International Communication & PR Manager in a greentech startup 🌳🚀!

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Praktik - København V

EcoTree is looking for a talented full-time International Communication & PR Manager!

🌳 Do you know how to engage different media and their audience through strategic storytelling?

🌳 Do you enjoy envisioning strategic communication and making it become reality?

🌳 Do you see yourself as a structured mind in a creative spirit?

🌳 Do you know how to put a startup “comet” on the map of international/global leaders, stakeholders & decision-makers?

🌳 Do you want to play a key role in a rapidly growing company in the fight against climate change, with a great mix of autonomy & responsibilities?

Who are we?

EcoTree is a young, vibrant and successful French greentech startup, aiming to make the world a greener place by planting and developing sustainable forests right here in Europe.

Five years ago, a group of friends from France quit their jobs and created EcoTree. They were truly convinced that making investing in Mother Nature something easy, accessible, and financially viable, was the best way to engage people in environmental-friendly action. Since then, EcoTree has been growing rapidly and now has more than 55,000 individual tree-owners and close to 2,000 business clients, and besides many awards & institutional recognitions, we’ve recently been certified as a B-Corp organization! On, in just a few clicks and starting at 15€, our private or corporate clients can develop their own portfolio of trees, thereby absorbing tons of CO2 in the next many years to come and helping to preserve biodiversity, all while making a profit in the end! What’s not to like about that?

In late 2019, EcoTree has started an exciting international journey, with a primary focus on the Nordic region. This is where you come into the picture!

Who are you?

You have a degree in the field of communication and are passionate about making a difference for the environment. You will be part of a young-spirited vibrant and growing team, and take part in that wholly new and exciting chapter for EcoTree: its international expansion. More specifically, we are looking for someone with:

✔️ Completed studies (Master degree) in the fields of communication or closely related topics

✔️ Excellent written and oral level in Danish and English (min. one but ideally both at a native/mother-tongue level). Skills in French is a plus

✔️ Passion for the preservation of the environment and the forests, in relation to Climate Change

✔️ Solid theoretical strategic mindset, strengthened with an extensive “hands-on” experience

✔️ Top-notch social media skill set, ability to activate and engage users, and thorough comprehension and experience in managing social media accounts (Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, etc.), documented by a solid track record in SoMe activities

✔️ Experience in PR & PA (from influencers to classic media), with the ability to think & act at a global/international level

✔️ Ability to understand & leverage both B2C and B2B communication drivers

✔️ min. 5 years of experience

What will be your responsibilities?

  • Managing all organic content on our various channels (SoMe, blog articles, website, etc.) and deploying a consistent & creative international communication strategy
  • Develop and nurture a solid community of clients, followers, brand-ambassadors, etc.
  • Engaging Danish and International media through strategic storytelling, and putting EcoTree on the map of all major environmental/climate-related events
  • Support key business initiatives through communications campaigns targeting influencers, national and international press and social/digital media
  • Working side-by-side with our graphic designer and our marketing team, while also coordinating your actions with our Paris headquarter

Further information:

Start date: August 1st, 2021 (September 1st at the latest)

Remuneration: Depending on experience

Workload: full-time

Office: SoHo, Flæsketorvet 68, 1711 København V

Got questions? Write to [email protected]

Deadline: 15th of July 2021. We will invite people in from the beginning, so don’t hesitate to send your application now!

Application: we’ll only review applications coming through the following link:


Information og data

Denne ledige stilling har jobtypen "Kommunikationsmedarbejder", og befinder sig i kategorien "Kommunikation, marketing, salg".

Arbejdsstedet er beliggende i København V.

Jobbet er oprettet på vores service den 6.7.2021, men kan have været deaktiveret og genaktiveret igen.

Dagligt opdateret: Dette job opdateres dagligt ud fra jobudbyderens hjemmeside via vores søgemaskineteknologi og er aktivt lige nu.
  • Kommunikationsmedarbejder
  • København V
  • Mandag den 30. august 2021

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