ICARS

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København K

Are you a strategic communicator? Can you develop our communication strategy and materials, improve our visibility and handle the day-to-day communication with key stakeholders in the global AMR community? Do you want to be a part of a new initiative motivated to make a positive global difference? Then you might be our new Communications Officer.

About The International Centre for Antimicrobial Resistance Solutions (ICARS)
At ICARS, our mission is to partner with low- and middle-income countries (LMICs) in their efforts to reduce drug-resistant infections. We do this by co-developing tailored solutions with LMIC governments and researchers, who then implement them on the ground using ICARS funding and expertise, building on AMR National Action Plans. ICARS was initiated by the Danish government in 2018 and is already co-developing projects in 10 countries. ICARS is currently embedded in the Danish Ministry of Health but is expected to become independent by the end of 2021, with its own Board of Directors.

Please visit for more information.

This is an exciting opportunity to join a young initiative. You will be part of a rather small but growing team composed of enthusiastic international pioneers that believe in ICARS’ mission and are highly motivated to ensure its success.

About the position
As Communications Officer, you will play a significant role in our team, being responsible for our external messaging, collateral (brochures, annual report, slides etc.), website, and social channels, increasing ICARS’ visibility to wider audiences and stakeholders, and supporting the dissemination of project ouputs upon completion. You will also facilitate internal communication and manage our Sharepoint site.

Your main tasks:

  • Maintain and support the further development of our website (Wordpress)
  • Plan and execute social media activities (Twitter & LinkedIn) to promote ICARS’ activities</li
  • Create marketing materials (brochures, annual report etc.)
  • Initiate activities that support ICARS’ search for new partners
  • Establish good working relationships with communication leads at key stakeholders such as foundations, governments, organisations and researchers
  • Contribute to dissemination of research results and knowledge sharing
  • Refine ICARS’ exteral messaging
  • Support the team in relation to events which ICARS is responsible for or takes part in
  • Support the team in their daily meetings by developing slide and assisting at online meetings and conferences

Your background, professional and personal qualifications
As our new Communications Officer, you have a master’s degree in Communications or equivalent demonstrable skills, and more than 3 years of relevant work experience, preferably from a science and health research communications-based position. You have a proven record in communication strategy development and execution. It is important that you have experience with creating channel-appropriate content and running social media accounts.

Professional skills

  • Ability to communicate complex material to different audiences using a variety of formats
  • Strong writing, editing and verbal communication skills
  • Ability to build strong relationships with internal and external stakeholders
  • Ability to manage multiple projects, prioritising appropriately to meet set deadlines and communicating clearly with colleagues and stakeholders on progress and when plans change
  • Proficiency in English (English is our working language)
  • IT-literate (Office, Wordpress, Sharepoint)
  • Experience with InDesign is desirable but not required

Personal specifications

  • Proactive and self-motivated
  • Responsible and solution-focused
  • Flexible, creative and enthusiastic with pioneer spirit
  • Organised and thorough, with strong attention to detail
  • Excellent interpersonal and team skills, including working with groups from a range of different backgrounds and different seniority levels.

Terms of employment
Salary and appointment terms will be based on the collective agreement between the Danish Ministry of Finance and the Danish Federation of Professional Associations (AC) (overenskomst for akademikere i staten). Depending on your academic qualifications and experience there is a possibility of being classified as a special or senior consultant according to appendix 4, Protocol concerning special and senior consultants (Protokollat om special- og chefkonsulenter).

This is a three-year full time position with possibility of extension, available as soon as possible.

We are based at Statens Serum Institut in Copenhagen, Denmark.

Further information
For further information about the position, please contact Director of Operations Helle Engslund Krarup, at +45 2485 2974.

Application and recruitment process
Your application must be submitted electronically by clicking ”søg stillingen” (apply for position) below. Please include your CV along with a cover letter outlining your suitability for the role and motivation for applying.

We expect to conduct the first round of interviews in week 32.


Information og data

Denne ledige stilling har jobtypen "Kommunikationsmedarbejder", og befinder sig i kategorien "Kommunikation, marketing, salg".

Arbejdsstedet er beliggende i København K.

Jobbet er oprettet på vores service den 2.7.2021, men kan have været deaktiveret og genaktiveret igen.

Dagligt opdateret: Dette job opdateres dagligt ud fra jobudbyderens hjemmeside via vores søgemaskineteknologi og er aktivt lige nu.
  • Kommunikationsmedarbejder
  • København K
  • Lørdag den 31. juli 2021

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